
Tag: red

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  1. Flexible Fencing

    Started by underdoggy, 23rd February 2007 01:31 AM
    1.5m, 20sq, access, approx, backyard, brings, cheers, diagram, fencing, fine, flexible, gravel, hope, house, idea, low, material, move, opinions, privacy, property, red, required, space, suitable, thinking, type, unused, visualise, wondering
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,921
    Last Post: 25th February 2007 12:23 AM
    by underdoggy  Go to last post
  2. Unusual finish

    Started by delz, 20th February 2007 06:37 AM
    achive, advice, amp, black, cabinate, create, darkened, darker, effect, experience, finish, gloss, grain, guitars, homebuilt, idea, lightened, lighter, newbie, pine, planning, question, red, sounding, thanks2tsup, totally, trawling, unusual, white, woodstaining
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,777
    Last Post: 20th February 2007 06:37 AM
    by delz  Go to last post


  3. What was the first computer you used?

    Started by AlexS, 2nd February 2007 09:54 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    64k, basic, bloody, buy, cleaner, computer, desk, desktop, digitising, drive, drives, finished, floppy, hardwired, hp9845, inbuilt, including, job, machine, memory, nicest, overnight, peripherals, plotters, printers, red, run, switch, tablet, thermal
    • Replies: 53
    • Views: 5,937
    Last Post: 5th February 2007 10:26 AM
    by Stuart  Go to last post
  4. Do tools gang up on you?

    Started by Wild Dingo, 4th February 2007 02:09 PM
    bam, blood, bloody, chisel, damned, falloe, falloes, finga, flamin, gang, gonna, goos, leaking, left, mallet, pain, real, red, roll, sharpenin, shes, slides, sone, startin, stop, stuff, tis, tools, wood, xhisel
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,506
    Last Post: 4th February 2007 11:58 PM
    by Wild Dingo  Go to last post


  5. Reciprocal rights with other Forums

    Started by Rocker, 1st February 2007 05:53 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    administators, afraid, approach, censored, clubs, desert, detrimental, droves, forum, forum;, forums, golf, links, negotiate, noticed, paranoid, posts, reciprocal, red, references, regarded, replaced, rights, rocker, rule, sawmill, series, sort, spam, xes
    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 6,639
    Last Post: 3rd February 2007 10:42 PM
    by Clinton1  Go to last post
  6. Automotive MP3s

    Started by Daddles, 2nd February 2007 07:14 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    audio, automotive, bike, books, brute, cassette, complicated, connecting, deck, library, life, listen, lot, love, masochism, mp3, mp3s, ownership, player, plugs, portable, racks, red, richard, roll, talking, tape, type, wee, week
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 2,506
    Last Post: 3rd February 2007 03:58 PM
    by Tonyz  Go to last post
  7. Dumb things I've done

    Started by silentC, 25th January 2007 09:49 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    absolutely, changed, closer, detergent, disgusting, dish, distracted, dumb, eat, fill, hmm, intending, job, kitchen, laugh, life, love, marsala, ordinary, pan, quickly, red, sauce, soak, squirted, suppose, tastes, things, washing, water
    • Replies: 44
    • Views: 5,197
    Last Post: 29th January 2007 04:39 PM
    by Rookie  Go to last post
  8. E3 fault on A/C panel

    Started by Farm boy, 28th January 2007 04:41 PM
    a or c, a/c, air, bull, call, charge, daiken, ducted, fault, flashes, greg, idea, light, minutes, operation, panel, red, rolleyes, system, technician, wounded
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 10,505
    Last Post: 29th January 2007 12:03 PM
    by Timmo  Go to last post
  9. Deck WIP

    Started by Vernonv, 9th November 2006 07:27 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    100sqm, bark, bit, boards, bobcat, concreted, cypress, deck, dry, framing, iron, laserlite, majority, managed, pergola, photos, pic, pics, posts, rain, recent, red, roof, sheeting, stops, stringy, tallowood, total, wip, yellow
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 4,189
    Last Post: 22nd January 2007 09:04 AM
    by Vernonv  Go to last post


