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Thread: Detention

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Armadale Perth WA

    Default Detention

    Best reasons to get detention EVER | Laugh

    Students Name: Timothy Oldham
    Reason for Detention: For yelling "That is mahogany!" when student dropped book on desk.

    Dad will make it up to you at home son ... ... have a milkshake.


    Oh and by the way ... just accept it if the teacher says a kilometer is longer than a mile.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    And they try to tell you school days are the best in your life.

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 1999
    Westleigh, Sydney


    The term orca is preferred by some to avoid the negative connotations of "killer",[14] and because, being part of the family Delphinidae, the species is more closely related to other dolphins than to whales.
    6yo granddaughter got into trouble for arguing with her teacher about whether an orca was a dolphin or a whale. (Her dad is a marine ecologist and had told her about these things.) Haven't heard the teachers reaction when she took along her supporting documentation.
    Visit my website

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Dandenong, Vic


    I got one for arguing with geography teacher about the capital of The Netherlands.
    She claimed it was 'The Hague' where the government sat, I said it was where the country says its capital is "Amsterdam".
    She said that didn't matter as english speaking countries use the government location as the capital.

    She was a stupid short fat pommy relief teacher...#$%@&^@#%$#@^$%#@^$# (<-took a lot out here).

    Guess its all part of the lies we got fed as a kid at school.
    Like Captain Cook discovered Australia, I'll remember more as the day goes on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    I received a detention for not going on an excursion to the museum. (I was sick)

    Now I go about once a month, and get paid to go as casual staff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Our daughter was in year 12 after missing a year and going back so that may explain what happened. She had been taught at home by mum everything she knew about dress making and design as mum is trade qualified so when the teacher tried to tell her she was doing something wrong WW3 started as daughter is no shrinking violet. I warned her she had better be prepared for what happens and sure enough she was given the lowest pass mark possible at the next assessment. The teacher always wins and they do not like being proven wrong.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Horsham Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    The teacher always wins and they do not like being proven wrong.
    Sounds about right


    The Turning Cowboy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by _fly_ View Post
    I got one for arguing with geography teacher about the capital of The Netherlands.
    She claimed it was 'The Hague' where the government sat, I said it was where the country says its capital is "Amsterdam".
    She said that didn't matter as english speaking countries use the government location as the capital.

    Very similar experience to my own.

    Guess its all part of the lies we got fed as a kid at school.

    Like Captain Cook discovered Australia, I'll remember more as the day goes on.

    Only problem is that he was not a Captain at the time and I won't touch the discovery issue
    Just remember, no one knows it all - we all make errors they only become mistakes if we repeat them - unfortunately, some people do not have the grace and or guts to admit they could be wrong.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sunshine Coast Queensland


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    The teacher always wins and they do not like being proven wrong.
    Oh how I wish this were true
    We don't just have to take it from the kids, but from the parents and three levels of school management as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    My Daughter got detension for wearing the wrong colour socks under her long trousers. Same teacher gave her another one for wearing pink ear rings instead of blue. These stones were so small I couldn't tell you what colour they were without my glasses. Another day, it was stinking hot & she refused to turn on the air conditioner because my daughter wouldn't take off her jumper. By this time, My Daughter was sick of the teachers crap & was just being defiant. (I think she gets it from her mother) The entire class had to sweat it out because one kid would not take off their jumper.

    When I was a kid, I was absent one day. Next day I was asked why. I replyed that I had Asthma. Teacher told the entire class that Asthma is all in the mind. I replyed that it explained why he didn't suffer from it. no detention. Smack in the ear with a cupped hand. Knocked me off my chair. I was in grade 6. Ah, those were the days.

    But I did get detention once. When I was young I married a teacher. Got 7 years for that & a heffty fine. Everything I owned.

    We live & learn.


    (Daughter is from my second marriage)
    The fact remains, that 97% of all statistics are made up, yet 87% of the population think they are real.

  11. #11
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    It was about 2003. My daughter needed a backpack for a school excursion. Her mother had died about a year previously. I was still struggling to get the family finances back on an even keel with just one income. I gave the daughter the $10 hire fee for the backpack two days late and she got a detention for it.

    I was self employed, running my own business and as it happened i was finished the day's jobs by 3pm this particular Friday of her detention. I met her at the school and walked into the detention room with her and sat down beside her. After a short time the teacher supervising the detention came over and asked who I was and why I was there. I explained that apparently I was on detention because I did not have the $10 to give to my daughter for the backpack hire until two days too late.

    Well the teacher was very apologetic and explained that it was not me who was under detention but my daughter was. I said that I didn't understand since I was the one who was financially responsible how could they punish her for something that was beyond her control and I was not in a position to provide until two days past the due date.

    I was informed that it was school policy to give the student detention when that happened and it was not my detention but my daughter's, and that I had to leave immediately. I said "It was not her fault, it was my fault. let her go and I will sit here for the hour. She huffed off and 15 minutes later the police turned up to evict me from the school. I explained why I was there and they walked off shaking their heads.

    10 minutes later the head master turned up and apologised for the misunderstanding

    such is life

    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  12. #12
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    Sunshine Coast Queensland


    I can remember in grade 3 the teacher left the room, and the class idiot came to my desk and starting giving me ####.
    I took as much as I was going to take then got up and went after him.
    Part way across the room he turns back to see how close I am and runs in to a pin up board breaking open the big scab on his hand from where he's come off his bike.
    Teacher walks in sees him on the ground bleeding profusely and me stood over him - I'm up the office and canned without a single word said.
    Inspite of that I support the reintroduction of the cane.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    moonbi nsw Aus


    I vaguely remember being on Detention at High School. It was the whole class, kept "in" at lunch time for 15 minutes.
    I do remember getting the cane in Primary School. I went into the "washroom" where there was a row of taps on one side and a row if bubblers on the other. I wanted a drink of water. As you do, I turned on a bubbler to let the cooler water come through. Some smart a**e had stuck some sticks of something in the outlet holes which made the water shoot up to the roof and go over the dividing wall between the girls and boy's wash room. I had no idea that that would have happened because the "sticks" were flush with the outside of the bubbler. A girl in a higher class came over accusing me of doing it deliberately and so I was sent to the Deputy Head for 2 cuts. He asked if I had done it, truthfully (as were were told not to lie) I said yes but there was no question of my side of the story, so I was punished. In high school, we were lined up in a class group to go into the Woodwork room for the next period. For some reason a couple of kids started to whistle, ("hi ho hi ho its off to work we go" I think that was the title) I joined in as well as a couple of others. When we were in the room the teacher got the "Whistlers" to come out and yes we were caned.
    When I grew up there were clear consequences. If you crossed the line you knew there would be punishment. Punishment that either hurt or humiliated. You learned not to step over the line. In this day and age, those consequences don't seem to be exercised. I think that corporal punishment needs to be brought back to define the line.
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Sunshine Coast Queensland


    The thing I could never work out at high school was the use of suspension as a punishment for wagging.

    I wag because I don't want to come to school, so as PUNISHMENT they tell me I don't have to come to school.
    Go figure, the logic has had me stuffed for 30 years...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post
    I think that corporal punishment needs to be brought back to define the line.
    Corporal punishment doesn't each you where the line is. it teaches you that if you want to get someone to do something and you have a bigger stick you hit them. How you can still belive in it after telling us about some wrongful punishments is, to me, very weird. Looks like all you learnt was "the world is unjust".
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

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