
Tag: jamaica

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  1. Some people should not be allowed to go on holiday

    Started by dr4g0nfly, 4th June 2009 07:04 AM
    allowed, apartment, beach, booked, brochure, compared, complained, cook, food, hairdressers, holiday, holidays, home.”, hours, idiot, jamaica, local, no-one, people, ruined, sand, size, spanish, stupid comments, thomas, time, told, “it, “the, “we
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,390
    Last Post: 4th June 2009 09:12 AM
    by RETIRED  Go to last post


  2. Chain letters

    Started by bennylaird, 2nd February 2006 11:08 AM
    bible, chain, drink, e-mail, email, forward, friend, friends, geez, granted, husbands, jamaica, letters, mention, minutes, novena, phone, receive, recipe, return, send, sick, singapore, soul, theresas, time, uganda, uzbekistan, worry
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,555
    Last Post: 3rd February 2006 08:09 AM
    by bennylaird  Go to last post


Results 1 to 2 of 3