  10. Artist Cooks Meal In Own Body Fat

    Started by Metal Head, 13th January 2007 07:13 PM
    2004, added, appetit, april, art, artist, body, bon, cannibal, cooks, creation, dyed, eat, enormous, evaristti, explaining, fat, fish, flesh, human, invited, kill, liposuction, meal, meatballs, paint, people, produced, red, result
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,947
    Last Post: 14th January 2007 06:39 PM
    by pawnhead  Go to last post
  11. Wattyl Natural (Scandinavian) Teak Oil

    Started by macka75, 4th January 2007 04:18 PM
    advise, ago, apply, coffee, finished, found, gum, months, natural, oil, puirchased, question, quick, red, redgum, scandinavian, shed, table, teak, wattyl
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 10,257
    Last Post: 11th January 2007 11:45 AM
    by rsser  Go to last post


  12. Finishing Western Red Windows

    Started by MikeT, 11th January 2007 12:09 AM
    air, casement, cedar, chasing, cheers, close, exist, finishing, flow, flyscreens, half, hardwax, hinge, ideas, impart, interfere, locks, mike, oil, pressure, red, soft, supplier, sydney, treatex, types, western, winders, windows, wondering
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,170
    Last Post: 11th January 2007 01:27 AM
    by Ashore  Go to last post
  13. Finishing Western Red Windows

    Started by MikeT, 11th January 2007 12:09 AM
    air, casement, cedar, chasing, cheers, close, exist, finishing, flow, flyscreens, half, hardwax, hinge, ideas, impart, interfere, locks, mike, oil, pressure, red, soft, supplier, sydney, treatex, types, western, winders, windows, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,473
    Last Post: 11th January 2007 12:09 AM
    by MikeT  Go to last post
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 5,061
    Last Post: 9th January 2007 12:18 AM
    by sandstonehouse  Go to last post


  14. finish for wood walls

    Started by sandstonehouse, 2nd January 2007 09:00 PM
    aqualac, beams, bit, buildup, dark, darkens, feedback, film, finish, finishes, grey, haymes, ironbark, natural, pale, polyurethane, posts, product, recycled, red, remove, sandstonehouse, shiny, suggestions, timber, time, walls, waterbased, wood, yellow
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,569
    Last Post: 4th January 2007 10:17 AM
    by jaspr  Go to last post


  15. finish for wooden ceiling

    Started by sandstonehouse, 2nd January 2007 09:42 PM
    appreciated, ceiling, decided, exposed, finish, floor, forest, forms, gum, guys, input, product, red, sandstonehouse, suggestions, thick, underneath, walls, wooden
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,404
    Last Post: 2nd January 2007 09:42 PM
    by sandstonehouse  Go to last post


    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,749
    Last Post: 2nd January 2007 09:35 PM
    by sandstonehouse  Go to last post


  16. finish for bathroom floor - forest red gum

    Started by sandstonehouse, 2nd January 2007 09:23 PM
    advice, appreciated, bathroom, dear, easily, expands, feedback, finish, floor, forest, greatly, gum, linseed, mould, oil, option, options, polyurethane, product, red, resistant, risk, sandstonehouse, suggestions, suitable, suppose, traffic, treatex, waterproof/water, wet
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,133
    Last Post: 2nd January 2007 09:23 PM
    by sandstonehouse  Go to last post
  17. finish for bathroom wood walls

    Started by sandstonehouse, 2nd January 2007 09:16 PM
    advice, appreciated, bathroom, breathe, coat, dear, easily, expands, feedback, finish, greatly, ironbark, linseed, mould, oil, option, options, red, resistant, risk, sandstonehouse, sounds, strange, suggestions, suppose, treatex, walls, waterproof/water, wood, yellow
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,462
    Last Post: 2nd January 2007 09:16 PM
    by sandstonehouse  Go to last post


  18. conecting a dvd to a set top box?

    Started by Farm boy, 30th December 2006 10:42 PM
    ,white, 1997, av2, box, chords, conecting, conection, connect, connected, dvd, easier, great2tsup, greg, holes, home, model, p/tuhdt105a, panasonic, red, run, set, shopping, stereo, top, vcr, vintage, wife, yellow
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,513
    Last Post: 31st December 2006 11:23 AM
    by Stuart  Go to last post
  19. Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Started by meansy_wood, 30th December 2006 01:13 PM
    absolutely, arcadium, book, brilliant, chili, guitarists, hall, happy, hey, hot, leonard, people, peppers, red, rhcp, stadium, suggest, tab
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,356
    Last Post: 30th December 2006 10:45 PM
    by ss_11000  Go to last post
  20. light switch query.

