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  1. Odd ? - Decking and Pool Table

    Started by beamo, 4th January 2008 03:59 PM
    400kg, 90x19, 90x90, allen, built, deck, decking, dining, home, honestly, idea, improvement, joists, merbau, moment, move, moved, odd, people, pool, reasonable, support, table, tim, time, top, views, weatherproof, wheels, wide
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,770
    Last Post: 7th January 2008 08:09 AM
    by brynk  Go to last post


  2. Cleaning Leather Lounge

    Started by patty, 13th December 2007 04:54 PM
    afternnon, anway, bag, cheers, cleaning, day, dry, forgot, forum, girlie, guys, home, ink, intelligent, leather, looked, lounge, missus, people, picked, plenty, raining, red, replys, shop, soaked, stains, topics, transfered, write
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 6,932
    Last Post: 6th January 2008 11:56 PM
    by tobydogger  Go to last post
  3. New house - floating timber

    Started by goraek, 1st January 2008 12:17 PM
    105, advance, advise, built, calculated, company, decent, decking, floating, floor, forum, gates, gum, home, house, information, installation, job, melbourne, metre, price, properly, provide, recently, spotted, timber, veneered
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,958
    Last Post: 5th January 2008 09:07 AM
    by brynk  Go to last post
  4. How best to insulate a room

    Started by noodle, 4th January 2008 07:43 PM
    afternoon, converting, existing, heat, home, house, insulate, insulating, internal, line, lined, located, material, moment, office, reduce, room, strength, sun, walls, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,394
    Last Post: 4th January 2008 07:43 PM
    by noodle  Go to last post
  5. Jocks, Socks, Singlets and things

    Started by Ivan in Oz, 4th January 2008 07:13 AM
    apply, clean, clothes, couple, drawers, epay~doh, forward, gday, gear, home, ideas, jocks, late, people, photos, rest, shed, similaru, singlets, smellybum, socks, sort, sorting, soxes, speaking, straight, things, threads, trouble, wendy
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,199
    Last Post: 4th January 2008 07:13 AM
    by Ivan in Oz  Go to last post
  6. square or round???

    Started by benzine, 2nd January 2008 01:24 PM
    canberra, cheers, cooling, diffusers, evaporative, home, installed, location, mark, round, square, vent
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,769
    Last Post: 2nd January 2008 04:35 PM
    by Skew ChiDAMN!!  Go to last post
  7. Older Than Dirt

    Started by wheelinround, 16th December 2007 07:27 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    bottle, burned, called, car, card, dad, delivered, died, dirt, fast, food, french, growing, home, house, irons, ladies, memories, milk, movies, older, phone, pizza, remember, remembered, sat, signals, soccer, switches, telephone
    • Replies: 35
    • Views: 5,926
    Last Post: 2nd January 2008 10:14 AM
    by MICKYG  Go to last post


  8. Kit Home Companies

    Started by tobydogger, 30th December 2007 10:17 PM
    8.5m, adhere, bridging, build, companies, contemporary, current, demolishing, floor, flow, garage, ground, home, i.e, ideas, kit, levels, living, overland, permitted, pipe, project, property, q50, recommend, required, running, stormwater, suppliers, underneath
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,105
    Last Post: 1st January 2008 10:18 PM
    by tobydogger  Go to last post
  9. Woodford Folk Fest

    Started by Andy Mac, 31st December 2007 04:47 PM
    2tsup, bench, camp, caravan, day, days, entertainment, excellent, fest, festival, folk, food, fun, grounds, half, home, mobile, people-watching, ran, return, roof, setup, shadow, stick, usual, visible, whittling, wonderful, woodford, workshops
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,692
    Last Post: 1st January 2008 09:09 PM
    by RufflyRustic  Go to last post
  10. Barry and Allan's job interview

    Started by munruben, 27th December 2007 09:20 AM
    air, allan, allans, annoyed, barry, barrys, benefit, bit, chop, choppers, enrolled, exclaimed, force, hears, home, interview, interviewer, job, mate, papers, people, pile, pilot, proudly, sighed, sign, surely, tells, wait, wood
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,305
    Last Post: 27th December 2007 08:16 PM
    by billbeee  Go to last post


