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Thread: Forum Problems
27th August 2003, 12:10 AM #1
Forum Problems
Is it just me or has everyone been having problems getting onto the forum lately?
27th August 2003, 12:20 AM #2
Quite possibly the result of the worms/viruses going around at the moment. Internet has been dead slow for days.
Semtex fixes all
27th August 2003, 10:30 AM #3
Some servers have been hit with millions of emails from bloody viruses and worms. One of our administrators had 68,000 emails clog his box in under an hour. Someone got hold of out open email account and sent out millions of spam emails using our part of the address and I got over 700 email failure notices sent to me yesterday in a little over 2 hours.
We have now closed down our open email address so if you try using addresses like [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] they won't work anymore.
There has also been a massive failure of a harddrive on one of our servers which has put the rest of the site out of action off and on for a day or so.
Geez......... Ya wouldn't be dead for quids would'ya.
Cheers - NeilAre you a registered member? Why not? Click here to register. It's free and only takes around 40 seconds!
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