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Thread: Kurtarcy
3rd December 2012, 07:30 AM #1
G'day woodies, I've finally joined,I'm a carpenter of a sort (I don't build off plans,more sketches & loose ideas running around in my head) I run on instinct but seem to make things more robust, so big heavy & of wood overcooked.
So that's me good to be welcomed
6th December 2012, 07:07 PM #2
Welcome to the forum. Sometimes we do over engineer our creations. But only sometimes.
6th December 2012, 09:15 PM #3
welcome to the forum looking forward to seeing some of your work
8th December 2012, 03:37 AM #4
welcome to the forum
10th December 2012, 11:12 AM #5
G'day Kurtarcy and welcome to the gathering!!!