Hi All

i have this very well built structure that was abuilt a long time ago. it uses 50x70mm hardwood studs and i want to re-sheet it in a 6mm FC and use exposed timber battens on the joints.

the problem i am faced with is that the outside wall dimension is 2470mm high and the width from the edge of the building to a window is 1240 typical.

1) do i have to buy 2 sheets of 2700x900 and trim them to cover this section of wall with 2 pieces of 2470x620?

2) should i screw or nail the sheets? if nail i have a coil nailer - will that do it?

3) what is the best way to cover the external corners? would you normally use a moulded 90 degree strip or just 2 flat strips and butt them?

cheers for any help


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