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  1. #1
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    Default Gotta love Texas USA

    I never comment on political or other seriously stupid stuff but just can't help myself here.

    I have a son and his family living in Houston Texas USA and this is the latest from him.....


    There is a new gun law in Texas allowing most people to carry handguns in public without a permit or training.

    This came about from the belief that the best way to prevent crime and stop an armed bad guy is to make sure an armed good guy is nearby.

    Prior to that:
    Back in (I think) Sept 2020 they passed open carry of bladed weapons into law:

    You Can Now Legally Open Carry a Sword in Texas
    My sword.gif
    The open carry of swords, daggers, dirks, stilettos, Bowie knives, spears and poniards is now legal in the Lone Star State as of Sept. 1

    It's all a joke, right..... NO IT'S REAL!

    This when COVID is ravaging Texas with well over 800,000 case so far this month.

    Below are the numbers for Sept 1st in Harris County where my son lives and Houston there's a lot more counties with big numbers:

    • Harris County (256,189 cases, 2,238 deaths, 229,739 recoveries)
    • Houston (245,609 cases, 3,089 deaths, 212,354 recoveries)

    To top all that off:
    School went back a week or so ago, after 12 mths of online classes.

    On day one, my 12 year old granddaughter was carpooled to school with a family who had a COVID positive child in the car with them.

    Texas schools have amassed more than 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in students in just a couple of weeks.
    More than a dozen school districts have closed temporarily as a result of the disease:
    Texas is a leader in child deaths from COVID-19 with 59 as of Sept. 3.

    I My daughter in law said yesterday the numbers are around 200,000+ rather than the above but can't find any info on line.

    As we often say here in Oz
    Only in America!

    Well all I can say right now is:

    ONLY IN TEXAS!!!..... But give it time.

    Thank goodness we here in Oz are at least trying to get on top of it all, no matter how hard it is and what it costs..

    We really do live in the lucky country.

    Apologies for the rant and nothing else.

    PS My granddaughter is fine. She had been vaccinated and was wearing a mask.
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    5000 + deaths from COVID in just two counties/cities - "NO they were people who were going to die anyway because they had complications" is the indefensible and ludicrous response from the ill-informed.

    I reckon one would struggle to find 50+ deaths from complications associated with a vaccine in the same area. Can't beat Texas logic.

    I'm still waiting for the 5G tracking chip to kick in with my two shots. It might actually be a bonus, given I'm not getting any younger and I'm starting to forget why I was replying to this post ......

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  3. #3
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    That makes perfect sense. The way to stop gun atrocities is more guns . It was Ghandi who said an eye for an eye the whole world goes blind.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    The “Good Guy with a Gun” Myth | Giffords

    'Good guys with guns' rhetoric doesn't save lives

    Good guy with a gun myth: Guns increase the risk of homicide, accidents, suicide.

    Some light reading for the Texan government

    In my googling I found a great quote .....

    "In Australia health insurance is a right and gun ownership is a privilege whereas in the US gun ownership is a right and health insurance is a privilege"
    Which of those would you rather have?

  6. #6
    rrich Guest


    Ah, but the Texas legislature takes up really important issues.

    A new law effective September first allows anyone to sue abortion providers and anyone that facilitates a woman's access to abortion services. Basically the taxi driver who takes the woman to the airport could be sued.

    The simplest solution to the abortion issue can be solved in three words. Don't Have One.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobyturns View Post
    "NO they were people who were going to die anyway..."
    I wonder if we started prematurely removing these idiots from the gene pool they would be cool with the explanation that they were going to die anyway?

    Asking for a friend...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ubeaut View Post

    Texas is a leader in child deaths from COVID-19 with 59 as of Sept. 3.

    I have singled out the statement above not because I don't despair at all the other comments about gun toting, sword wielding, litigious Texans, but because it puts a nail in the coffin (poor choice of phrase - sorry) of those who have previously claimed victims of covid-19 were going to die anyway.

    I have to remind people that we are all going to die: None of us are going to get out alive, but there is a point at which we say, "We could have (or should have) avoided that."
    I believe there is a basic instinct within the human race to look out for and care for children in a way that is not necessarily carried on to adults. 59 child deaths in Texas is a disgrace.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

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    So a pregnant person (birth giver) is not allowed to terminate a pregnancy (even if the human is going to need 24 hour care for its life), but it is OK for a child to get a virus that could kill them.

    An abortion is not allowed that could save the pregnant person's life, but you can have an item that can terminate a life.

    Can I say I am confused?

    Sorry about some of my terminology but in these times are we allowed to use the terms male and female?

