
Tag: pending

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  1. local supplier of minwax - any problems?

    Started by old_picker, 5th August 2014 01:08 PM
    answering, emails, guys, local, minwax, pending, phone, problems, round, supplier, time, usual
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,686
    Last Post: 5th August 2014 01:08 PM
    by old_picker  Go to last post


  2. Hi From Brisbane/Nanango

    Started by Drunkensailor, 30th April 2013 01:05 PM
    brisbane, brisbane or nanango, brisbane/nanango, burnett, cheers, dad, dave, enjoyed, explore, forum, gday, hail, heartily, hobbies, home, kids, learned, lovely, married, moving, occupy, pending, polite, settle, shortly, south, stage, starting, threads, time
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,424
    Last Post: 5th May 2013 10:27 PM
    by Drunkensailor  Go to last post
  3. Where is the Edit button

    Started by STAR, 24th February 2012 01:48 PM
    books, button, delete, easier, edit, items, moment, paid, pending, pete, pmd, recently, remaining, sale, seniors, sold, tat, thit, thread, woodworking
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,682
    Last Post: 24th February 2012 02:33 PM
    by STAR  Go to last post
  4. Patent pending (not)

    Started by joe greiner, 15th November 2009 10:36 PM
    application, btw, build, cheers, clothing, date, disposed, hand, hangers, holding, joe, materials, mine, patent, pending, pipe, pitchfork, rope, sale, secured, solution, stabilize, statement, structure, support, surplus, tree, utilizing, workmate, yard
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,821
    Last Post: 15th November 2009 10:36 PM
    by joe greiner  Go to last post


  5. DA modifications

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 7th April 2009 07:10 AM
    $130, $900, approved, completed, das, existing, final, fuss, issue, memory, minimal, modification, modifications, modify, org, paid, pending, read,, roof, sign, skillion, stormwater, submission, submit, thread, truss
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,263
    Last Post: 7th April 2009 07:10 AM
    by Reno RSS Feed  Go to last post
  6. Carpenter & joiner available

    Started by joneswood, 7th December 2008 09:24 PM
    2009, activitys, arriving, australia, beaches, bench, building, carpenter, carpentry, certificates, contractor, intrest, joiner, joinery, joneswood, june, licences, northern, past, pending, permenant, qualifications, resident, site, specialising, status, sydneys, trade, windows
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,239
    Last Post: 31st January 2009 09:41 PM
    by joneswood  Go to last post


  7. New Benchtops

    Started by venno, 31st March 2008 10:13 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    $350, absolute, bathroom, bench, benchtops, board, breakdown, cheaper, chip, expect, form, granite, kitchen, labour, laminex, material, minimum, pending, price, quality, queried, range, real, rest, sizes, square, stone, surface, tops, transformations
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 9,694
    Last Post: 7th May 2008 12:07 AM
    by losonogo  Go to last post


  8. Me & My LM808 Shower

    Started by siddy, 26th February 2007 01:01 PM
    anyones, asap, auction, blackburn, bought, cheers, fee, fitted, fitting, happy, house, jets, job, lm808, love, pay, pending, plumber, post, rent, required, serious, shower, sidd--, sitting, someones, spa, trouble, vacant, victoria
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,611
    Last Post: 19th March 2007 10:42 AM
    by Handy  Go to last post
  9. basecoat for flushing villaboard

    Started by royalty, 1st March 2006 06:58 AM
    adhesive, basecoat, bathroom, bondcrete, coat, compound, direct, flushing, gypsum, holes, info, input, joints, kym, nail, pending, primed, prior, rub, section, shower, skim, spa, step, stuck, tile, tiling, time, villaboard, walls
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 10,744
    Last Post: 1st March 2006 01:33 PM
    by royalty  Go to last post
  10. Base for bamboo flooring

    Started by TallStreak, 27th January 2006 03:16 PM
    100, and/or, approx, bamboo, base, build, demolition, expensive, family, finalisation, floor, floorboards, flooring, glueing, home, kitchen, level, living, nailing, opinions, pending, peoples, ply, plywood, provide, secret, sqm, surface, top, worth
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,091
    Last Post: 27th January 2006 07:49 PM
    by TallStreak  Go to last post


  11. The Rules of Manhood

    Started by Phil Spencer, 16th August 2005 09:18 PM
    acceptable, beer, birthday, bloke, buy, car, circumstances, conversation, discussing, drive, fight, friends, game, girlfriend, hesitate, hours, join, manhood, mate, mates, pending, pizza, reach, response, rules, shes, situations, sports, wife, woman
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,891
    Last Post: 16th August 2005 10:51 PM
    by Tikki  Go to last post


  12. Corporate Terms and Their Meanings

    Started by Barry_White, 19th July 2004 02:00 PM
    analytical, blind, buck, corporate, delayed, delegate, discussion, extreme, flaming, forecast, forgotten, frank, guess, meanings, panic, pass, pending, projection, row, terms, urgency
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,366
    Last Post: 22nd July 2004 07:08 PM
    by jackiew  Go to last post


Results 1 to 12 of 38