    Started by Shedhand, 28th December 2006 03:10 PM
    attach, black, blue, bottom, clipsal, core, drawing, flash, flex, flex.can, insulated, left, liability, light, lights, power, properly, pulled, query, red, separate, single, some-one, spending, switch, top, twin, wire, wires, wiring
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 7,649
    Last Post: 28th December 2006 07:39 PM
    by Shedhand  Go to last post
  21. I'm stuck (haven't even started).

    Started by LeoAU, 16th November 2006 11:46 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    1st, 2-3, backyard, boys, brand, confused, cracked, gum, modern, painted, pine, plain, polished, post, poster, project, questions, reader, red, retaining, sleepers, stained, started, step, stuck, thnaks, thread, time, total, wall
    • Replies: 30
    • Views: 6,010
    Last Post: 21st December 2006 02:44 PM
    by LeoAU  Go to last post
  22. A good Win - maybe

    Started by echnidna, 20th December 2006 04:37 PM
    arcs, christmas, couple, cut, farmer, good, local, logs, picked, pine, pines, reckons, red, scouts, selling, skirts, trees, win, won
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,101
    Last Post: 20th December 2006 09:19 PM
    by tameriska  Go to last post
  23. Ashes

    Started by Grunt, 8th December 2006 04:00 PM
    andrew, ashes, ball, batsmen, beaten, bowler, displayed, easiest, english, englishman, footwork, form, geraint, guy, job, jones, lost, marks, pavilion, proficient, red, removes, runs, spends, squad, stand, time, version, walk, walloped
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,790
    Last Post: 8th December 2006 05:23 PM
    by RETIRED  Go to last post


  24. light switch help (uk)

    Started by zippo84, 20th November 2006 06:55 AM
    1st, 2nd, black, blue, bottom, brass, dos, double, hall, light, red, replaced, stairs, switch, switches, top, wife, wire, wires, yellow
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,322
    Last Post: 20th November 2006 06:14 PM
    by Sprog  Go to last post
  25. pressure pot plus binks gun

    Started by tanii51, 15th November 2006 10:29 PM
    50dollars, application, binks, buying, cat, closing, complete, furniture, gun, guns, laquer, litresand, maker, pot, pressure, red, sale, unit, worht
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,243
    Last Post: 16th November 2006 12:57 PM
    by tanii51  Go to last post


  26. sealing exposed brickwork in a kitchen fireplace

    Started by Joister, 5th November 2006 09:58 AM
    brickwork, collect, dust, exposed, filled, fireplace, kitchen, nice, properly, red, repair, rustic, seal, sealed, sealing, tips
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,272
    Last Post: 5th November 2006 09:58 AM
    by Joister  Go to last post
  27. Don't yer hate it when... ?

    Started by Waldo, 31st October 2006 10:22 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    .you, blobs, bugger, claret, club, cut, damage, damnit, decide, dripping, ear-rings, floor, friend, grandma, hanging, hate, head, mad, morning, nicking, red, save, shave, shaving, shes, shower, time, tomorrow, tonight, yer
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 2,585
    Last Post: 1st November 2006 05:22 PM
    by Carry Pine  Go to last post
  28. Wiring after replacing Fluros

    Started by jaypee, 24th October 2006 10:39 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    appreciated, battern, earth, fittings, fluros, light, permanently, quick, red, regular, replace, replacing, stays, terminated, trick, type, understand, whilst, wires, wiring
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 4,170
    Last Post: 30th October 2006 02:37 PM
    by pedro the swift  Go to last post
  29. Dumping Rubbish

    Started by fred.n, 21st October 2006 09:04 PM
    beaten, behold, bloody, bottles, bunnie, bushmad, catch, day, dog, dump, dumping, easter, fees, fuel, lengths, love, mad, makes, matress, milk, people, plastic, population, red, rubbish, save, shoot, tip, track, wrong
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,602
    Last Post: 22nd October 2006 09:11 AM
    by Iain  Go to last post
  30. The morning after

