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Thread: Getting a life.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default Getting a life.

    For the last couple of days there have been a few threads on the prevalance of swearing and bending the rules. Many words have been said, many opinions have been expressed, including mine, in the hope that some of the members would grow up and decide that this board is too good a thing to ruin by their intemperate language and minority bashing.

    While this was going on I did not read the thread on " American Woodworkers" as I thought it was about the style of furniture our American cousins were making. A big mistake on my part as apparently it degenerated in personal attacks rather than stay on woodworking issues.

    Today I noticed it and despite the posts on behaviour Lignum made this post 2 hours ago

    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum
    Get a life....

    which IMO insulted my good friend Ryan. Another personal attack on a member and if , as Biting Midge said, Ryan responds no doubt another series of Seppo bashing.

    IMO the board is no longer that which it was when I joined. Sure there was friendly rivalry, the odd biffs, but we generally respected each other. This I feel is no longer the case. The newer members are bringing a new feel to the board, which may be a good thing, but it definitely is not my cup of tea.

    In addition some of my interests have changed and I don't have as much spare time available for reading the board for the time being, so reluctantly I will be taking some leave and not logging on as regularly as before.

    Whilst I'm pursuing my other interests in life I hope that the members will take this time to think of what kind of forums they want and I hope that it reverts to the one I used to enjoy.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    On the Downs, Darling SEQld

    Thumbs up

    On Ya, Peter!
    Good one.
    Though I regard myself as a Newbie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France



    Sorry you won't be round, 'specially since I know it's GARDENING :eek: that's keeping you away, but I know you'll be back.

    Mick, Craig, Silent and others have said it on other posts so I won't reiterate, but it is up to the "seniors" to keep the junior school in tow if the character of the place is to remain.

    We've mostly backed off for a time I think, being polite, nodding in a disapproving way.... well I've stopped!!

    You and I have proudly bashed (sometimes mercilessly) the odd seppo. (I know, most of 'em are odd) Arrrr see what I mean?? But there is a very real difference which some have yet to learn, between
    "maybe it's time you got a life "

    and " get a life!"

    Anyways: enjoy the other part of your life, but don't forget to drop in!~


    P (off to find a dutchman to bash now.....)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Warwick, QLD


    I was hoping to save my 500th post for something special , but this to me, is more important. Firstly Sturdee, I hope that you will keep gracing us with your expertise here. Some of the jigs you have made a fantastic and I have learnt a lot from you!
    I agree that this place is so different from when I joined 13 months ago. All of the posts used to about woodworking or a few good jokes. Now the forums have denigrated to personal mudslinging matches. If you don't like what someone says, have the decency to respect that they are allowed to have there own opinion and do not deserve to have someone else abusing them because of what they think.
    A prime example is the thread about American woodworking styles. I think that one member remarked "shaker, quaker crap". Fair enough that you do not like it but that sort of commentary is deplorable.
    Is it too much to ask, that people remember to treat others with respect??

    Lastly, After reading some of the posts lately, I know that if I was a guest browsing through these forums, I would be deeply offended and disgusted by the tone and pompous BS posted here lately.

    For those of you that haven't read this post by Journeyman Mick, please take the time now to read it and for those of you that have read it again. It does sum up the entire existance of these forums!!!
    Have a nice day - Cheers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Well Peter, it's your call but I hope you continue to look in from time to time.

    Good luck with your new pursuits too.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    South Oz, the big smokey bit in the middle


    I've also noted a change in feel. Particularly these complaints about moderation.

    We are blessed with the best moderator I've had the pleasure to be 'swished' by. And people are complaining? :eek: This never was and never should be somewhere to post whatever you want in whatever form you wish. This is a society that includes many different views and personalities. Sometimes, people through stress, alcohol, tiredness or sheer bloody mindedness stuff up - and it is THESE posts that the moderators should have to spend their time on, NOT swearing and some of the other behaviours that are so easily controlled by the poster.

    After some of the posts lately, I'm be amazed if isn't considering 'getting a life'. Personally, I'd like to ask him to stay here and sweat out the #### for a bit.

    When people like Peter start deciding to move on, the rot has gone too far - it can still be reversed but it needs all of us start obeying the rules and to think about the other members of the forum.


