My roof is leaking and not knowing anything about a tile roof I called in a plumber who once left me a mail drop. Now when I bought this house 2 years back (it was 4 years old at the time) the building inspector told me of a leaking ensuite shower and I spent some time working on it - and again and again when the leak intermittently reappeared.

Anyway I am saddled with a leaking roof which needs the capping rebedded, the plumber says, as the original builder used the wrong type of mortar. I can see the mortar opening up in many places and digging in there causes the sand to blow away in the wind.

Now I do not know the plumber, like I did not know the building inspector and I would really appreciate knowing what I should be looking and asking for. The plumber quoted me $2,900 to "remove all the capping, remove the existing mortar and replace it with a correct material." My home is in Brisbane, a modesty sized 3 bed with integral double garage.

I have obviously bought someone else's problem and I guess that after 6 years there is no comeback on the builder but I would really appreciate advice on how to ensure that my roof will be sound for many years to come.

Thanks to all for your help.


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