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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Kevin The Chicken

    Alan is a poultry farmer. He has thousands of pullets and
    dozens of roosters to fertilise the eggs.

    Naturally, Allan kept performance statistics of his birds and
    any that were'nt performing were culled. This was easy
    with the pullets but trying to monitor the performance of
    the roosters was very time consuming so he hit on the
    idea of putting tiny bells on them. He could now sit on his
    veranda and check if the roosters were working.

    Allan's best performing rooster was named Kevin but one
    day, Allan noticed Kevin's bell wasn't ringing so he went to
    investigate. He noticed the other roosters were chasing
    pullets with their bells ringing but to his amazement, Kevin
    was carrying his bell in his beak so it would't ring and he
    could sneak up on the pullets, do his job and move on to
    the next one.

    Allan was so proud of Kevin, he entered him in the Brisbane
    Ekka and overnight, Kevin became a sensation amongst
    the judges. They awarded him the NO BELL PIECE
    PRIZE and the PULLET SURPRISE as well.

    Clearly, Kevin was a politician in the making. Who else but
    a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly
    coveted awards on earth by being the best at sneaking up
    on the populace and screwing them when they weren't paying

    Do you know a pullitician called Kevin?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Pretty Sally Hill, Wallan Vic


    I will have to check on those details Barry
    ... to see if you were "politically correct".



    You can't teach an old mouse new clicks.

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