    I'd really like to know what I put in that had to be hashed out - I wrote this post, sent it and dashed out the door so didn't notice the change till now, four hours later, and have no idea what I let slip ... which is really embarrassing when you consider the context of the discussion. May I just say 'OOPS'? Please?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Magill, Adelaide


    Peter I hope you manage to keep around here. I for one have appreciated your posts and also seeing your jigs. You were generous enough to send me your drawings for your tenoning jig before I even asked.

    As you say I think that the board should be largely about wood woodworking and personal slanging shouldn't be allowed or tollerated. In particular taking a backhand at someone just because they have a different opinion to ones self is the very worst and most immature behaviour. There is a lot of that on other boards and lists and one of the reasons this is such a good board is that we manage by and large to avoid childish squeeling.

    I'll stick around and fight the good fight. Well at least I'll keep in touch here about timber and woodworking. Who on earth was it that moaned about Quaker furniture? Isn't that just another style that we can all look at and copy develope or ignore? I don't think that writer understands wood or furniture making much.

    As to jigs I am working on a finger jointing jig this weekend. I am using a metal thread so it can have an adjustable stop. That way I can use it for different size fingers.

    Aussie Hardwood Number One

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Melbourne, South East Subs.


    Look, I breeze in and out and say some dumb-assed things. But these forums have been the next best thing to an apprenticeship for me. Fact is, a good thing attracts all types, but the positive spirit of the board is maintained by it's leading lights. Don't stay away too long, Peter.

    The perfect is the enemy of the good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lost in Space

    Default Disappointing


    Before I start I'd like to say this as mine to own!!! It is not a bait for retort or designed to ignite a furore of infantile combackance!!!!! It is simply designed as a statement to reflect upon and hopefully make some kind of decision about how to conduct yourself in ForumLand!!!!!

    I have learn't this from a number of senior forum members who like to think they can bully in the playpen..................

    Step 1 Don't personalise it........or take it on!
    Try to consider all posts as reasonable and let the moderators do their job. Theres a few forum members that love to go fishing for a reaction! Don't take the bait then they can't play!!!!

    Step 2 Put principles before personalities !
    Dispite what some think were all teachers & someones bound to get something from a well thought out balanced post! Be curtious, respectful and mindful of the diversity of spectators and forum participants alike!!!!

    Step 3 Don't play tennis !
    As soon as we get into a he said she said intellectual spar the thread tends to degenerate rapidly................Its simple don't get on the court n play!!!!

    Step 4 Go to open slather if ya wanna swear vent or post your own agenda!
    Lets unite and be dilergent about following principles (U-Beauts House Rules) in the general areas of the forum.

    Step 5 Let people own their own stuff.........Don't fight other people battles for them!!! this just creates a them & us mentality!
    Don't join in on gang ups against other members etc etc this just ain't necessary and creates resentment, disdain and factions within the community.

    You know what camp your in and I know mine. My choice is to follow the rules of the Forum and be a part of the solution not the problem...............If enough of us do this the forum can only become a better place.!!!!!!

    Regards Lou
    Just Do The Best You Can With What You HAve At The Time

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    May I?

    From where I sit, and what I have experienced in my short life, this is one of the better places to hang out on this world wide web. Take note of the 'world' part. That means that anyone from anywhere on the planet can check this place out and see what's going on, what people think, etc, etc.

    At the same time, it means that ANYONE can come and check out the same things.

    Problem being, some people (no names) can't quite understand what that means.

    Due to what I have experienced, I will also listen/read someone else's opinion, and I will always respect that. Not everyone knows what I do, I don't know what anyone else might know. I might be willing to change my opinion, I might be able to change yours. If not, fine.

    But, and it's a really big but, there is a way to say what you think.

    If you choose a respectful, decent and reasonable way to present your opinion, then any sensible human being has little choice but to respect it as it is presented.

    If you resort to foul language, masked foul language, personal insults, generalizations, bandwagon riding, gratuitous back slapping or any other kind of denegration, then I've also got to take that at face value.

    I'll still listen to what you say, but it won't stop me thinking that you are a (insert derogative term here).

    I'm not asking anyone to think the way I do about things, as opposed to what I think, but it sure as heck keeps me out of trouble most of the time.

    I just wish I was more of a wordsmith. I can't get my ideas across as well as some people here, like Peter.

    Anyways, don't go too far away sir. I always stop and have a read, regardless of what you have written. I know it's not going to be a diatribe of junk, it's going to be to the point, and it's going to be easy to understand.

