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Thread: Hi from NZ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thames NZ

    Default Hi from NZ

    Hi there
    My names Rodney and i am a wannabe woodworker. Have been making a few things over the years using just a hammer and nails and a blunt saw, and using the kitchen table or the porch or the lawn for a workbench.
    I have finally settled down in one place and am now starting to get a few tools together and made my first actual piece of furniture (coffee table) that doesnt resemble something Homer Simpson created. I actually made it a few times as I glued the top and pulled it to bits a couple of times, and I had to make about 6 of the edging bits, as the first couple of attempts were a bit short or had the tenon too thin, but I got there in the end and it looks pretty good. Have now made another little side table thingy which turned out pretty good as well. i saw one at a mates place and copied it. The problem now is the missus has decided that I am actually capable of creating things that pass as furniture, and I have a list of requests that should keep me occupied for the next few years.
    I just scored an old (very old) jointer for free and got the blades sharpened, but trying to put the blades back in, and I cant get the bloody things to line up correctly. I thought they were pretty close but when I use it I get a pattern on the edge that looks like a little serrated pattern (although the edge is nice and square, just with a wavy pattern) which I think is from the blades being ever so slightly different hights (it has 3 blades) and so got on the net to see if there was an idiots guide to installing blades in a jointer and discovered the forum. That buggered the plan of fixing the jointer as I spent the next few hours wandering through the forum and finding all sorts of little tidbits and hints.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Mainland N.Z.


    Quote Originally Posted by rodami View Post
    so got on the net to see if there was an idiots guide to installing blades in a jointer and discovered the forum. That buggered the plan of fixing the jointer as I spent the next few hours wandering through the forum and finding all sorts of little tidbits and hints.

    Yep, the internet will do that.......

    Welcome to the Trans-Tasman Woodworking Co-operative.

    Ask your blade set-up question or 'bump' an old thread down in the hand tools and machinery section.
    People will be happy to help/tell you what you're doing wrong.

    As I recently heard about a young fella in Auckland that gave the tips of some fingers a 'tune-up' in a jointer, let me be the first to say "be careful" and "push-block".

    We don't know how lucky we are......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thames NZ


    Hi Sean

    Thanks for the advise, probably the best advise you can give to a new woodworker.
    I do try to keep safety first. I work on the oil rigs so get a lot of safety drummed into me at work and I try to take it home with me. My dad lost the top of his finger on a jointer 15 odd years ago (he arrived at my work down the road with a bloody teatowel wrapped around his hand...what have you done? says I....cut my finger says bad says me....awwwww, pretty bad says dad...removes teatowel....hmmmm yeah thats not the smallest cut Ive ever seen )

    But the main reason I regularly think of safety is due to the constant reminder i have whenever I look at the 9 fingers I have remaining (Tablesaw, I still look at my hand, shake my head and think...Rodney you dumb #$&*@)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Hi Rodney and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you onboard.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

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