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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mundulla,Sth Australia

    Default A friend needs help..marriage problems.

    I don't know whether I should be posting this or not but I'm sure none of his circle of friends knows of this forum in fact I'm about the only one who knows what a hammer is.And please believe me that this isn't about me though it is an old cliche.
    His wife of 15 years has told him that she no longer cares for him.This was way out of the blue.Floored me!!They have had counselling but he feels that at any moment she will call it a day.What does he do?Does he prepare a secret bank account?Start looking for a rental home?What about their house if it does happen?Who gets what or do they sell it and split the money?I have a million others but I can't think of them.All I could tell him is to see a lawyer but he doesn't want to yet unless it all comes good.
    Any advice would be appreciated because this is way out of my depth.
    PS They have 3 kids,eldest 12,youngest,5.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Personally I would stay out of it - you could lose two friends. However, if you are counselling the husband, and if the wife is a reasonable person, I would advise him to ask her to be up front and they might be able to divide the assets and part amicably.

    However that seldom happens. With the best of characters and intentions, separation/divorce usually escalates into combat status fairly quickly. In that case, forewarn your friend and advise him to pull his finger out now, and enlist the services of the best (dirtiest - because she will) lawyer and dig in before he loses everything. When children are involved, the law sides with the parent who has custody (normally the mother) and the other partner is degraded and stripped bare.

    If he is a reasonable man, one would expect him to do the right thing by his children and pay all dues to them. That can be done without glibly handing everything over to the wife. Divorce is a dirty business and many men become suicidal if the wife and courts get their way. And that's no good for your friend or his children. He must look after himself and though I hate to say it, the wife with the children will get by on welfare if it comes to that.

    Male suicide is ballooning and divorce/impoverishment is sited as a main cause. I would suggest he also seek support during this period form one of the men's support groups. Keep him away from psychologists and psychiatrists though - they'll make him ten times worse.
    I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.

    Regards, Woodwould.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Gold Coast


    If he's your friend, don't give him any advice at all. Just let him know that you're there for him, and will offer continued support. It's for them to sort out one way or the other ....

    There's no such thing as a secret bank account. He has rights to 50% of what they have and he can exercise those rights. Good luck with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Toowoomba Q 4350


    What Ross Said - Just be his friend. I'd suggest leave the counselling to an impartial person so they can deliver the harder points that will have to be thought about at some stage. If you have to deliver the hard points (and they are different for everyone) he could resent you.

    Yeah, better being a friend, in my humble suggestion.

    So what does he do? take things one step at a time, one minute at a time even. Try to keep the kids out of it (as in piggy in the middle, but Mum said, but Dad sai..) while trying to keep the kids informed as to what is happening, i.e. Yes xxx is sleeping in the doghouse, yes I will still love you.....

    Just a couple of suggestions...

    Good Luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lindfield N.S.W.


    The fact that she has said anything (not just taken the attitude that he should have been able to work it out himself) and is prepared to go to counselling is something.

    I agree that you should just be a good friend and not a counsellor. But it does help to say things like, if you want the marriage to continue then you will have to put your full effort into the counselling so that she sees that you want the marriage to go on - anything less than full-hearted involvement by him will be taken by her as an admission that the marriage is up. It also helps if the Family Court gets involved if the counsellors can say that he really tried - not so much on the basic property and custody stuff, but on getting realistic access rights. A lot of the depression for men after divorce is about the access regime and this has improved a bit in recent years with the recognition by the Court that children need to have both parents involved in their upbringing.

    If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    It has been my experience that even if you don't take sides, when the dust settles you and your two friends will often drift apart and you may not see either of them after a while,

    Often during the bitterness and hurt of a divorce you will see a side of the parties they won't want you to see, later they may be feel embarrased that you saw them when they were under so much stress/emotion by the events that they will want to move on, almost surely one party will feel you have not been completely neutral and shown bias to the other.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yinnar, Victoria, Australia


    As others have said before.. don't take sides, be supportive of both of them but don't let yourself become the "messenger" ( you know what happens to them!).

    Once they sort themselves out you may still see them both or only one of them.. and what ever you do DONT GET CAUGHT SAYING ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT THEM.
    I try and do new things twice.. the first time to see if I can do it.. the second time to see if I like it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Rossluck View Post
    He has rights to 50% of what they have and he can exercise those rights. Good luck with it.
    Ross, I have had the misfortune of witnessing six acrimonious divorces - some here and some overseas - and in all cases, the husbands were dealt well less than 50% of the assets.

    Two of the poor sods were homeless within months (one lived with me for almost a year) and three of them didn't make much of their lives after the divorces. Two remarried and one committed suicide as a result of illegally being denied access to his children by a very bitter and devious ex-wife. It can be a very sad business indeed.
    I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.

