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Thread: Finishing aged wood
17th January 2020, 09:42 PM #1
Finishing aged wood
I have aged Tasmanian oak using a vinegar and steel wool solution and am really happy with the results. Can anyone recommend a finish that will protect it without changing the colour or darkening it? Thanks.
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22nd January 2020, 05:53 PM #2
22nd January 2020, 07:35 PM #3
So I'm guessing you've achieved a grey somewhere between mid to three quarter tone maybe a bit more, not black like black velvet say? My experience is that if you use an oil based finish it'll go much darker and stay that way but if you use an acrylic based finish it'll go darker when wet but when dry it'll be somewhat darker. Best bet is to do some tests.
22nd January 2020, 08:13 PM #4
metester, yeah, I think you should try some few tests on small areas of that oak.
31st January 2020, 12:10 AM #5
And if we talk about wood finishing wax, I would definitely recommend to visit such websites like this one ( here: https://www.wо ), because an author gave a lot of options to compare one with another, with all their specifications and advises how to use it properly.
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