  11. Backblocking Ceiling?

    Started by memphis, 24th December 2007 01:55 PM
    2nd, 600, addition, backblocked, backblocking, battens, blocked, butt, ceiling, centres, gyprock, home, issue, joins, lot, noticed, parallel, photo, plaster, post, recently, roof, running, sheeted, sheets, steel, story, tonight, wednesday
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,619
    Last Post: 26th December 2007 07:40 PM
    by addo  Go to last post


  12. The Mean spirited Boss at Christmas

    Started by obee60, 23rd December 2007 09:03 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    boss, break, celebrate, christmas, christmasd, crew, customary, day, department, email, encourage, families, home, housekeeping, job, manager, meal, merry, night, normal, normal.~, past, practice, reckon, spirited, telling, time,, watch, xmas
    • Replies: 22
    • Views: 2,862
    Last Post: 25th December 2007 11:05 PM
    by Harry72  Go to last post
  13. End of retirement...

    Started by Shedhand, 22nd December 2007 12:43 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2008, 2tsup, 4th, bit, bloody, brother, builder, cancer, caught, daughter, died, drip, end, extension, federal, flooded, gonna, grace, granddaughter, home, howard, isabella, jan, job, john, kill, mum, retirement, shed, time
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 3,491
    Last Post: 25th December 2007 09:28 AM
    by Shedhand  Go to last post
  14. Only a woman

    Started by ravlord13, 24th December 2007 02:55 PM
    aging, club, consideration, difficult, dinner, easy, eating, extra, finished, golf, half, home, hour, impossible, job, lunch, oversensitive, pete, rest, retirement, sandy, sit, table, tact, time, wife, woman, women, worse, yell
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,600
    Last Post: 24th December 2007 03:16 PM
    by Calm  Go to last post


  15. Christmas with Louise

    Started by Barry Hicks, 24th December 2007 10:29 AM
    adult, bark, bottom, brother, buy, candidates, christmas, dinner, doll, fell, fireplace, girl, grandpa, granny, hang, home, hose, hours, louise, louises, morning, naked, noticed, panty, pantyhose, santa, shop, suddenly, talking, told
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,266
    Last Post: 24th December 2007 11:52 AM
    by fenderbelly  Go to last post


  16. Safety switch tripping

    Started by atregent, 21st December 2007 12:33 PM
    circuit, eventually, folk, freezer, fridge, happened, home, idea, melbourne, overkill, rcd, safety, saftey, set, storm, switch, tripped, tripping, weather, wild, worried, yesterday
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 3,973
    Last Post: 24th December 2007 10:25 AM
    by weisyboy  Go to last post
  17. The Great Work Con

    Started by wheelinround, 8th December 2007 10:38 AM
    2tsup, afford, business, cost, doubt, employers, employment, feel, fees, forum, great, home, interstate, jobs, leaving, left, move, people, permit, pose, promises, qualified, questions, read, regulations, section, success, taxes, work, workers
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 2,879
    Last Post: 23rd December 2007 05:50 PM
    by bitingmidge  Go to last post
  18. Toolemera: The Glories of Lead Paint

    Started by toolemera, 23rd December 2007 01:39 AM
    anne, beautiful, booklet, check, favor, folks, gary, glories, home, lead, louis, love, paint, providing, queen, schmidt, toolemera, transform, trumpeting, virtues
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,333
    Last Post: 23rd December 2007 05:19 AM
    by Slobba  Go to last post


  19. San Francisco

    Started by Allan at Wallan, 14th December 2007 11:39 PM
    allan, damn, disco, discoteque, drinks, dying, evening, francisco, harp, harpist, home, hope, instrument, left, night, players, realised, rehearsal, rehearsals, sams, san, separate, symphony, time, unwind, worried
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,624
    Last Post: 15th December 2007 09:08 PM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  20. Ducting a portable evaporative cooler?

    Started by Smurf, 14th December 2007 02:11 PM
    advantage, air, avoiding, change, cooler, day, duct, ducting, evaporative, home, hot, indoor, install, installing, leave, main, portable, rain, risks, robbed, roof, running, space, strong, thinking, unit, vent, weather, windows, winds
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,200
    Last Post: 14th December 2007 08:52 PM
    by Smurf  Go to last post
  21. Asbestos....

