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Thread: Getting a life.
3rd December 2005, 07:55 PM #31
I fully support, and agree with, what you are saying.
Please, everyone, let's keep this reasonably civilised and WW focussed.
3rd December 2005, 08:20 PM #32
Originally Posted by Auld Bassoon
3rd December 2005, 08:22 PM #33
When I grow up I wanna have a workshop just like yours.Bodgy
"Is it not enough simply to be able to appreciate the beauty of the garden without it being necessary to believe that there are faeries at the bottom of it? " Douglas Adams
4th December 2005, 12:44 AM #34
I for one will miss your open handed posts
The legacy you leave, if you do leave is a vast one , as many a new member of this forum will discover by doing a search on any one of so many topics
I know you have become disenhanched with not only some of the topics , language and the personal attacks. Having been at the brunt of this I to put things in perspective.I dont post as much and don't even bother reading some posts. The forum is still there and is a better place with you adding to it. This isn't a general be nice to sturdee thing , if there was a poll on how many people have used either a design of yours or modified one to how many haven't it would only show up the lurkers who don't do any woodwork. (adapted the mini cyclone myself )
Enjoy the dancing and christmas , looking forward to your posts in the new year when things settle again
4th December 2005, 01:12 AM #35
Originally Posted by Lignum
Bu bye:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
4th December 2005, 08:56 AM #36
Hi all,
I hope you dont go sturdee, pls stick around. I agree with what you are saying that the feel of the boards has changed. I think that is a result of the open slather feeding across into other boards.
open slather has its place. I think that many post into "nothing to do with wooodwork" stuff that is a little controversial and rapidly gets debated like at the pub.
My 2c is that the nothing to do forum is not for debate, leave that for open forum.
The other one, and this is a generalisation so bear with me here, is my experience dealing with lots and lots of the public in my profession, is that there is a huge difference between what the current "baby boomer" generation (I really hate that saying:mad: ) consider rude behaviour and the next lot.
My father for instance belongs to this demographic and will refuse to watch a TV program if he has heard swearing in it. Any chance of nudity and he will turn it over. His friends seem to be similar.
I remember that one of these friends said something inappropriate, by accident it seemed, and he was slowly austrisized :confused: from the group. A younger group would probably have had thier say and moved on.
My exp is also that a lot of boomers tend to walk away from a person/situation if it doesnt meet with thier level of behaviour where as the next lot seem to be a little more tolerant and accepting. (though they would be rather vocal and perhaps a tad vulgar in voicing it)
Please dont anyone take it that I am having a go at anyone. This is my experience, I own it and it is not meant to be offensive.. Just as I struggle to understand the "doof doof" jap cars doing laps of my street
I think it is hard for the other groups at times.
So i do agree with what you say, I hope the slathering goes to the open forum, more talk of woodworking and we can each give a little and meet somewhere in the middle.
stick around
4th December 2005, 04:30 PM #37
Lignum wrote:
Originally Posted by Lignum
so I sent him a PM saying:
Originally Posted by ryanarcher
Originally Posted by lignum
Sturdee, I was standing up for a friend (Ross) and some ideals. I apologise if I detracted from the feel and solidarity of the forum. Your ideas are truly invalueable and I hope you change your mind and stay.
Besides, I keep looking for a life but right now i'm in between lives.that's why I hang out at the woodwork forums.
no hard feelings at all about the "get a life stuff".but I get a little touchy when i feel my mates are takin'a beating
there's no school like the old school.
4th December 2005, 05:15 PM #38
Originally Posted by ryanarcher
4th December 2005, 07:45 PM #39
Originally Posted by Lignum
HOOFRIGGGINGRAYBoring signature time again!
4th December 2005, 07:50 PM #40
Originally Posted by Lignum
I hope that you don't decide to leave after what is really only a spat.
IMO you have much to offer this forum, and I for one would appreciate your staying
However, I do agree with Ryan, and think that you have gone too far. Please just say sorry to Peter (Sturdee), and you will be seen in a rather different light. Do not, and you may not be very welcomed here again.
4th December 2005, 07:55 PM #41
Originally Posted by Sturdee
I am very sorry to hear that. You have made a wonderful contribution to this forum, and I would much prefer that you stay.
Perhaps a little cool-down, and then the temptation to see what's going on will encourage you to come backI hope so!
Cheers mate!
PS: Maybe you could conjure-up a behaviour jig (and I don't necessarily mean the "Iron Maiden":eek:
4th December 2005, 10:32 PM #42
can we leave the muddy boots outside please? its starting to look untidy in here and it is putting me off.
how about we read the rules, respect the fantastic thing the Ubeaut team is doing for us all, and get a little bit of respect for the community that is on the forum?
I used the word "community" - thats what this place seemed to be.
For example:
Doug is taking trips around the Sunshine state with another forum member, visiting forum members on the way;
Termite is asking for tips on retirement from the retired members;
Shannon is asking for tips on explaining a pets passing away to children;
Waldo and Kylie are taking a very rough road and we are throwing our support their way;
Some fellas in Japan are giving us tips and great stories of what it is like over there;
E. malacuta shared the passing of his Bessiebear, and made Caliban (and I) teary;
Savage shared some pretty personal stuff with us and made a lot of us cry;
A lot of the members have met and are now mates.
And on and on and on... the forum reaches into peoples life and makes us part of a community.
Or we swear and throw uppercuts at each other. That's part of a community as well... how about we just do it a bit of gentleness?
(someone who has gained far more than he has contributed)
4th December 2005, 10:55 PM #43
Originally Posted by Clinton1
Zed would say: "You're all a bunch of purse carrying Nancys" and maybe he'd be right.
Lignum had his say, and to tell the truth I didn't particlulary care for his 'tude either, but the hand holding and backscratching that has been going on around here over the last few days is starting to become a bit nauseating in itself.
Lets get over it and take on board what my mate silentC says:
"It's all part of the rich tapestry"
4th December 2005, 11:38 PM #44
You two give each other a cyber hand shake, but I'm with Craig. With so many people stating their opinions and a few hot topics coming up now and again means that some will disagree. So be it. Have your say then move on. Keep the personal shyte to yourself but lets not get too soft.
PS Where's Kenmil when you need him...Is there anything easier done than said?- Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.
4th December 2005, 11:56 PM #45
Craig and Dan, you two are terrible.
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