
Tag: love

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  1. G'day from Hughesdale, Victoria

    Started by stephenianjames, 31st August 2008 06:47 PM
    8.30, alot, bosch, bought, buy, car, collection, dictate, forum, funds, gday, gmc, house, hughesdale, including, land, light, love, makita, projects, quality, replacing, slowly, steve, timber, time, tool, tools, victoria, weeknights
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,800
    Last Post: 11th September 2008 09:43 PM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post
  2. Howdy from Maryvale, Qld

    Started by BoomerangInfo, 1st September 2008 09:04 PM
    aboard, ago, biggest, brisbane, bunnings, choice, crumby, disappear, finding, glad, hoping, howdy, intarsia, lazarides, love, maryvale, moved, pine, purchased, qld, russell, situation, stocks, supply, timber, timbers, time, white, wood, woodwork
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,853
    Last Post: 4th September 2008 09:53 PM
    by BoomerangInfo  Go to last post
  3. Romantic first line

    Started by wheelinround, 31st August 2008 10:08 AM
    0px;, amorous, bag, beautiful, blue, bowls, breath, dead, embrace;, empty, feel, feelings, head, hell, inspired, lies, lime, line, love, rhyme, romantic, roses, smell, stepped, sugar, sweet, telling, violets, vodka, wilting
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,821
    Last Post: 2nd September 2008 08:18 PM
    by Ozkaban  Go to last post


  4. Hello from the frigid north!

    Started by zac_in_ak, 31st August 2008 08:33 AM
    40-50s, alaska, alternatives, anchorage, apt, build, building, cold, counter, frigid, hand, hope, kids, kitchen, kits, learn, learning, live, lots, love, machinery, modern, north, safer, scratch, simpler, tools, ukuleles, usa, wanna
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,899
    Last Post: 31st August 2008 11:01 PM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post
  5. g'day from Michigan America

    Started by Cwilson, 29th August 2008 08:57 AM
    2tsup, america, art, blog, charley, check, comment, comments, community, create, feel, free, garnett, gday, hear, input, intarsia, leave, letting, love, michigan, online, opinions, pattern, pictures, rifleman, started, wildlife, woodcraft, woodcrafters
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 3,078
    Last Post: 31st August 2008 12:20 PM
    by Ed Reiss  Go to last post
  6. How to call the police in QLD :)

    Started by gawdelpus, 28th August 2008 11:19 PM
    ago, ambulance, armed, burglars, call, called, cars, caught, counted, door, george, hung, light, love, mess, minutes, people, phillips, phoned, police, policemen, qld, red-handed, residence, shed, shot, stealing, story, true, unit
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,274
    Last Post: 30th August 2008 11:38 AM
    by damian  Go to last post


  7. Why Aussies love Kiwis

    Started by gawdelpus, 25th August 2008 11:37 PM
    aussies, australian, bloke, blonde, bright, cheek, dark, fondled, girl, grope, groped, guy, hand, kiwi, kiwis, lady, love, missed, print, red, sitting, slap, slapped, smack, speaks, swiss, train, travelling, tunnel, wait
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,411
    Last Post: 26th August 2008 09:05 PM
    by Claw Hama  Go to last post


  8. Hello from Cincinnati, Ohio USA

    Started by DJL50wo, 19th August 2008 01:02 PM
    australia, brands, cincinnati, down-under, forward, love, ohio, tools, usa, woodworker, woodworking
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,751
    Last Post: 21st August 2008 09:49 AM
    by artme  Go to last post
  9. Power tool racing !!!

    Started by fenderbelly, 19th August 2008 01:45 PM
    belt, bit, cheers, fred, love, power, racing, sander, tool
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,377
    Last Post: 19th August 2008 01:45 PM
    by fenderbelly  Go to last post
  10. Hi!

