Hi All,

I don't know if this is the right place to post, so I apologise if I've gotten it wrong! If I have, please point me in the right direction!

As the title states I'm a newbie to painting, and I'm after some advice - I'm not a tradesman or even thinking of entering the trade, I'm just a normal person looking to redecorate her new home - and I intend to do it by myself.

It's a small 2 bedroom house with an open plan kitchen and living room, bathroom with separate WC and laundry room, 2 hallways.

The existing paint is water based (as far as I've been led to believe) and the current colour scheme is not all that different to the new one.

As far as I understand it (from what I've researched) my steps should follow something like this:

1) Clean and prep surface, including filling any holes, cracks, flaky paint etc. and then sand. The current paint job is in pretty good condition so I don't think I will have to do much filling.
- if any of the surfaces are enamel / gloss then I will need to use a primer first?

2) Cover all skirting boards, electrical outlets, light switches, window frames etc with masking tape and brown paper. Cover furniture with drop cloths. Turn off all electricity.

3) Paint a border around the edges of the masking tape. Paint in an 'M' or 'W' shape, and then fill accordingly.

4) Dependant on paint type will dictate how many coats I will need to use.

I am hoping to use Dulux Designer Silks / Pearlustres for the bedrooms, hallways, living room, WC and the Dulux Wash n Wear 101 in semi gloss or gloss acrylic for the bathroom and laundry room - depends on the overall cost.

Is there anything I've missed, or does anyone have some invaluable advice they'd like to share?
