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  1. #1
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    Default Garage Slab-To seal or to paint?

    My Garage went up about 3 months ago- untill now I have been using it a stop gap for storage and the like whilst I proceeded to complete the renos.

    I am now ready to design the layout of the shed and have emptied it and pressure washed the slab in preparation.

    I used some bleach and detergent with the good old broom prior to applying the pressure cleaner which cleaned it right up.

    Now that its clean Im afraid all imperfections will be a focal point if I use a clear sealer which leads me to ponder pave coat.

    What are the pros and cons, your experiences, and your thoughts of practability?

    A table saw amongst some other smaller machinery will be in the garage once set up.



  2. #2
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    It doesn't matter what you use, all imperfections will show up.

    I prefer a light colour, because it makes the place a bit lighter and cheerier!

    A nice concrete-grey colour is good, but expect to see all the imperfections, realise that it is a workshop floor not a living room, and don't get overanxious when spilling or dropping things on it.



  3. #3
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    Just finished one half of the shed in Berger light grey jet dry paving paint.

    As B/midge says its a worshop floor. Painting it just helos to keep and make it look clean.

  4. #4
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    When I say Imperfections im not referring to trowell marks and the like rather stubborn clay stains which have penetrated since pouring the slab.

    Not sure that will alter your consideration here given that I am quite Anal
    Im hoping the Berger O-ption vs the Clear Seal option prevails.

  5. #5
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    There is also a 2-pack resin floor sealer that a friend of mine has been recommending, but as I'm not quite at the stage where I want to use it I haven't got the product number, but its made/sold bt ERA Polymers in Sydney. Its coloured/colourable & anti-slip as well as the usual water & solvent proof.

  6. #6
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    Properly etched and applied, a Two Pack finish will outlast a normal paving paint by a 100 miles.

    Clear or coloured is your choice, you won't regret either (unless you don't like the clay stains showing )


  7. #7
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    Well since were bein anul here

    Why not give the paintin the flick and since this is a wood forum... why not lay a floating timber floor over the contrete? THEN get REALLY anul and do it with some major expensive exotic timber!! Cover with that 2 pack polyurathene stuff that costs two legs an arm and your family jooels to buy... create some wonderously stunning feature dados and some beatutiful skirting boards and then go all out and do the ceiling in something like Honduras Mahogany making some fine and dandy scroll work for the architraves...

    Man I can see it now... and mate it will LOOK stunning!! youd be the legend of Aussie if you get really anul with this

    Course then you wont be able to put any tools or such in there nor will you be able to do anything on it since it will mar the beautiful job youve done... but hey you can be anul as hell

    And hey!! We wont mind if you share your tools around to the fellas here at ubeauts wonderous forum... can I have your scrapers? oh an your draw knife? maybe just a few of your saws and planes too?... just post em over once your done with the shed since you wont have anywhere to keep them since they would destroy the look of your now wonderously gorgeous shed... no worries glad to help ol son!

    Concrete is concrete and its a flamin shed mate get over it!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  8. #8
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    Shane, you need to come out of the bush more

    we miss ya


  9. #9
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    Sod painting your garage youll be french polishing the wall frames.

    Spend the money on some tools...
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwigeo
    Sod painting your garage youll be french polishing the wall frames.
    HEY!! Why the blazes didnt I think of that?? so what have we got?

    1) make a nice floating timber floor
    2) make a timber ceiling along with nice cornices and fretwork
    3) make some nice dados and skirting out of some exotic speices of timber
    4) use a 2 pack polyurathine the family joowel expensive stuff on the floors
    5) french polish the walls

    mmm bedda make those walls outta wood or put up some wood panelling hadnt we? that french polish will look really outta place on corrigated iron walls :eek:

    So comeon what next? Amazing shed this ones gonna be by crikey!

    FORGET THE TOOLS MAN!! Lets get this shed into a peice of artwork for the poor misguided fella!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  11. #11
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    Good Lord!

    Havent we hit a nerve?

    Funny thing is my mate sounds just like some of the anti concrete paint natzis in this thread except in his case his wife happen to run off with the bloke from Dulux....