    Started by tim38, 17th August 2008 08:29 PM
    accidentally, advice, bit, couple, days, fields, forum, found, hand, heaps, hows, imagine, join, knowledgeable, learn, lend, lines, love, msn, people, scrolling, simple, site, straight, stuff, suck, tim, tool, wood, yas
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,189
    Last Post: 18th August 2008 05:17 PM
    by Ad de Crom  Go to last post
  11. Adam and Eve - more

    Started by joe greiner, 15th August 2008 10:17 PM
    adam, adoration, animal, cat, cats, companion, create, created, dog, eve, gazed, god, joe, limitations, lord, love, loved, obey, peacocks, pleased, preen, pride, reflection, reminded, strut, supreme, tail, taught, wagged, worthy
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,466
    Last Post: 17th August 2008 11:02 PM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post


  12. I am confused and need some advice from the woodworking women

    Started by Phil Spencer, 27th July 2008 10:57 AM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    advice, belgium, broken, btw, business, calls, card, causealga, chocolates, code, condition, confused, explain, google, happening, kilo, left, letter, letters, love, nurses, pain, phil, rehabilitation, sensitisation, station, wife, wifes, women, woodworking
    • Replies: 49
    • Views: 6,905
    Last Post: 14th August 2008 02:16 PM
    by DavidG  Go to last post
  13. Allans night out..

    Started by munruben, 13th August 2008 09:30 PM
    allan, allans, chair, coat, cold, dear, door, eagerly, heater, love, night, pub, smiled, t.v, wallan, watching, wife
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,064
    Last Post: 13th August 2008 09:30 PM
    by munruben  Go to last post


  14. Sumner, Washington, USA & a G'day to all you mates

    Started by sourdough, 12th August 2008 04:36 PM
    abiding, affiliated, aussies, bad, candy, company, deep, displays, gday, hired, independent, local, lot, love, mates, neighbors, northern, product, rockler, set, shelving, shop, sourdough, spend, store, sumner, unique, usa, washington, woodworking
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,642
    Last Post: 12th August 2008 09:38 PM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post
  15. Howdy and G'day from San Antonio, Tx

    Started by Nexusmagic, 12th August 2008 09:01 AM
    2.5, 2tsup, antonio, completed, create, darker, design, furniture, gday, grew, hawaii, howdy, koa, learn, lived, love, mill, project, san, stained, texas, types, wood, woods
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,661
    Last Post: 12th August 2008 09:16 PM
    by ubeaut  Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,290
    Last Post: 12th August 2008 11:28 AM
    by fenderbelly  Go to last post


  16. G' Day from Vancouver

    Started by smooth touch, 10th August 2008 12:32 PM
    add-ons, boxes, car, chop, chores, control, craftsman, day, decent, enjoy, forum, forward, garage, house, jewelry, love, nice, power, rigid, router, sears, shop, table, tools, type, up-grades, vancouver, wisdom, woodworkers, woodworking
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,332
    Last Post: 11th August 2008 11:06 AM
    by wheelinround  Go to last post
  17. Hello

    Started by WOODMAN 2, 7th August 2008 08:48 AM
    aboard, blue, day, don, edited, forward, fuzzy, group.thank, hope, lay, letting, live, love, machines.i, mates, positive, posting, rail, railroad.i, read, talking, tools, trackman, virginia, watson, woodworking
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,555
    Last Post: 9th August 2008 12:55 AM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post
  18. Gudooy moit...

    Started by gtstreelogistic, 6th August 2008 10:55 AM
    2tsup, ago, business, call, common, crane, deliveries, email, getters, goings, gudooy, handling, keen, listed, logs, love, milling, moit, msn, phone, read, site, straight, timber, truck, understand, vic, web, wood, workers
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,266
    Last Post: 6th August 2008 07:49 PM
    by artme  Go to last post
  19. Howz it goin

    Started by dicco, 5th August 2008 11:39 AM
    advance, alot, blew, build, cheers, doin, forum, goin, guitar, howz, humble, info, jay, latley, learned, lot, love, playing, reasearch, sink, sparky, stumbled, teeth, threads, wait, wantin
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,146
    Last Post: 5th August 2008 09:02 PM
    by artme  Go to last post
  20. hello from Michigan

