We have just had our floors re-limewashed and the new floor sander did a shocking job of the edges. The middle of the room looks great, but the edges look crap, like it hasn't been smoothly applied and cut-in. There are also some sections where it doesn't seem to have been smoothly applied and the limewash has pooled a little. Unfortunately, he has already put on the Bona Traffic hardening solution.

His side-kick made a mess of the kitchen and he had to do that again already, so he is refusing to do anything more - he is saying that it will fade in time and that thats the way it looks (first sign of excuses) and is blaming me for finding any little problems. It's also not all bad edges, some look much better

I have posted some pictures below of the worse spots;
http://picasaweb.google.com.au/goose95q ... 5293454722

Given it already has the Bona traffic hardener on it, does anyone know what I can do to make it look less contrasting or, do I have to get the entire lot re-done?

There are 2 sections, so they could possibly re-cut from that line (as the boards run that way) and only do half, but im not sure how they would blend.

I was thinking that because it's right near the edge and won't take any traffic, I could just apply a little diluted limewash just to match the colour more closely...but that would be on top of the Bona Traffic. I realise it wouldn't be perfect, but im looking for a quick, cost/time effective solution that won't be noticeable unless you are looking for it....

Any advice much appreciated.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...