  12. #12
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    Ahh Deems, what you need to remember about this mob of reprobates ... is that most of us are reprobates. Besides, you had good answers, so that sort of gives the boys the go ahead to take the pith It's all in good fun, though I did think Shane was a bit overboard when he said no tools. Cripes, get them anodised a nice gold and they'll look nice against the french polished, wood lining


  13. #13
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    My vote is for shag pile carpet, can hide loads of saw dust in one of those.

    I was amaze to see carpet in a blokes garage that I went into yesterday (no word of a lie), but it wasn't as luxurious as shag pile I feel.



  14. #14
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    Yeth indeedy Deemths ol lov we ish just jothin with you... I mean who wanths all that horrid timber! eeewww! :eek:

    We were just offerin our opinions... but now I do believe we were on the wrong track so now based up many years of experience with women and having had many girl type daughter creatures I believe thanks to the youngster Richard up there that we are NOW on the right track

    So with further addo we will rid your wonderous shed of all that terrible timber stuff and look into alternatives

    So now I reckon you should go buy some of those beautiful rose colored tiles from the warehouse and lay rose colored tiles throughout the shed... now doing this will stop you or anyone else seeing those terrible shocking gasp horrid imperfections of the concrete

    And mate sorry about that with the tools I was just bein greedy I guess a fella can never get enough tools you know... and well Richard does have a fine idea and it would look wonderous with the gentle tint of rose from the tiles... yes on reflection I do believe gold plating them would be beautifull and very fittin indeed

    So lets revise shall we
    1) Rose colored floor tiles throughout the shed
    2) gold plated tools
    3) French polish the corrigated iron walls

    Now I do think you should do something with those terrible ceilings...

    Hang on!! here comes Bruwthy and hes great with sorta thing

    oooohhh you naughty fellow... ah ohh how thweet were dwethin up a thed? ooohhh how delish.. ooh yeth rose floor tiles who though of that? you? oh you loverly man you come here... no? ah well now the gold plated tools? hehehe wat sort of tools you dirty man?... oh that would be right "mans tools" yech! but yeth with gold plating it would look oohhh so so right... mmmm fwench polish the iron walls? eeeewwwwwww! oh I thee a kiwi said that oh now isnt that just like those silly kiwis? such wonderful sex minded people those kiwis but color cordination or appropriate things mmm they just dont get it do they? oooh delish people why I had a big kiwi fella once... ooh you dont want to hear? sigh... okay then what we need is some lovely pink schintz to hang from the ceiling ooh that would go soooo well with those gold tools hehehe tools ooooh you are naughty!.. and anyway that would look so much better than all that yucky wood dont you think?

    WELL why ask me if your not goin to listen to me? Im an artist dont you know... theeeeth?

    Now youve done it mate with a swish of his lime yellow handbag hes pranced off... gone?... okay whos got the acetone? well how the blazes else am I gonna get my ass of this flamin wall?? yeah yeah I shoulda realized that superglue on the ass was gonna be hard to get off... but COME ON this is Bruwthy were talkin here!!! :eek:

    The choices are endless!!! And heck you asked for our advice! as bruwth is bound to say "some fellaths are justh soooo hard :eek: ... to please"

    SHAG PILE CARPET??? oooohh drool thas even bedda than my rose pink tiles tiles bein sooooo flamin cold on the tootsies... shag pile carpet in the shed oh yes please! what color? I personally would go for a nice blue... but mate dont you reckon it would be a bit hard to get rid of ol Bruwthy???? gawd... and mate he would go some flamin fairy color like oooh nipple pink or testicle green... I mean YEEEEEEEEEECH!! :mad: No I wouldnt get shag pile carpet in the shed just way to much temptation for passin fairies an the women would be continuously in my way vacumin and such... nah a blokes shed should have somethin hard an strong on the floor!! AND BLOODY UNCOMFORTABLE to keep unwanted visitors to a minimum
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  15. #15
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    Damn Shane settle down I think ur foaming at the mouth there :eek:



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