    At least they are leading a more normal life than those of us in Lockdown Melbourne (record number of days), Victoria and New South Wales.

  10. #10
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    In principle, I am against abortion and eugenics in general.
    I do not claim that abortion should never be undertaken, but in principle I am against the practice simply because I stand with the unborn as they have no voice.
    I do not claim a higher moral ground but that unborn children should have inailable rights

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    Quote Originally Posted by Handyjack View Post
    So a pregnant person (birth giver) is not allowed to terminate a pregnancy (even if the human is going to need 24 hour care for its life), but it is OK for a child to get a virus that could kill them.

    An abortion is not allowed that could save the pregnant person's life, but you can have an item that can terminate a life.

    Can I say I am confused?

    Sorry about some of my terminology but in these times are we allowed to use the terms male and female?

    At least they are leading a more normal life than those of us in Lockdown Melbourne (record number of days), Victoria and New South Wales.
    How to over complicate things male / female, mother / father, is a lot easier than potential gestational parent / non gestational parent ...... but then I'm sure some will take umbrage / offence to the inference

    Where it really gets confusing to me is when a reporter uses the term "Their" - is the intended meaning / interpretation a simple "non-gender" term or a reference to a multiple personality disorder or say a greedy person who assumes they possess "things" .... ?? Ah language is a wonderful thing, and we introduce unnecessary complexity / doubt.

    What ever happened to the KISS principle "Keep It Simple S..." oops can't use that word any more now its KISFTU "Keep It Simple For The Unschooled."

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    Mobyturns - I'm still waiting for the 5G tracking chip to kick in with my two shots.

    I didn't know we got free 5G with every jab.

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    Quote Originally Posted by verawood View Post
    Mobyturns - I'm still waiting for the 5G tracking chip to kick in with my two shots.

    I didn't know we got free 5G with every jab.
    According to some anti-vaxers there are all sorts of "freebies" included in the shot/s - take your pick. I want to know how to activate it? 'Cause mines not working yet.

    I wonder if the different pharmaceutical companies have included different "freebies" or are bound to only use "the new world orders" mandated versions.

    Now I'm really confused, which "freebies" did ScoMo mandate?

    Does it matter if the vaccine comes from Singapore or Poland or the UK in a swap deal??? Do they include that govt's freebies and vice versa.

    Very sad that there so much mistrust in politicians in the wider population, but it is of the pollies own making.

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    People believe what they want to believe, and you are all as guilty of that as anyone.

    I don't quite understand the connection between gun laws abortion and vaccination. Maybe the common link is you don't agree with any of them so their position is "stupid" for all three and maybe by extension for everything ?

    If you profile Texas for education and economic status against jurisdictions with gun restrictions their rate of firearms related crime is low. This is a pretty common theme across the world,but I guess outcomes are not as important as belief.

    We here in Australia are right about everything aren't we ? Everyone should do as we do.
    I'm just a startled bunny in the headlights of life. L.J. Young.
    We live in a free country. We have freedom of choice. You can choose to agree with me, or you can choose to be wrong.
    Wait! No one told you your government was a sitcom?

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    Quote Originally Posted by damian View Post
    People believe what they want to believe, and you are all as guilty of that as anyone.

    I don't quite understand the connection between gun laws abortion and vaccination. Maybe the common link is you don't agree with any of them so their position is "stupid" for all three and maybe by extension for everything ?

    If you profile Texas for education and economic status against jurisdictions with gun restrictions their rate of firearms related crime is low. This is a pretty common theme across the world,but I guess outcomes are not as important as belief.

    We here in Australia are right about everything aren't we ? Everyone should do as we do.
    "People believe what they want to believe, and you are all as guilty of that as anyone." True and guilty as charged, however the rest is debatable.

    I prefer to make my own judgements from creditable sources, backed with data supported by evidence, and peer reviewed - however - there is one small problem - trust - do we trust the source/s? Other behavioural factors such as tolerance, forgiveness, empathy, reasoning, plus education etc all play a part in the formation of "beliefs."

    Unfortunately the wider populations trust in once trustworthy sources has been eroded in many ways, through unethical behaviour by a minority of researchers; distortions for gain (i.e. political, monetary, notoriety,...); mischief; or outright deception ..... Somehow an individual must assess the "information" supplied to them and form their own beliefs. Do they have the "right" to impose those beliefs (gun control, abortion, immigration, religion, politics, vaccination, etc) upon others? Wars have started over such matters.

    Do we have all the answers? - no! All we can do is make decisions based upon the best available advice and "evidence." Even "scientific" and other "evidence based" (outcomes) findings, therapies have been adopted / debunked / refuted / modified as better evidence becomes available. We live in an imperfect world.

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