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Thread: Free Refills
28th December 2020, 05:29 PM #1rrich Guest
Free Refills
I just saw a report in 'The Telegraph' quoting a source from Tass (Russian) that free refills of sugary drinks is to be prohibited.
Here in the US there were some fast food places that decided that paying a person to fill customer's drink cups was derogatory for profits. During the first few days of this new policy a co-worker and I went to a fast food joint for lunch.
After we got our sandwiches we went to the drink dispenser to fill our cups. After eating our sandwiches we cleared our table and started to leave. I stopped at the drink dispenser and added additional drink to my cup. An employee of the fast food joint reprimanded me for adding additional drink to my cup saying, "You're not supposed to refill your drink." I looked at her and said, "Sorry. I was never trained on the drink dispensing machine."
Amazingly the next day the 'No Refills' policy was history.
OK, first; "Fast Food" is neither.
Second, did I screw up the rules on sugary drinks and condemn the planet to obesity?
28th December 2020, 08:15 PM #2
Gday RR
"did I screw up the rules on sugary drinks and condemn the planet to obesity?"
Thank you for the confession (sort of ), cos now we have someone to blame.
I find junk food outlets products way to sweet, even their coffee so I just don't go there.
The table below from Oxford University (next post) lists high blood sugar as the 3rd highest death risk; above smoking.
And we have multiple players in a huge industry pushing this on us.
On a brighter note.
I wish you and yours a good/better 2021.
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28th December 2020, 08:17 PM #3
Death Riskk Factors.jpg
Couldn't get it in the above post???