Hey all,
This may be an amature question, however it has been troubling me for some time now.

I have built a large deck in the back, 7x12 and i used the house brickwork to get the straight lines etc. Measuring off the house to ensure it was square...however this time I'm building (or almost finished bulding) 3 free standing decks on different levels to make them seem like steps at the front of the house.

The problem here is I only have the front door to get it straight. Anything after the front door could vary to the left or right if I dont work out how to get it square.

I tried running string lines either side, and checking the meausrements but i noticed it was shifted to the left. I couldnt get them square with the house.

How do I get 2 lines, centre and square so the deck is perfectly straight.
I have not put the joists in yet, and the bearers are currently wider than the brickwork so I can cut them down once I workout how to get it square.
Do I use a laser? or is there another method.

I tried using a straight edge, but there is very little brickwork to get it straight, and its 7 meters so its fairly long.

Any advice would be grat see attached pics.

The deck will come from the outer edges of the two columns where the front door is and proceed down to the end of the block.

Attached Thumbnails

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