An old self employed master craftsman was told by his doctor that if he did'nt stop worrying about money he would be going to an early grave,so he ran an ad in the paper for someone to run his business and do all his worrying for him for $75,000 a year.
When the first candidate came for an interview he was told the job would be mainly taking all the financial worries away from the owner.The candidate was very impressed with the craftsman's operation so he agreed to take the job,and start right away.The craftsman said "Now remember I can't worry about money so here's my income taxes.You take them to Accounting to have them filled out and bring them back and I'll sign them,but I don't want to know what I owe." "Yes,sir"the eager young man said,studying the papers in his handand turning on his heels heading for the door.
When his hand hit the doorknob he spun back on his heels."But sir,it says here that you only made $60,000 last year.How can you afford to pay me $75,000?" The old man looked up from his desk with asmile and said,"Thats your first worry."