    Regards, Woodwould.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    My brother went though the same thing the hardest thing for him was thinking he would be a lonely man like how do you find a woman after 20 or so years of marriage

    l still remember my talk to him

    you got a job YEP

    you not into drugs NOPE

    your not going to jail NOPE

    your not that ugly, you will be hot property on the market

    the ink wasn't dry yet and he was doing really well for himself

    there is a lot of fish in the ocean as they say
    smile and the world will smile with you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mundulla,Sth Australia


    Thanks for your replies.From what I have heard 50% would be a miracle.Poor bugger has about $10K worth of tools in his shed.This may be wrong but I think he should start hiding some of his gear.His wife would have no idea what he has or what it's worth.What do you reckon?This is as far as I would go.I'm not an arbitrator/counsellor.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Brookfield, Brisbane


    Quote Originally Posted by Rossluck View Post
    There's no such thing as a secret bank account. He has rights to 50% of what they have and he can exercise those rights. Good luck with it.
    only the wife will get the better half.

    when my parents divorced mum got just about everything luckily dad got to keep the house as it is and old family property. dad is now 82 and cant retire.

    id take Woodwoulds advice.
    Mobile Sawmilling & Logging Service
    8" & 10" Lucas Mills, bobcat, 4wd tractor, 12 ton dozer, stihl saws.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast


    With the 50% comment, I was not referring to the final settlement. There are children involved here in a possible separation. It's not time for one party or the other to squirrel money away. The family has to be looked after in whatever decent way can be achieved.

    If one of the couple leaves the house, they are entitled to whatever can be afforded to help them resettle. They are entitled to half of what current resources are available.

    It's time for dignity. I hope they make it. It's a sad time for the children.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bottom of the leg


    Been there done that she got the teeshirt.

    Lawyer ===expensive.

    if they decide to split then its important they do a property settlement through a lawyer.
    I bought her share of the house through a lawyer she took what she wanted we were both happy.

    Three years later she writes and wants a divorce.
    I handled my own divorce, no sweat, biggest mistake was no property settlement at time of split.

    She was entitled to half the the house at what it was worth three years after the split.

    she has a year from the actual divorce to make her claim.

    lawyers will prolong things because the more they talk to each other the more it costs both your friends. It cost me $125 just for a different lawyer to put my final cheque in the bank. They are a nesseceary evil but they are just in it for the money,its their job.

    Tell him not to be an a&^%s&le they have their kids to consider, its not just about them, if they are both reasonable and get it over quick they both save money and heartbreak.

    Most important they have not got to turn their kids against the other partner by running her/him down, i was lucky my kids were grown up they still talk to both of us without blaming either one of us.
    lets face it ,it doesn't matter what happens now things will never be the same for them.

    Cheers Fred
    Last edited by fenderbelly; 19th February 2009 at 11:29 PM. Reason: added new line
    Cheers Fred

    The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with the light on. ... t_creative"

    Updated 26 April 2010

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Firstly, I'd advise your friend to remain calm and try to fight like hell to save his marriage - if that's what he wants. Go to counselling - but find a good counsellor, that both parties can trust. See the counsellor individually and together - it makes a big difference to have individual sessions as well. In the end, the marriage may still fail, but the individual counselling sessions will help both parties recover and should help them stay calm to see the other's point of view.

    If the marriage does fail, your friend is in for a tough time, and will need your friendship and support. I've stayed at friend's houses during such times, and had friends stay at mine - it helps. Getting endless advice isn't necessarily very helpful, but a little advice from a good friend can be invaluable.

    First and most important for your friend is to try to remain calm and reasonable. Getting angry and upset destroys any chance of the relationship recovering, and hurts financially. If both parties can come to an equitable and reasonable agreement over property and custody, a fortune (not a 'small' fortune either) can be saved in legal fees. It is important to have the settlement legally ratified, but I did this for my divorce without engaging a lawyer. I was advised by my wife's lawyer that I should engage a lawyer, and I looked her right in the eye and said "Why?" She was unable to give me a satisfactory answer, and I'm glad I didn't - it saved both of us money.

    However, if the divorce is acrimonious, engage a lawyer immediately, and make an equitable and fair settlement, with fair custody rights your main priorities. If you make your main priority getting the most out of it (or 'screwing' the other party for every cent), it will only cost both of you more of your money.

    I agree with the previous advice about not bagging the partner in front of the kids, and about keeping the kids' welfare uppermost in mind. The other partner may indulge in undermining tactics - take the high ground here. In the end it will pay off and your kids will think more of you for it.

    A couple of words of advice that have made my life liveable again after such troubles. The sooner you can forgive genuinely, the sooner your heart will start to recover. Leave bitterness behind as soon as possible. And the only revenge that is worth striving for is happiness. Happiness is truly the best revenge... In the dark times it can seem like happiness is something that will never be achievable again, but it will come, and when it does it can mean the chance at a new life.

    It's always awful when this happens. Hopefully your friend will come through it.
    Bob C.

    Never give up.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Mundulla,Sth Australia


    Thanks for that Poppa.I've printed you reply and I will pass it on.

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