    Started by John Saxton, 20th October 2006 11:42 PM
    $200, aspirins, black, breakfast, broke, broken, bud, cheers, clean, coffee, door, drunk, eye, hallway, home, hot, huge, jack, married, mind, morning, night, perfect, priceless, puked, ran, red, rose, son, table
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,431
    Last Post: 21st October 2006 08:58 PM
    by Bluegum  Go to last post


  31. Making an antique patina?

    Started by mic-d, 17th October 2006 02:13 PM
    $150, 1900x1200x30, antique, aust, borers, buy, cannibalize, cedar, cheap, cheers, client, condition, distress, easy, finish, internet, making, michael, newish, patina, project, question, red, solid, table, tables, techniques, top, trawling, unfinished
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,572
    Last Post: 17th October 2006 03:58 PM
    by scooter  Go to last post


  32. Iridium Outdoor Lighting

    Started by BassTeQ, 25th September 2006 11:03 AM
    accent, bulb, called, coating, colour, effect, fade, freeways, gently, google, iridium, items, light, lighting, melb, orange, outdoor, output, produce, purple, red, reflector, results, spectrum, type, yard, yellow
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 2,037
    Last Post: 27th September 2006 03:14 PM
    by Bleedin Thumb  Go to last post
  33. Due care & attention.

    Started by Cliff Rogers, 18th September 2006 11:29 AM
    attention, barely, car, care, concerned, cruising, dashboard, dears, driving, due, intersection, killed, light, losing, mildred, minutes, nervous, ooo, passenger, ran, red, redlights, row, seat, straight, sworn, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,680
    Last Post: 18th September 2006 11:29 AM
    by Cliff Rogers  Go to last post


  34. I'm officially Unemployed

    Started by Gumby, 13th September 2006 07:50 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    business, change, cleaned, computers, crap, desk, eek, evening, feelings, fixing, handed, hit, life, lot, manager, mixed, morning, nice, office, officially, partner, red, retire, sales, share, tomorrow, tonight, unemployed, variety, walked
    • Replies: 59
    • Views: 5,708
    Last Post: 15th September 2006 07:26 PM
    by Stuart  Go to last post
  35. Window Architraves external

    Started by DavidC, 11th September 2006 04:07 PM
    architraves, boards, carpenter, cedar, cladded, desparatly, double, easy, external, fit, flat, guys, gyprock, heeeeeeeelp, house, idea, inside, installed, knock, plumb, protrude, red, reveals, rolleyes, sit, walls, weatherboard, western, window, windows
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,324
    Last Post: 11th September 2006 05:43 PM
    by Barry_White  Go to last post
  36. Switch wire protocol

    Started by jackruss, 23rd August 2006 09:37 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    1.0, 1.5, active, common, correct, disclaimer, earth, electrical, feed, fitting, illegal, information, junctioned, light, perform, players;, protocol, red, returned, running, switch, switched, twin, white, wire
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 8,241
    Last Post: 24th August 2006 08:09 PM
    by Mazza  Go to last post
  37. Finish for drink coasters

    Started by dadpad, 19th August 2006 12:00 PM
    ability, attached, blackwood, branch, chaps, cloth, coasters, coffee, colour, damp, desirable, discussion, drink, drinks, finish, fooling, hot, left, perplexing, photos, question, red, stand, stringy, sugary, suggestions, supposed, wet, wipe, wood
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 3,262
    Last Post: 23rd August 2006 11:03 AM
    by sidon55  Go to last post


  38. Monitor settings help needed

    Started by AlexS, 19th August 2006 07:59 PM
    adjusting, advice, blue, bottom, buttons, character, colours, crazy, display, front, ibm, left, manual, middle, misaligned, monitor, needed, normal, p200, red, return, screen, settings, stuck, top, type, unstuck, yellow
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,574
    Last Post: 20th August 2006 05:33 PM
    by AlexS  Go to last post
  39. From the daughter of a Soldier.

