took out the old windows the other day on the end of the verandah while i was doing that noticed that the whole wall moves the stud at the end attached to the house isnt the corner post is fine solid as but the whole section with the old window frames etc can move was just going to re clad it inside and out but now think it will need to be replaced the header beam ? over the windows doesn't move it appears that its just where they filled in the verandah from there down to the floor was very dodgy there are no noggins and just short pieces from the floor up to the old window sills then windows to the header beam . the new wall will just have a small window in it and the rest will be solid wall
what is the new standards for spacing think i have seen 450 centres inside and outside walls on here but not sure and the timber framing old 2 x 4 or metric equivalent and pine is ok ?
also as it was a old verandah the ends of the floor boards are very rough ( think that when it was a open verandah the rain got to them ) this will be covered by the new walls and then will be putting down floor masonite sheets 5mm? over the old flooring so can then put lino down will this do , would of liked to pull them all off but just time and money is not available for the most part they are quite good but the odd crack and gap between them

have found the whole house has decided to move a bit maybe its the long drought but the verandah /kitchen conversion ( first part of house done 4 yrs ago ) the flooring there has started to move making the joint lines there ( masonite again ) appearing thru the lino

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