    Started by Eastie, 19th April 2004 01:17 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    asbestos, blowing, call, check, couple, dealing, documents, gauges, hand, health, home, i.e, i’m, i’ve, laws, legislation, linked, local, owners, practices, principles, railway, reference, remember, removal, run, simply, universal, wind, you’ve
    • Replies: 43
    • Views: 18,742
    Last Post: 14th December 2007 06:05 PM
    by Bleedin Thumb  Go to last post
  22. Home alarm with SMS...

    Started by ReP0, 30th November 2007 11:17 PM
    alarm, alarms, alot, arm/disarm, brands, candidates, dialers, hear, home, house, intrusion, line, mobile, moving, nice, notified, reliable, sms, stay, telephone, tied, tradesmen, traditional, voip
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,855
    Last Post: 11th December 2007 02:56 PM
    by OBBob  Go to last post
  23. Penetrol Wood Oil - drying time

    Started by daninjt, 4th December 2007 09:38 PM
    aus, cheers, couple, cure, dan, dry, drying, eee, final, finishes, finishing, frames, home, idea, lot, manufacturers, oil, penetrol, picture, rush, stated, stuff, takes, time, wax, weeks, wood
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 6,400
    Last Post: 10th December 2007 02:36 PM
    by daninjt  Go to last post


  24. Dear Wife

    Started by wheelinround, 7th December 2007 08:59 AM
    ago, anymore;, borrowed, boxers, coincidence, cooked, dear, dollars, eating, ex-husband, favorite, fifty, hell, home, hope, job, letter, life, love, loved, meal, morning, notice, p.s, quit, silk, sister, soaps, week, wife
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,332
    Last Post: 7th December 2007 12:23 PM
    by munruben  Go to last post


  25. Road kill

    Started by munruben, 3rd December 2007 12:12 PM
    amazed, barry, bottle, box, bump, car, contents, discovered, driving, fix, glove, hare, hares, home, immediately, jumped, kill, late, night, potion, poured, replied, restorer, returned, road, run, scampered, strong, throat, wheelin
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,682
    Last Post: 3rd December 2007 09:10 PM
    by OLDPHART  Go to last post


  26. K-Y jelly

    Started by fred.n, 3rd December 2007 12:23 PM
    bedroom, doorknobs, happy, home, husband, jelly, k-y, squirted, tonight, tube
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,241
    Last Post: 3rd December 2007 07:09 PM
    by Brickie  Go to last post


  27. Blinkers

    Started by Ashore, 3rd December 2007 12:26 PM
    barry, blinker, blinkers, check, doh, giving, home, john, lift, rear, stopped, wait
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,005
    Last Post: 3rd December 2007 01:49 PM
    by munruben  Go to last post


  28. Evap Cooling. Please Help!

    Started by oohsam, 10th October 2007 11:30 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    $4500, advice, bells, brands, breeze, company, confused, cool, cooling, direction, evap, explained, guy, guys/gals, home, installer, listened, offered, preared, price, sam, selling, service, slags, system, systems, trouble, units, warranty, whistles
    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 13,017
    Last Post: 2nd December 2007 11:27 AM
    by woodbe  Go to last post
  29. Security Light

    Started by cart, 30th November 2007 06:40 PM
    10w, bright, buying, cart, driveway, enter, globe, halogen, has/are, home, install, kids, leds, light, normal, pergola, security, solar, wondering
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,931
    Last Post: 1st December 2007 11:38 PM
    by Smurf  Go to last post
  30. Paddy

    Started by fenderbelly, 30th November 2007 05:06 PM
    answers, bushes, cop, couple, decides, flashes, heck, hed, hide, home, indignantly, late, light, love, minutes, night, officer, paddy, people, police, prostitute, quid, shadows, shone, sudden, twenty, walking, whispers, wife, woman
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,386
    Last Post: 30th November 2007 05:52 PM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  31. Home made Stain

