As a rank amateur, I have been fun skimming through any free info on the net in order to design a ceiling for some partitions in a large shed.

The enclosed space is 3.25 x 5.65, and the ceiling only has to support 10mm plasterboard.

The most economic/easy solution I have come up with uses 4 120 x 45 hanging beams, supporting MGP10 90 x 35 Ceiling joists at 450 centres. Just looking at the diagram attached, I suddenly realise that I will need some joists closer to the walls so that the plasterboard doesnt flap in the breeze. I wonder how big an overhang is allowed for plaster sheeting ?

No doubt my draftsperson will come up with his own method, but its good to anticipate as many methods as possible.

If any creative viewers can think of improvements, I would be very interested to hear.
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