    Started by wheeloftime, 17th July 2008 07:08 AM
    ago, axles, cherry, couple, dad, exception, kid, kids, love, mark, michigan, missed, money, nuts, pics, plan, repaired, section, semi, started, stopped, tired, tools, totally, toys, tractor, trailer, wasting, watching, wood
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,898
    Last Post: 4th August 2008 08:29 PM
    by graemet  Go to last post
  21. C12 Drill My experience with it so far - Done

    Started by HotChips, 5th July 2008 06:01 PM
    alarm, bit, bought, c12, chuck, chucks, drill, experience, feel, fit, front, hand, handed, handle, left, light, love, nicad, prefer, quick, regard, screw, set, setting, stop, suppose, switch, systainer, triton, wrap
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,050
    Last Post: 1st August 2008 08:06 AM
    by klauskvik  Go to last post
  22. G'day, from peaceful Tooradin.

    Started by Yonnee, 13th July 2008 11:24 PM
    alcohol, bloke, cars, cheers, coming, cricket, customer, family, front, funny, garden, gday, hobbies, home, love, meet, moderation, peaceful, person.b, peter, playing, quiet, rock, shed, stone, teenager, tooradin, trailer, watching, yonnee
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 2,328
    Last Post: 18th July 2008 12:49 AM
    by Yonnee  Go to last post
  23. G'Day everyone

    Started by bazza44, 17th July 2008 03:44 PM
    125mm, advice, advise, bosch, bulk, cheers----bazza44, disks, fitting, gday, learner, listen, love, offline, orbital, purchase, sander, sanding, some-body, sort, supplies, time, triton, truckie, wood
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,366
    Last Post: 17th July 2008 05:28 PM
    by artme  Go to last post
  24. Albie

    Started by ALBIE, 15th July 2008 05:46 PM
    .my, albie, day, dreaded, favourite, kids, live, love, mackay, puzzels, qld, school, started, time, travelb, woodwork
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,227
    Last Post: 16th July 2008 09:21 PM
    by munruben  Go to last post
  25. G'day from North Sydney

    Started by bshaft, 16th July 2008 02:51 PM
    amount, appreciated, belt, blake, cheers, decent, equipment, experience, gday, lathe, limited, local, love, nice, north, piddly, precision, press, recently, ring, sander, slab, sort, spent, stateside, suggestions, sydney, tools, use/rent, wood
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,617
    Last Post: 16th July 2008 09:18 PM
    by munruben  Go to last post
  26. G'day everyone.

    Started by cruiser, 12th July 2008 06:20 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    art, boat, central, cheers, engines, gday, grenfell, love, moment, nsw, project, restore, starting, steel, thinking, transporters, west, wood, wooden
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 3,507
    Last Post: 16th July 2008 05:53 PM
    by cruiser  Go to last post
  27. G'day from WA

    Started by shaver59, 13th July 2008 01:14 PM
    arrive, aussie, bandsaw, bigger, block, built, fingers, gang, gday, grandkids, hard, helps, house, insists, jigs, love, moment, mother, moving, planning, priorities, red, shed, smoke, space, stewie, unlimited, waiting, watch, wine
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,437
    Last Post: 16th July 2008 09:21 AM
    by munruben  Go to last post
  28. G'day all.

    Started by Cent-A-Wood, 13th July 2008 10:58 PM
    air, body, car-ba-tec, cheers, clock, communicating, forward, gday, hobby, items, ivor, joken, love, mate, minutes, morning, noise, packed, purifier, recirculate, remaining, screwed, shed, shift, space, stuff, times, vidios, wood, worker
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,107
    Last Post: 15th July 2008 12:20 PM
    by Dr.Zook  Go to last post
  29. Leather Gear

    Started by Barry Hicks, 2nd July 2008 11:56 AM
    batman, black, bras, chatting, coffee, dinner, dreams, engaged, gear, home, husband, kids, leather, looked, love, lover, married, mask, mistress, mother, night, outfit, stay, surprised, thongs, wear, wearing, wild, woman, women
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,473
    Last Post: 2nd July 2008 06:14 PM
    by fenderbelly  Go to last post