    Started by sprog1, 21st November 2007 11:18 PM
    brown, colours.i, england, expensive, extra, home, hope, import, live, mahogany, mainlym.d.f.thanks, oak, polish, prefer, red, sanding, screw, solid, stain, staining, stains, thailand, tight, top, water, week
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,489
    Last Post: 30th November 2007 12:53 PM
    by MacS  Go to last post


  32. Allan & St Paul

    Started by Barry Hicks, 30th November 2007 11:34 AM
    allan, amazing, answer, bed, bible, bloody, car, corinthians, evening, extent, guy, home, letters, listz, lived, lost, meet, nice, paul, personal, question, remember, sat, son, spent, stranger, swinging, tall, wandering, wonderful
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,107
    Last Post: 30th November 2007 11:34 AM
    by Barry Hicks  Go to last post


  33. blocked(?) hot water system

    Started by sprig, 26th October 2007 01:32 AM
    advice, air, blocked, cold, dripping, flow, home, hot, hws, level, levels, lowest, mains, nearby, on/off, outlet, outlets, post, pressure, pretty, quickly, result, seeking, suggestions, system, unwilling, vertically, water, whilst
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,738
    Last Post: 29th November 2007 10:30 PM
    by wonderplumb  Go to last post
  34. 3 little pigs

    Started by rod@plasterbrok, 29th November 2007 09:00 PM
    boy, build, building, class, fascinating, gather, hand, home, house, logically, materials, matter-of-factly, mind, minutes, pardon, paused, pig, pigs, pigsthis, proving, raised, reading, story, straw, talking, teach, teacher, true, unable, wheelbarrow
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,390
    Last Post: 29th November 2007 09:00 PM
    by rod@plasterbrok  Go to last post


  35. Cowpoke Allen

    Started by wheelinround, 29th November 2007 09:23 AM
    allan, allen, bar, bartender, cowpoke, curious, day, drink, finish, finished, frightened, home, horse, jokes, knowing, love, people, play, pole, replied, rode, texas, town, tying, villagers, visitors, walk, west, wild
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,399
    Last Post: 29th November 2007 06:36 PM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  36. Gas regulators

    Started by Pulpo, 22nd November 2007 11:39 AM
    $120, barbie, change, cost, gas, home, labour, lpg, mentioned, plumber, pulpo, regulator, regulators, stage, twin
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,849
    Last Post: 29th November 2007 03:54 PM
    by Pulpo  Go to last post
  37. interest rate discount

    Started by notenoughtoys, 29th November 2007 11:24 AM
    $$$, australia, bad, banks, business, companies, cost, discount, flexible, genuinely, ground, home, jobs, leaving, loan, longterm, matter, mortgage, moved, offered, pass, people, protested, rate, rates, realise, screws, short, stood, term
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,599
    Last Post: 29th November 2007 11:30 AM
    by Gra  Go to last post
  38. I light of impending marriages

    Started by wheelinround, 29th November 2007 09:48 AM
    allan, basement, bike, broke, burst, confused, crying, day, deck, drunk, fell, flooded, hed, home, hug, impending, john, kissed, life, light, loved, machine, marriages, massive, straight, tears, told, washing, wife, worst
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,048
    Last Post: 29th November 2007 10:14 AM
    by echnidna  Go to last post


  39. Removing or Covering Exposed Aggregate

    Started by Tubby2, 20th November 2007 04:08 PM
    60-90, aggregate, attached, bought, bring, cheers, concord, cover, covering, exposed, foot, front, heritage, home, homes, house, mate, options, path, pic, porch, poured, predominately, remove, removing, sydney, traditional, type, verandah, wondering
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,086
    Last Post: 27th November 2007 12:35 PM
    by Tubby2  Go to last post
  40. Cats & Dogs

    Started by Jim Carroll, 26th November 2007 07:06 PM
    am-, attempt, bed, boy, captors, cats, condescended, confinement, cooed, diary, dog, dogs, due, eat, event, favourite, food, hear, hearts, home, importantly, kids, kitty, noise, overheard, pm-, powers, smell, sort, strike
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,722
    Last Post: 26th November 2007 10:06 PM
    by Allan at Wallan  Go to last post


