Dear Lads (and Ladies I suppose on this one ...),

I'm just starting to look into the whole subject of Timber Venetians up here in Brisbane. Everyone sells them - even the BigB!
But who sells the best quality ones?

Some must have thicker metal moving parts, or tougher string, or less easily broken little plastic bits, or whatever, in them, compared to others. Some might have better timber, with a more durable sun-resistant finish. And let's not forget about spares; some brands might have spare parts available, whereas other brands might not. Some might just feel smoother and easier to use than others...
I dunno! You tell me!! (Then we'll both know...)

Look, from what I can gather about what's already been said in this place about them, the custom made ones by crowds such as Luxaflex can easily cost twice as much as something made to a standard size that you can quite simply cut down to the correct width yourself. Even so, maybe one of those crowds like Luxaflex sell a range of damned-good-quality, standard-sized off-the-shelf units for a reasonable price, that you could still cut down to the right size yourself? I dunno... I just dunno Jack anymore... Help me out here!...

(Did I go too far? Or not far enough?... Are they Violins that I can hear playing?...)

Thanks muchly,

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