  30. Touchy Feely Stuff

    Started by Carry Pine, 24th June 2008 10:06 PM
    boards, burnsy, cheers, day, door, enjoy, feely, final, gazaly, gazalys, guys, knocking, love, meet, met, nathan, people, post, posting, posts, remind, richmond, sale, stuff, touchy, watson, whispering, wood, woodshow-, www
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,846
    Last Post: 28th June 2008 11:57 PM
    by lesmeyer  Go to last post
  31. Religious woodie

    Started by Allan at Wallan, 24th June 2008 02:51 PM
    adds, allan, caught, clicks, expression, love, mouse, neighbour, quotes, religious, teach, thy, woodie
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,293
    Last Post: 28th June 2008 07:47 PM
    by bsrlee  Go to last post


  32. Gosford - Furniture / Fine Woodworker

    Started by Lumber Bunker, 5th June 2008 09:48 PM
    &/or, 232, 43236922, application, ash, blackwood, boutique, bunker, cedar, contact, email, fax, fine, forum, furniture, gosford,, love, lumber, maker, manager, manns, oak, paid, questions, resume, send, telling, timbers, woodworker
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,845
    Last Post: 18th June 2008 11:34 PM
    by Lumber Bunker  Go to last post


  33. wenge stain on tassie oak

    Started by gabacus, 19th May 2008 01:20 PM
    advice, alos, appreciated, based, bed, building, cheers, chocolate, colour, dark, difficult, ebonizing, fill, finding, gabacus, grain, greatly, guys, job, love, nails, oak, rusty, sourcing, stain, tassie, time, trouble, water, wenge
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 9,140
    Last Post: 18th June 2008 06:14 PM
    by bandd  Go to last post


  34. Before and After Marriage

    Started by Barry_White, 12th June 2008 10:54 PM
    bottom, chance, cheated, crazy, darling, hell, hit, jane, john, kiss, leave, love, marriage, read, top, trust, wait
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,262
    Last Post: 13th June 2008 12:07 PM
    by fenderbelly  Go to last post


  35. Friday special

    Started by Allan at Wallan, 13th June 2008 10:20 AM
    absolutely, alike, allan, clicks, continuously, dressed, enters, friday, greeter, hard-faced, hell, idiot, kmart, loud, love, mouse, obscenities, replied, screams, scrubby, slob, sons, special, stopped, teach, ten, twins, ugly, unattractive, woman
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,172
    Last Post: 13th June 2008 10:50 AM
    by Batpig  Go to last post


  36. mobile phone

    Started by fenderbelly, 12th June 2008 07:56 PM
    2007, agape, ahead, astonishment, beautiful, belongs, bye, changing, club, darling, extra, found, hangs, house, listen, love, market, mobile, mouths, offer, phone, pretty, price, smiles, staring, stops, thousand, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,447
    Last Post: 12th June 2008 07:56 PM
    by fenderbelly  Go to last post


  37. On Behalf of the females

    Started by wheelinround, 6th June 2008 06:55 PM
    $20.00, absolutely, address, behalf, clean, condition, considered, contended, deeply, eyes, female, females, flabbergasted, hand, house, joke, jokes, kinky, looked, love, male, mans, matter, meaningfully, offer, proposition, replied, slowly, woman, words
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,459
    Last Post: 7th June 2008 08:04 PM
    by RufflyRustic  Go to last post


  38. Funny Mathematics

    Started by WoodJunky, 1st June 2008 12:08 AM
    $10, $20, argument, beginning, boss, bugging, change, dumb, employee, expecting, funny, future, happy, item, lot, love, marriage, married, marries, mathematics, pay, people, romance, smart, stop, successful, understand, wife, woman, worries
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,117
    Last Post: 1st June 2008 12:08 AM
    by WoodJunky  Go to last post


  39. First night out

    Started by Allan at Wallan, 25th May 2008 11:30 AM
    allan, bloke, clicks, courage, date, door, gently, girl, hand, knee, love, mouse, night, pitched, replied, reply, shy, teach
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,343
    Last Post: 25th May 2008 11:30 AM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  40. spray gun in brisbane

