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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
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    Default Flooring over shallow battens

    I have 85x19mm jarrah floorboards which will be laid over 19mm battens (yes, floorboards as battens), because this is the amount of room I have (I also have to trim one of the doors).
    My question is whether secret nailing with approximately 30-35mm long nails or staples will work, assuming this size is available. I intend to glue as well.
    Will this work?
    Would you recommend nails or staples?
    Or do you think top fixing by some sort of shallow screw, but I have not read of this been a possibility.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
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    The staples we usually use for 19mm flooring are 38mm into chipboard flooring (19mm). This works well. Spacing of staples is about 200 - 250mm apart. I'm assuming the battens are about 450mm apart so not quite as much fixing as I would opt for. Glue we usually trowel on with a 4mm v notched trowel. Given battens I would suggest a healthy head of glue along the batten.

    I have floored on 35mm battens over a concrete floor with success, so hopefully with the thinner battens you have success!!

    The only other staple I have used is more of a flat nail supplied by a USA company called 'power nail' and they are used in a different style of gun that is just driven by hand (no pneumatics) and is generally only recommended for boards of about 14mm thickness.
    "All the gear and no idea"

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