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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Arundel Qld 4214

    Default Get a little prick

    If your computer is like mine you get plenty of e-mails advertising penis enhancements. This thread is not in opposition.
    There is a lot going on at the moment about Prostate health including 'get a little prick' and Movember. I am a member of the Tweed Heads Prostate Support Group and felt that given the numer of male members over 50 that contribute to this forum it would be an ideal format to promote this issue.
    When you hear the results from big tough blokes who thought they were bullet proof and realise that if they had got an annual blood test from the age of 50, or younger if there are relatives with prostate cancer, they would be far better off.
    These days the cure is not worse than the disease if the cancer is detected early and it is possble to be dead in less than 3 years if not detected early and treated. The blood test does not determine if you have cancer or not. If the result is above the norm it means you need assessment by a specialist. Yes a specialist.
    I would have been dead in 3 years had I not had the test and I had no problems with water works or any other health problems. When you do have problems including an unexplained aching back its probably too late.

    Be a man and get a little prick

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Good advice. I wonder how many guys will take it.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bendigo Victoria


    Thanks for the advice, have been doing that for the last 6 years

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    As 2 of my elder brothers have/had prostate cancer and are/have being treated succesfully for it, I get a blood test done every 3 months just to be sure I haven't got it yet.

    Tests are still consistent at a normal level.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Well I have just heard of a fellow who has been diagnosed and going through cemohe's about 65 70.
    And for the first time in my life I said to the person who informed me "and I should give a shyte why".

    Believe me when I say I would not wish this or any other form of cancer on anyone I have seen others taken with it wifes uncle an aqaiuntance from work whom I knew for only 6 months.
    My own LOML has had the scare, a female cousin who is a year younger just had a breast removed.

    But this fellow sorry I couldn't care less.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Goulburn NSW


    wheelinaround, your view may depend on you age. I had the tests since I was fifty, and my smartass comments were I will not be incontinent or impotent, at sixty the psa was increasing but I was still a smartass.. I like the way I am. At 68 the psa went from 18 shivver me timbers I need help. Biopsy's showed very little cancer but when urologist removed the prostate, it was full of it. Now the psa test instead of zero was 2 the cancer had escaped, now I was really in the poo. I have a needle every 3 months to reduce the testosterone and at the minute it is keeping the psa under 1. It took a year of pelvic floor exercises before I could go out without wetting myself. The needle takes care of the impotency as it is the one that is used for chemical castration. If hadn't had the operation I wouldn't be typing this and if I had had it done earlier I might be still enjoying things that males like.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Quote Originally Posted by les88 View Post
    wheelinaround, your view may depend on you age. I had the tests since I was fifty, and my smartass comments were I will not be incontinent or impotent, at sixty the psa was increasing but I was still a smartass.. I like the way I am. At 68 the psa went from 18 shivver me timbers I need help. Biopsy's showed very little cancer but when urologist removed the prostate, it was full of it. Now the psa test instead of zero was 2 the cancer had escaped, now I was really in the poo. I have a needle every 3 months to reduce the testosterone and at the minute it is keeping the psa under 1. It took a year of pelvic floor exercises before I could go out without wetting myself. The needle takes care of the impotency as it is the one that is used for chemical castration. If hadn't had the operation I wouldn't be typing this and if I had had it done earlier I might be still enjoying things that males like.

    Les I have been checked at my request some years back and have had scans done for kidney stones etc no signs yet.

    It was the fellow in particular, I know how he must feel and his family and friend's.
    I can't speak of the all the reasons unfortunately of my feelings but some of it has to do with his treatment of me personally (not sexual to make that clear).

    As for others well thats another kettle of fish I have worked with the Chairman of one of the Kids Cancer organization.

    I Look at what Happy Hammer is doing in raising funds

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Northern Beaches


    Thanks for sharing that Les and Whitewood. I wish you both every success with your treatment.

    Sturdee, as you probably already know if a blood relative has had prostate cancer then you have a 1 in 3 chance. No, I don't know how to work it out if you have 2. I hope the checks continue to show you are clear.

    I have the blood test annually and much prefer it to the other test. Perhaps someone can answer this for me. Is the psa test a sufficient indicator on its own, or is it necessary to hug your knees as well?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Arundel Qld 4214

    Default Little prick

    Prozac and others,

    I am not a doctor and as such not qualified to give medical advice. If you start getting PSA tests while you are young ( before youv'e got it) then your normal level is established. If it remanins within the normal limit for your age therefore IMHO the is not a lot to be gained from the DRE 'finger up the bum". (Iv'e had heaps and it's not a big deal anyway.)
    The medical profession is most concerned if the PSA doubles in 12 months.
    As you can see regular testing is most important if you don't want to be one of the 2,900 that die each year from prostate cancer.
    On the subject of statistics a recent article in the Qld Prostate Cancer News stated that men who had 3 daughters and no sons were 60% more likely to contract the disese

    Female members of the forum do your bit to encourage your partners to have regular tests.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Goulburn NSW


    Prozac, I had all the tests they showed no cancer but the psa tests did... it isn't infallable so it is essential to keep a record of your score. One of the symptoms which I didn't find out about until after I had the op is.. when you ejulate it hurts not bad but it hurts. in retrospect I would have the op when the psa was a positive 4

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sydney, Northern Beaches


    Whitewood I just wanted to make sure before I asked my GP least he take my question as an invitation.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    If you get any blood tests done, just get the GP to scribble PSA on the form - I get a bunch done at least once a year - Uric Acid (gout), thyroid, cholesterol, blood sugar etc. Its only one needle, the nurse just fills a few extra bottles & a lot of city pathology services only charge Medicare so no out-of-pocket.

    Luckily, none of my relatives have had Prostrate cancer - heart disease, diabetes or other cancers got them first

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    As 2 of my elder brothers have/had prostate cancer and are/have being treated succesfully for it, I get a blood test done every 3 months just to be sure I haven't got it yet.

    Tests are still consistent at a normal level.

    Where do they take the blood from

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by dazzler View Post
    Where do they take the blood from
    It is just a blood test done on some blood collected from the arm, as Brslee said it is usually part of a range of tests.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Arundel Qld 4214

    Default Little prick

    All the earlier comments are good stuff. I am surprised the female members have not bought into the discussions as often they are the ones to 'make' the partner front the doctor.
    Try and get the blood tests done by the same pathologist each year as I am told that each lab uses a slightly different standard to score the PSA count. My doctor will print my pathology report for me and at the bottom is set out the safe range for the PSA count commensurate with the age of the patient.

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