    Started by bennylaird, 15th August 2006 02:33 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    australian, australians, cheek, country, courtney, daddy, daughter, feet, friday, friends, girl, god, home, loves, majority, media, message, mom, people, red, silent, soldier, soldiers, support, supports, told, troops, wear, women, word
    • Replies: 62
    • Views: 6,736
    Last Post: 18th August 2006 10:15 AM
    by bennylaird  Go to last post
  40. Porcelain tile drilling solution

    Started by Carpenter, 12th August 2006 11:17 PM
    6mm, avoid, bag, bathroom, bit, box, core, crap, drilling, equipment, fixture, fixtures, headache, helps, hole, hope, plug, plugs, porcelain, ramset, recently, red, require, research, results, solution, specialised, throw, tile, wall
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 6,539
    Last Post: 14th August 2006 11:19 AM
    by Carpenter  Go to last post


  41. Demolishing a 1920's red brick chimney

    Started by redhabanero, 31st July 2006 02:03 PM
    1000, 1920, 1920s, additional, attempting, brick, bricks, cheers, chimney, corner, corners, demolished, demolishing, enable, fireplace, guess, ideas, kitchen, living, lost, questions, red, shaped, similar, space, tips, triangular, weatherboard
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 8,318
    Last Post: 14th August 2006 08:40 AM
    by masoth  Go to last post
  42. red gum clock

    Started by scorpion1stk, 11th August 2006 10:40 PM
    bring, burl, clock, colours, completed, finish, finished, glossy, grain, gum, hope, mick, natural, read, recently, red, unsure, woodworking
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,678
    Last Post: 13th August 2006 08:20 PM
    by scorpion1stk  Go to last post


  43. Happy whatever day Gumby

    Started by Iain, 11th August 2006 10:36 PM
    birthday, birthdayd, bottle, day, goodnight, gumby, happy, red
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,483
    Last Post: 13th August 2006 07:07 PM
    by Zed  Go to last post
  44. Tiles Spacers - Can You Get These In Oz?

    Started by Metal Head, 3rd August 2006 12:05 AM
    american, bunnings, buy, cheers, coloured, comparison, conventional, couple, david, earlier, ebay, helping, issue, mitre, noticed, pestering, pommie;, real, red, section, sites, sort, spacers, success, tiles, tiling, type, winner
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,603
    Last Post: 10th August 2006 10:27 PM
    by workgoose  Go to last post


  45. Kempas HIGH gloss finish

    Started by kempas, 10th August 2006 03:45 PM
    apply, appreciated, assistance/advice, brush, coating, colour, deep, due, existing, finish, flooring, flooring-, gloss, hands, high, kempas, match, matching, pac, packs, pre-finished, quantity, questions, red, relating, roller, satin, solution, stocks, stuff
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 35,491
    Last Post: 10th August 2006 03:45 PM
    by kempas  Go to last post
  46. Ouch what a bonehead

    Started by SwindonWoody, 31st July 2006 05:04 PM
    bit, bone, bonehead, brownish, bugger, careful, close, cutting, damn, days, disc, grit, hell, hurry, hurt, lost, lovely, lucky, mitred, ouch, red, remind, save, serves, spinning, splines, straight, streak, thumbs, time
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,434
    Last Post: 4th August 2006 03:59 PM
    by SwindonWoody  Go to last post


  47. now back to our regular program...

    Started by mic-d, 1st August 2006 06:08 PM
    afew, bench, bit, carbatec, care, cheers, concrete, finally, hard, hints, installed, jaws, managed, michael, must-read, painting, post, posts, program, red, regular, stuff, synopsis, tip, tips, top, vice, weeksd, wine, won
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,475
    Last Post: 3rd August 2006 09:30 AM
    by mic-d  Go to last post
  48. Another statistic joke / riddle !

    Started by jackruss, 1st August 2006 12:33 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    98%, abnormal, american, answer, answers, bit, bottom, brown, calculation, colour, exercise, finished, folks, follow, hammer, hoe, instructions, joke, mind, people, quickly, red, remember, riddle, scroll, start, statistic, tool, worried, write
    • Replies: 40
    • Views: 4,788
    Last Post: 2nd August 2006 05:33 PM
    by 46150  Go to last post


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