It's the War

The men are in the trenches

The guns get handed out... Everyone but the last guy in line gets one. So he gets told, "When you see the enemy point your arms at them and go, Bangity Bang Bang!"

The bayonets are handed out and again the last guy in line misses out. He gets told, "When you're up close to the enemy go, Stickity Stick Stick!"

So they charge out of the trenches and into battle. The guy sees an enemy and goes, "Bangity Bang Bang." The enemy falls. He see another enemy, runs up to him and goes, "Stickity Stick Stick!" The enemy falls.

He's thinking, "Alrighty!" when he see an enemy walking very slowly towards him. "Bangity Bang Bang!" he yells. The enemy keeps walking. He runs up to the enemy and goes, "Stickity Stick Stick!" Again nothing happens...

The guy is suddenly smushed into the dirt..

The enemy was going...



"Tankity Tank Tank"