  41. Haven't had any blonde jokes for a while have we?

    Started by Barry_White, 25th November 2007 07:52 AM
    $20, airlines, bar, bet, blonde, branch, building, call, calls, commit, dog, dollars, dumb, forest, home, house, jokes, jump, k-9, money, news, oclock, police, redhead, replied, replies, rope, suicide, tree, walks
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,393
    Last Post: 25th November 2007 01:21 PM
    by Barry Hicks  Go to last post


  42. Its Dark in here

    Started by nev25, 24th November 2007 05:02 PM
    $3000, $750, ball, booth, boots, boy, church, closes, confess, confession, cost, cupboard, dark, door, father, football, friends, game, home, husband, lover, makes, overcharge, priest, sell, sit, soccer, sold, start, terrible
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,258
    Last Post: 24th November 2007 06:08 PM
    by Barry Hicks  Go to last post


  43. securing new skirting boards

    Started by barned01, 23rd November 2007 02:54 PM
    adhesive, boards, bottom, brick, chocks, construction, covered, easiest, existing, floor, glue, home, lot, method, nail, nails, piece, plaster, read, reinstall, remove, removed, render, roughly, securing, skirting, skirtings, thickness, wall, wood
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 3,879
    Last Post: 24th November 2007 04:58 PM
    by pawnhead  Go to last post
  44. funny

    Started by Sebastiaan56, 24th November 2007 07:05 AM
    advice, anymore, car, caused, dear, depressed, distance, distant, driven, engine, faulty, feel, feeling, fuel, funny, home, hope, husband, increasingly, line, love, months, pump, short, sincerely, stalling, stella, ultimatum, walter, worthless
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,506
    Last Post: 24th November 2007 07:05 AM
    by Sebastiaan56  Go to last post
  45. Yellow 24

    Started by Stevenp, 23rd November 2007 04:28 PM
    bingo, bloody, called, caller, card, corners, earth, grid, hell, home, house, line, luckiest, lucky, nasty, national, news, raffle, screamed, son, stage, virus, win, wins, won, yellow, £1000, £320, £35
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,202
    Last Post: 23rd November 2007 04:28 PM
    by Stevenp  Go to last post


  46. Bull, cows and 'eifers

    Started by Barry Hicks, 22nd November 2007 07:09 PM
    answered, arrived, bull, bus, called, chooks, cows, ducks, eifers, farm, farmer, home, john, meant, mum, munruben, repeated, school, shaken, shocked, told, wallen, wallens
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,674
    Last Post: 23rd November 2007 01:24 PM
    by munruben  Go to last post


  47. Price Check

    Started by wheelinround, 23rd November 2007 07:07 AM
    bread, bunnings, buys, carton, cautious, check, coles, coming, fearful, finally, fly, groceries, grocery, home, hubbies, loads, loaf, milk, pick, price, return, shopping, sold, stash, tools, trolley, wesfarmers, woman
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,343
    Last Post: 23rd November 2007 12:15 PM
    by Sebastiaan56  Go to last post
  48. Square Set Ceilings

    Started by zacnelson, 2nd November 2007 11:00 AM
    attached, bubbles, buckling, ceilings, creating, edging, embed, found, home, hope, impossible, install, instance, joins, normal, paper, perfect, photo, product, set, sheet, shown, square, strip, strips, tape, taping, this;, trick, trouble
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 12,451
    Last Post: 22nd November 2007 08:07 PM
    by rod@plasterbrok  Go to last post


  49. windows- insulating

    Started by Tonyz, 16th June 2006 06:49 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    8mm, aliminium, building, double, frame, glass, glazing, home, insulating, insulation, joke, money, object, pane, responces, single, thicker, timber, tonto, windows, windows-
    • Replies: 30
    • Views: 7,307
    Last Post: 22nd November 2007 01:51 PM
    by totoblue  Go to last post
  50. Mums Fridge

    Started by Gra, 21st November 2007 11:03 PM
    answered, built, dad, dinner, door, explained, folks, fridge, gained, home, inside, lost, lovely, mom, mums, over-eat, perfectly, picture, pounds, refrigerator, remind, risque, scantily-clad, set, slender, table, taped, time, visiting, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,390
    Last Post: 21st November 2007 11:03 PM
    by Gra  Go to last post


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