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Thread: Polly
19th May 2002, 11:55 PM #1
A little old lady was lonely so she went to a pet shop and decided to buy a parrot.
There was only one parrot there and the pet shop owner would not sell it to her because it was previously owned by a warffie.
The lady pleaded with him because she was so lonely, so he finally relented and warned her that it might come out with some pretty rough language.
There she was sitting at home with her parrot when her cat climbed through the window, "Holey f*****g it's a bloody cat!" the parrot exclaimed.
The lady threatened the parrot that if it said any more words like that she would punish it, and then it let loose with a tirade of all the f words under the sun at her. So as punishment she slipped the parrot into the freezer for 10 minutes, and when she pulled him out she asked him " will that stop you swearing now?"
The parrot replied "yeah, it will-but tell me, what did those two chooks in the freezer say?"greetings from the sunny north, eh!