    Now, what's the chance of finding someone(s) to help out on here? I know if I were in his shoes, the axe would be worn out by now.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    campbelltown NSW


    Peter, being a newbie here, and looking for the expertise of the more skilled/gifted of this forum, so far it has been a delightful ride . The knowledge, mateship and freely given help is, I am sure, appreiciated by the young, old, male, female etc who look in here, me, well, I love the place and would not be offended in the slightest if I was pulled into line by a senior member and/or moderator, even at my age (I should know better anyway) get a bit stirred by issues and stuff . If you decide to give us a miss, it is our loss and sadly if we loose too many senior members you may be responsible for many amatures gluing and nailing themselves to whatever it is we are trying to make :confused: , so on your next trip to the emergency room you see a poor dopey bugger with a 4x2 nailed to the door of his car, forlornly sitting there , I hope you stop and think "Gee, if only he would have asked someone!" , It will probably be me!:eek: :eek:
    Don't dissapear!

    Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Thank you all for your comments and if heeded I’m sure the board will indeed become again the friendly place to hang out and have fun and learn a bit and get and give advice.

    As Peter reminded me I’ve been guilty of some Seppo bashings, but the one with Seppo Joe was justified , and a few other fights but with the benefit of hindsight I regret those occasions. If in the heat of the moment I’ve offended someone I’ve always unreservedly apologised when taken to task. Something that nowadays seldom happens.

    Yes, peter I’ve got to do gardening, finish of those outside tasks that no one likes, but today I did some fine woodworking . I was removing the overhead BBQ canopy and inserting 2 new beams to hold up the BBQ roofing. Instead of dovetails I used 6” bolts and instead of a hammer I used a sledgehammer to get them in place. A bit like removing stumps but higher in the air.

    To clarify, the other interest that is taking up a major part of my time, is the renewed interest that my wife and I have in ballroom dancing. We both used to dance in our younger days but gave it up when we got kids. One night about 6 month ago we decided to go dancing again and the dancing scene has changed so much that we have had to relearn many dances and new routines etc. Thus we started learning and dancing so that now we are often out 4 nights a week.

    Also with the board tone and attitude having changed so much I would rather dance a sexy rumba or a fast quickstep or a lively tango or a slow waltz with my lovely wife in a pleasant place where the new friends I’ve made don’t swear, rather than stay home and wade through a series of posts that lately haven’t been worth opening.

    I have been wondering why there are so many old familiar people no longer posting and only lurking occasionally. Maybe it is because of the same reason, so rather than quietly slink away I made my views public in the hope of improving the board.

    Lately I’ve often had to read the posts late at night but today’s post about getting a life has forced me to put things in perspective.

    I’ve made many friends here and I’m not leaving, however I’ve less and less time for being on the board as often as I’ve been.

    BTW I’ve just worked out that I have 5 free nights between now and Christmas Eve and those night are becoming very precious.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Peter, have a great Christmas.

    The tirades are not worth getting involved in. Lets face it, what it boils down to is a bunch of guys throwing pixels at each other, and, if that bothers people and they think they have to defend themselves, then it's time for a giggle at yourself and move on to the next thread.

    Today I have had the pleasure of meeting some of these guys, and I met a few more at the Hawthorne Old Tool meet and still more at the WW show. Each of them has been polite to a fault, and no-one insisted on their right to 'free speech' around my wife and children. So, when I see an off colour post, I try to think "someone's having a bad day" and move on. For the most part it works.

    But you are right, each of us needs to 'get a life' other than this virtual existence, especially if it starts to pale for you. Take a sabbatical and draw strength from family, friends or a new environment or hobby, we wish you well after all you have given us. However, ya'll come back now, y'hear?

    (with apologies to Jed Clampett)

    PS Just for those who are confused, Australia does not have a Bill of Rights. We do not have a 'right' to free speech (as such).

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Enjoy the ballroom Peter.
    Have a good Chrismas.
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Gorokan Central Coast NSW


    Well Sturdee, live life to the full mate, at our age we have to.
    Appologies do still happen, ask Daddles.
    As a parting gesture I've changed the writing under Termite above my avatar.

    The best of luck to you and your wife, but please don't give us up totally, you are appreciated.
    Bill. aka Termite

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