    Started by slave_ghost, 23rd May 2008 12:29 AM
    200-250, 3hp, acrylic, air, australian, belt, brisbane, coats, comprise, driven, enamel, finding, gun, guns, hard, hvlp, in/around, lacquer, love, main, models, purposing, sell, shop, spray, stores, top, website
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,647
    Last Post: 23rd May 2008 07:19 AM
    by Exador  Go to last post


  41. Pregnancy

    Started by munruben, 21st May 2008 10:21 AM
    child, confessed, cut, doctor, exam, fine, husband, late, lawn, love, mow, obstetricians, office, paid, pregnancy, pregnant, question, reassured, shyly, time, visit, woman
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,143
    Last Post: 21st May 2008 06:52 PM
    by wheelinround  Go to last post


  42. Love Drunk People

    Started by nev25, 19th May 2008 01:53 AM
    300, alan, answer, answers, ashamed, awakened, calls, chance, dark, door, dressed, drunk, drunken, guy, guys, helped, loud, love, morning, people, pounding, pouring, push, rain, replied, reply, standing, swing, told, wife
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,213
    Last Post: 21st May 2008 06:26 PM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  43. Baptising The Drunk

    Started by Barry Hicks, 17th May 2008 07:01 PM
    answer, answers, baptising, begins, breath, brother, catches, drunk, dunks, eyes, fell, found, god, holds, jesus, kick, lad, lengthy, love, people, period, preacher, proceeds, replies, river, struggle, time, water, wipes, wits
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,459
    Last Post: 17th May 2008 10:09 PM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post


  44. Floating timber floor queries

    Started by clancy, 2nd May 2008 08:49 PM
    $29, afford, bunnings, compound, dearest, floating, floor, floors, home, informative, kitchen, lay, levelling, lino, looked, lots, love, mtr, pretty, price, queries, reading, real, renovating, responses, sort, thicker, thin, timber, underlay
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,848
    Last Post: 12th May 2008 09:35 PM
    by That Floor Guy  Go to last post


  45. right words

    Started by Elbow, 6th May 2008 12:04 PM
    a.m, aspirins, black, breakfast, clean, coffee, darling, drunk, eating, eye, happened, home, hot, huge, jack, jillian, kitchen, love, mirror, morning, newspaper, party, perfect, red, rose, son, steaming, stumbles, table, words
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,297
    Last Post: 7th May 2008 08:38 PM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  46. A note from son at school

    Started by Rodgera, 5th May 2008 02:21 PM
    $chool, $end, $on, $tudying, $tuff, astronomy, busy, card, dad, dear, economics, forget, friend$, hard, hear, honor, ju$t, knowledge, lot$, love, noble, note, oceanography, pursuit, reply, school, son, student, study, task
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,243
    Last Post: 5th May 2008 02:49 PM
    by Wongo  Go to last post


  47. looking for some part time work in gympie

    Started by dennis perkin, 3rd May 2008 08:30 PM
    ,im, areaany, bay, cheers, dennis2tsup, gympie, love, moved, offers, time, tincan, work
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,422
    Last Post: 3rd May 2008 08:30 PM
    by dennis perkin  Go to last post


  48. Bifold doors; Red Cedar or Maple

    Started by BraveorFoolish?, 2nd May 2008 08:02 PM
    $3800, $4800, advance2tsup, agree, bifold, cedar, covered, deck, door, doors, doors;, exposure, fine, greeting, guy, guys, house, leaf, love, maple, money, questions, rain, receive, red, shop, tim
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,934
    Last Post: 3rd May 2008 01:16 PM
    by sean@nthnsw  Go to last post
  49. Married Life

    Started by WoodJunky, 2nd May 2008 11:15 PM
    batman, beer, bodice, control, dinner, engaged, eyes, grabbed, hey, husband, kids, leather, life, love, married, mask, mega, mistress, mothers, night, office, raincoat, ready, sex, stay, stilettos, super, wearing, wild, word
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,255
    Last Post: 2nd May 2008 11:15 PM
    by WoodJunky  Go to last post


Results 851 to 900 of 1447
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