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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Petone, NZ

    Default Machinery Catalogues

    Driving from Auckland to Wellington today, I called in at the New Zealand Timber Museum in Putaruru, and enquired about woodworking machinery cattledogs. New Zealand Timber Industry History » Timber Musuem of New Zealand

    They have some, but they're only now cataloging their catalogues, and everythings a bit disorganised. However, they let me have a look through their "safe" and in among photographs and woodmill histories and pay-lists, I found a few catalogues:

    aSagar.jpg Sagar.

    aRob3.jpg aRob2.jpg aRob1957.jpg aRob1.jpg Thos. Robinson (the 3rd one is dated 1957).

    aWhite.jpg White.

    aBol.jpg Bolinders.

    aFay.jpg Fay & Egan (missing cover and 1st 20 pages).

    I didn't have time to photograph the contents of each cattledog, but I've posted these in case someone is looking for a particular cattledog or machine. If you know the cattledog is there you might be able to arrange for someone to retrieve the info you want.

    I looked out for that elusive Stenner catalogue that Camo has been after for years, but no luck.

    Anyways, it's past my bedtime (having been in transit for 11 hours), but there's a few more that I'll post in the next day or two.

    Cheers, Vann.
    Gatherer of rusty planes tools...
    Proud member of the Wadkin Blockhead Club .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Petone, NZ


    There's a catalogue from the Machinery Company of America (never heard of them) and Renold (ditto) dated Nov. 1938.

    aMCA.jpg aRen.jpg

    And a catalogue from Berlin Machine Works, that I forgot to photograph the cover of - probably dazzled by the impressive illustrations. Unfortunately there is some serious water damage to the bottom LH corner.

    aBer1.jpg aBer3.jpg aBer2.jpg

    Cheers, Vann.
    Gatherer of rusty planes tools...
    Proud member of the Wadkin Blockhead Club .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Petone, NZ

    Default And Finally: Wadkin.

    I found four Wadkin publications. The first two are operating manuals for MG and UR machines.

    aWMG.jpg aWUR.jpg

    Next there is a fairly substantial parts manual dating to 1964/65 - which I omitted to photograph the cover of. I did copy two pages:

    aWad5.jpg aWad6.jpg

    Finally a catalogue dated 1952 (according to a printers mark).

    aWad1.jpg aWad2.jpg

    I copied a few pages that interested me:




    Interesting to see the 6" RR buzzer had already replaced the RA in (or about) 1952.



    Going back a photo, I'd not seen (or heard of) the RPF power feeder before.


    At least I now know where my wheelbarrow wheel has gone .

    Cheers, Vann.
    Gatherer of rusty planes tools...
    Proud member of the Wadkin Blockhead Club .

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