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Thread: Shed disasters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    kyogle N.S.W

    Default Shed disasters

    I had another accident in the shed.......recently read a thread 'what scares you in the shed' or words to that effect, so I thought I might start my own thread with this in mind.........

    I'm at my bench planning away.....lovely looking piece of redgum that once was a fence post.....unfortunately with dirty big auger drilled holes running its length..........thinking, what the hell can I do with this ? shame to waste it.....but how do I cut out these holes and still make it useful ? maybe I could incorporate it into the design somehow...?........

    anyway I'm dreaming away,,,enjoying the serenity,,,,great theoropy,,,,swish, swish goes the plane and .......suddenly........out of one of the fence post holes, sprints out this dirty big redback spider.....huge dashes straight up and over the front of me plane and onto me leading hand !! :eek:

    I supposed to be a cool, tough lad, tough as they come, at least thats what I pretend to be.......but I've never jumped so high in my life......

    unfortunatley, I suspend offcuts from the table saw above my head off makeshift bars......about 5 years worth of stuff that I just can't throw away.....and on my head I've got my welding helmet that I forgot was there, swung up high out of the way, from a job I did half an hour earlier,,,,so instead of being 6"1,,, I was about 7" I guess you can see what happened......I jumped straight into the offcuts , my helmet must have knocked a tender spot and the whole lot came crashing down on thing I know I'm on the ground grazed everywhere.......... pined .....yelling 'Esther !',,,,,'Esther!' (my wife).......did that for about 5 minutes, I just couldn't get see she had on her favorite CD on in the house and she couldn't hear a thing.......

    Finally pulled myself clear, to find that nothing was broken, just a lot of bruises an bleeding cuts.....thankfully nothing to warrant a visit to the Emergency...(they've seen me enough....)....and proceeded to clean up the mess as fast as I could, hopefully before anyone would notice.......very embarrising stuff.......I look over and in shock I noticed my entire Hand plane shelf had come down too.....all my beloved secondhand sexed up handplanes where all over the place,,,, my heart sank......I'm still feeling it,,,,,some were definite right offs.........

    and I thought ....well.......that teaches me for being such a crapstir the other day on this forum......never really been a believer.......but 'what comes around', does indeed 'go around' see I always thought what was really happening was 'its already come around, and I'm just following it',,,,,,,,,but clearly I'm wrong.......

    god definetly does hold a HNT Gordon smoother in his hand........

    Anyhow I'd love to hear about any other complete stuff ups.........if you can find the courage to do so that is...........I understand how bloody hard it can be..................seeya

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005


    So wher's the spider cause I ain't going to drop in to that shed and have a beer till you find it.Russell

    The trouble with life is there's no background music.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Mount Hutton N.S.W


    hey russell
    with the amount of badluck you have had are you sure your not a rail worker
    i am sitting at work on a saturday arvo reading these forums ,man it makes you forget about work for a while which is great.
    sorry to here about your finger and is the redback ok

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    kyogle N.S.W


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashore
    So wher's the spider cause I ain't going to drop in to that shed and have a beer till you find it.Russell

    probably back into the same hole it came from.......ready to do it again to me next week, I can be that forgetful .......I haven't been back in the shed since.........there quicker than they look...redbacks...often there out of sight before your boot reaches them

    The fingers fine now, doesn't look as bad as I thought it might, middle finger of right hand,,,hasn't changed life much at all..... just means I miss the 'k' a fair bit on the keyboard.....have to pick my nose with a different finger......cant pick up coins off the table at all with that hand(god thats frustrating)...... can't be as offensive as I'd like to be when some bloke cuts me off on roundabouts (no, I'm not really like that)

    Worst part about it getting better is that it means I'm back to I'm shore many of us can relate..........we use a lot of chemicals at work so I couldn't really have my fingers back into it until it was properly healed ..and..being just the tip of the finger mean't I could still do a lot of stuff at it was like I was on one big now I'm seriously considering which finger I should loose next to get more time off....maybe a toe......a pinkie ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Perth (NOR)


    [ thing I know I'm on the ground grazed everywhere.......... pined .....yelling 'Esther !',,,,,'Esther!' (my wife).......did that for about 5 minutes, I just couldn't get see she had on her favorite CD on in the house and she couldn't hear a thing.......

    [b]You can be glad she wasn't watchim the " Home & Away" stuff, cause you'd still be there mate![/b]

    Finally pulled myself clear, to find that nothing was broken, just a lot of bruises an bleeding cuts.....thankfully nothing to warrant a visit to the Emergency

    Sometimes the bruised ego is worse than the physical injuries!

    I trust the red back got squashed in the collapse of the timber!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    kyogle N.S.W


    You can be glad she wasn't watchim the " Home & Away" stuff, cause you'd still be there mate!

    'Home and away'.....yeh,,,,at our place its 'Neighbors'.....and I can sadly admit that I'm up to date on whats happening in that show see by the time its starts we've all showered, eaten and its time to 'relax' in front of the TV.....and the wife and kids favorite is 'Neighbors'.....and I've got to bear it because I haven't spent any time with them all day....(sideaffect to owning a shed) I know exactly whats
    Did you know that theres a new 'bad boy' in town......he's 'BACK' !......its Darcy,,,,,I just can't believe it ....I thought he died when Izzy pushed him down the stairs......and he's 10 times worse than Paul Robinson I reakon.....He'll be into Izzy's pants within the next week for my left testicle on it.......

    Sometimes the bruised ego is worse than the physical injuries!

    I think your spot on .......actually I was glad Esther didn't hear me.......because then I wouldn't stop hearing about it for years.....she'd tell everyone.....and being in a small country town....thats just murder.....its hard enough getting back from the shops in less than an hour with all stops you gotta make.....everybody knows everyone else.......its hello, a talk about the weather, goodbye times 10........before you even get the chance to buy milk for breakfast.......with a story like this floating about just imagine how many stops I'd have to make on top of that........Christ, I wouldn't get home to lunchtime

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