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4th August 2021, 09:43 PM #1
Touched up my ceiling and now the paint is showing as too white
We are selling our home and purchased a sample pot flat white ceiling paint to cover up some blemishes on the ceiling. But the touch ups are whiter than the ceiling it seems, it never blended when it dried. So afterwards realised the previous owners must have tinted the ceiling a little. It's not terrible and I only painted a small amount, about the length of a 20cm ruler.... If I lightly sand back the area I've painted will that blend it back to the other colour or am I screwed now. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!
4th August 2021, 10:53 PM #2
Not sure to be honest.... although I'm tempted to suggest a zero cost approach of smudging the newly painted area with a slightly dirty rag to see if that darkens the whiter patches slightly.
4th August 2021, 11:27 PM #3
Every paint manufacturer makes a "ceiling white"paint but put them all side by side and they all vary.
Also, UV light and general environment will also age the paint. If it's too white use an eye dropper and put 1 drop of black in it then repaint. You may have to do this a second time to tone it down (a standard painters trick)The person who never made a mistake never made anything
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0Simplicity, Pete57 liked this post
5th August 2021, 06:40 AM #4
Paint the whole ceiling, it’s the only way.
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0ian liked this post
5th August 2021, 08:52 AM #5
As a panel beater once said, there are 43 shades of white (and black)Tom
"It's good enough" is low aim
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0Simplicity, Pete57 liked this post
5th August 2021, 09:43 AM #6
Did you wash the ceiling first? Years of accumulated grime and smoke provide their own tints.....
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0verawood liked this post
5th August 2021, 10:19 AM #7
In the mid 90's out then 11 year old son set the bathroom on fire and luckily I as was close by managed to put it out using the shower, but enough smoke had got out into the central passage to make a bit of a mess.
Insurance covered bathroom repairs it and sent around a couple of tradies to do the job. All good. I was at work and got a call from the painter and he asks "what colour" , I said "restore to original colour (ceiling white), go to the other end of the passage and you will see the difference". When I got home, despite the poor lighting in the passage, the ceiling was painted a "light grey". I suspect he never went to the fair end of the passage to look. I contacted the insurance and the painter came around and repainted it. I suspect the painter never went to the far end of the passage to take a look or may have already had some pale grey to use up and was hoping we wouldn't look too hard.
5th August 2021, 09:21 PM #8
Potential buyers are not going to be worried about a couple of patches of paint
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0Oldmeadow liked this post
6th August 2021, 09:36 AM #9
I was able to cut a small square from the plaster and take to Bunnings where they did a scan and matched the paint, redid the parts I stuffed with the new paint and now has fully blended.
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