Hi Ya

I have come across yours sight, and it it great source of information. I am not that handy but will try to give things ago.

I have just bought my first house, and out the back it has a small concrete verandah. which is 4460w and 2730 deep and is about 700 of the ground. I am pretty sure it is all made of brick with concrete over the top. The deck is just wee bit to small I i would like to extend it out by 1430.

I was going to run a piece of timer 4460 across the brick work to brace against that . I was joing to use a piece of timber 145 x50 for this. Is this ok or should I use some other size

For the struts ( I think) i am going to space them at 450 and use a size of 125 x 50 for this. Is this the correct size of should I use another size. I think I make it I need 11.

For the bearers ( I think) the piece that will total 4460 i was going to use 145 x 50. Is this the correct size of should use something different.

Even though the original deck is brick and concrete is was going to use decking timber for the extension. Maybe 90 x 19 or 86 x 19.

Any advise is greatly appreciated


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