Propelled by two rows of sweating galley slaves straining at the long oars,a Roman Warship glided across the Mediterranean.
Suddenly one of the older chained rowers gave a strangled cry,clutched his chest and collapsed over the oar,stone dead.
The guards released him from his chains,carried him on deck and threw the body into the sea.
Meanwhile the slave master strode rapidly up and down the aisle separating the two banks of rowers,giving each slave a lash with his whip.
Then he said,"Right you know what to do."
Whereupon each slave released his grip on the oar,lay back on his seat and urinated in the air.
Everyone was drenched.A recently-sentenced slave whisperewd into the ear of a neighbour."What was that all about?"Speaking from the side of his mouth, the neighbour replied,"An old Roman tradition,son.Every time there's a death on board,we have a quick whip around and a -up."
