
Tag: 800kg

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  1. shed help

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 28th December 2013 08:50 AM
    100k, 800kg, approx, box, brackets, budget, build, change, council, dept, dice, direction, engineered, forever, machinery, missed, options, pre-fab, price, read, ready, recent,, shed, solar, spanner, stage, thread, thrown, weigh
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,006
    Last Post: 28th December 2013 08:50 AM
    by Reno RSS Feed  Go to last post
  2. Concrete Footings...Is there a better way?

    Started by Flyboy, 31st August 2005 06:54 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    4wd, 800kg, apparently, blob, cheers, concrete, concreters, cost, cures, day, distance, effective, footings, footingsis, form, formwork, front, manitou, manitous, missed, pour, poured, pouring, reach, rolleyes, slab, til, wait, wheelbarrow, wondering
    • Replies: 38
    • Views: 9,244
    Last Post: 4th September 2005 06:19 PM
    by journeyman Mick  Go to last post


Results 1 to 2 of 3