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8th June 2007, 02:09 AM #1
I'm sick of hearing GLOBAL WARMING AGGHHH
I don't know about any of you guys, but I am sick to death of hearing about how doomed we are from global warming.
I think we are going to be forced to pay a huge price for a token effort to stop the unstoppable.
I think there are so many lies and half truths or if's, but's and maybe's taken as gospel and fueled by scaremongering that our pollies have no choice but to waste billions on a futile effort.
Just my bitch.Great plastering tips at
8th June 2007, 05:41 AM #2
Not just yours
Some day these clowns are going to figure out that the sun does not have a constant fixed output. Either that or all the SUVs, fossil fuel power plants, evil capitalist and all that do actually exist on more than just one planet in this solar system.
I've been watching this train wreck for some time and researching it on my own (the net is a wonderful thing) and the quoted research that supposedly supports this is so full of bad science it is utterly pathetic if not criminal and until very recently that has gotten no recognition *at all*.
It *seems* that the media has been finally forced to listen to real climate scientist rather than the clueless political scare mongers (without a clue but with an obvious agenda) and the "climate scientists" who's jobs depend on backing up their political masters (in other words all the ones making money off this scam). There might possibly be hope for rational and real scientific thought to prevail now, dunno.
How much are the (agenda driven) press, the scare mongers, feel good politicians and scammers going to cost us before they get stopped, not just with bad information on the global warming(TM) issue alone?
Sometimes I really think the real purpose of what the press and the politicians in total are now trying to do is to destroy not only civilization but mankind as well.
It certainly looks to me like insanity is contagious.
8th June 2007, 08:22 AM #3
8th June 2007, 08:41 AM #4
The only reason we are hearing so much about it is because our pollies have it in the can't be bothered or to hard basket. The science is very strong and getting stronger all the time so I can't agree with fox3 in fact the focus is now more the extent of damage and the nay sayers have been pretty much sidelined in their futile and pathetic attempts of self denial. There is much that can be done that will help the economy by driving greater efficiencies in power use which specifically includes the amount of power we pour through our homes.There will also be some costs, but each time technology has given us more efficient means of production it has resulted in lower costs. Whats wrong about getting serious about sustainable energy, coal and oil are last centurys fuel, if we can produce power indefinately from renewable sources with out digging massive holes in the ground or draining every bit of oil we find surely that gives our childrens children the opportunity to live as comfortably as we have, with out the risk or one day running out of energy.
The debate should have already moved on to what we can do, and how to go about doing it. It is appalling that our own government rather than getting us into the forefront of ideas and creating economic opportunities for the country have decided to play ostrich and hope it just all goes away. Just my two bobs worth for the other side.
8th June 2007, 08:49 AM #5
I guess these evil conspirators invented photosynthesis to support their arguments and the clearing of the forests in places like the Amazon is just part of the natural cycle.
8th June 2007, 08:57 AM #6
Sounds like you are talking about George W and the war on terror, truly p_ssing away billions of dollars and so many innocent lives. If this whole global warming thing is a farce (and I tend to doubt that), I would rather see billions of dollars invested in research and development and maybe help a world in environmental peril. If by chance the world is OK and this is just a waste of money (not), this is a chance to increase the world economy and create good jobs for all. Just my two cents.
Oh, and I have a little scientific background not paid for by outside interests...
8th June 2007, 09:07 AM #7
After the total world devastation and mass carnage of Y2K, when computers took the world to the very brink of destruction,
and now the imminent certainty of global warming, with rising sea levels, drought, famine and world annihilation,
I think maybe we should prepare for the inevitable coming Ice Age.
(that is, of course, if we somehow miraculously avoid annihilation from bird flu, nuclear armageddon, comet strike or other popular dooms day scenario)
Just think, the Great Barrier Reef will become a new island. Land Grab!!!
8th June 2007, 09:57 AM #8
There is no doubt that the world is warming. Its a natural cycle through the eons that has been proven through the ice records in the antarctic.
So it is happening, its just that we appear to be accelerating it by a huge factor and this wont give us time to evolve or whatever to deal with it.
This was the beauty of the story "Crude" that kicked this off again on the forums. For those who watched it I would think most would suggest there was no scaremongering, just a presentation of very basic facts of X amount of carbon in the air before the industrial age compared to what is there now and what there will be if we pump up the rest.
Sadly nothing we or our politicians do in this country will make any difference other than making some feel good, some feel angry and others confused.
The change must be global but that wont happen.
Though warming IMO is still not the worry, its the global deaths due to famine that may occur after the oil runs out.
And though it may be of discomfort for us to hear about it, without doubt our young children or theirs will have to deal with it.
8th June 2007, 10:30 AM #9
I don't worry about it. We're all going to die anyway.
If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.
8th June 2007, 10:32 AM #10
I'm still waiting for the ice age that was all the go
when i was a teenager.p.t.c
8th June 2007, 10:35 AM #11
If you drive a car, or use electricity, heat your house or use a computer. You are contributing.
Don't concentrate on the Amazon, how about replanting the 80% of this country that was cleared, then worry about what's happening elsewhere.
"Whoa!" they cry, what would we eat?
We enjoy a standard of living that 80% of the world's population can't even aspire to. It's not them that's rampantly consuming. As the crunch gets closer, who will be better equipped to evolve, the child who currently has to forage for his shelter, or the one that throws a tanti because the local video shop has run out of Violet Crumble bars?
Survival of the fittest, not the wealthiest, the smartest IT person, or the best hairdresser.
8th June 2007, 10:37 AM #12
Well said bloodsucker
8th June 2007, 11:04 AM #13
8th June 2007, 11:18 AM #14
My last tank of gas was in March, I know how to ice fish(inside joke), grow my own produce and can build my own shelter. Yes I use some electricity, (want to install solar and wind) for heat and power. I love to use hand tools for woodworking, gets me closer to the materials, but I will admit that I have a very well equipped power shop. This world will change, those that put IT issues and hairstyles will fall to the wayside. Oh, I do cut my own hair very short, no stylist here.
8th June 2007, 11:19 AM #15
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