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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Its been my experiance in the past that when you make a "formal" complaint to relivant gov depts ......the "nice bloke" gets real ugly, and will without a doubt cover his own behind and support the MAJORITY....not the minority ( you)...thus your problem would be two fold .....

    work place bullying does have another effect you may not be aware of .....traumatic stress .....this can play a big part in your life without you knowing it I suggest you look it up and check the symptoms just to be safe ....

    as others have said, you do NOT have to put up with it,and gov depts working as slow as they do, you would probably find yourself a bit outcast at work once you start the ball rolling will work in silence thats for sure .....and the boss will probably pick fault in your work etc ....but he cannot sack you.....(without good reason) for fear of validating your claim.... it takes guts to work there under those conditions, and it would take guts to take it further ...but .......BEFORE you do ......send your boss a letter by registered mail and make a photocopy of the letter .....outline the problem and your plan of action should it continue ....and give it 7 days ......if it does not resolve .....then go and complain officially ....they will ask you what you did to resolve this yourself ...hence what I just said .........proof is what they want .....hearsay can be denied ....good luck

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Too close to Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by manoftalent View Post
    ......send your boss a letter by registered mail and make a photocopy of the letter .....outline the problem and your plan of action should it continue ....and give it 7 days .....
    This is excellent advice. It forces them to respond. If they ignore it, there are a number of things which will be assumed. Above all, that they condone the behaviour or do not consider it to be serious.

    My advice would be not to make any ultimatums. Just ask that the behaviour stop. The rest can follow in due course. But put it in writing.

    I actually cannot believe you have been so controlled. If someone spat on me or put thinners in my eye, I would not have been writing any letters. But I doubt that they would do it me for that very reason. You are being targeted because they consider you an easy target. That's what bullies do.

    What they have done to you is actually a criminal offence. If it happens again, your local doctor followed by a visit to the police can be a very effective remedy to the problem. You need not proceed with a prosecution, but they will certainly think twice about doing anything to you.

    Fight back, not necessarily with your fists.

    PS. Your boss is an a hole.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by boban View Post
    PS. Your boss is an a hole.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria



    I think we all agree that something must change. It is not fair on you, your family or friends to have you being so stressed. You are not doing yourself or anyone else any favours by continuing to be bullied.

    You seem intent on staying at this work place - ask yourself why. There are many other places our mate rgum can earn a dollar without being subjected to bullying.

    Obviously you do not want this to continue so I think either the work place changes or you change work places.

    Whatever choice you make, ensure it is for your long term benefit and not just a short term revenge however sweet it may seem.

    Remember that you have a lot of mates here who are genuinely concerned and want the best for you.

    If you read an identical thread by another person, what advice would you give them?

    Keep your head up mate, you have identified the problem and all you have to do now is make a choice from many good options. Your problem is as good as solved.
    - Wood Borer

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I had a little bit of harassment at work, when I was a first year apprentice. Nothing serious, nothing harmful but pretty annoying. Mainly from one guy.

    I wanted to leave, the boss wouldn't let me saying that if I did go, I wouldn't be working for anyone else. Me, being in a right state (18 years old, and terrified) didn't say anything but a stupid "ok..."

    However, the boss put me to work with other guys, and life became much more tolerable. Enough so that I stuck it out, got my ticket and stayed on for a few more years.

    Once the boss knew something was amiss, he did something about it, even if he did not realize exactly what was going on.

    A few years later, he found out exactly what was going on between me and the mongrel who was giving me trouble, and apologized for being a bit of a 'sharp object', and if he had known exactly what was going on, he wouldn't have made it right there and then.

    In the end, he looked after me pretty well. Not money wise, but respect wise. Enough so that if he is in business, I still have a job there.

    The mongrel settled down after being told that what he was doing wasn't right, and might earn the distinction of being sacked, a rarity in that company (only one in 30 odd years I think), and in the end I had a little leverage over him, as did most other guys. I think he had a little bit of a small man complex, and took it out on others rather than just getting over it.

    What was he doing to me that was so bad?

    At the time, it wasn't great, but looking back now (and after Rgum's nightmare) it wasn't too much to get upset about.

    Things like being dragged to a job, tools in hand, working for the day and told to find my own way home. Ended up having to walk home, about 10km since no buses on that January day...

    Being told to run rather than walk/dogtrot from place to place because he was too lazy/stupid to remember something.

    Given jobs to do that I didn't know how to do, with little instruction, and then told off for either fouling it up, asking too many questions or not doing it at all.

    Etc, etc. Like I said, nothing too serious, but enough that life became pretty miserable.

    I can't imagine how someone with thinner skin than me would have dealt with it.

    Rgum, Manoftalent has good ideas there, as in making absolutely sure the head honcho knows what is going on, and making them either put up or suffer the consequences. You have to get this garbage to stop, and you have to make sure that you do everything you can to assist that happening.

    If you don't do anything, then it would seem you are happy enough to keep on taking it.

    Good luck, and DO something!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Toowoomba Q 4350


    You have talked to your bosses about the bullying and nothing has happened.

    How about giving the bosses your points in writing?

    If nothing happenes after eg a month, (edit - actually, one week is long enough) then you might be able to make a case of vicarious liability

    Keep a diary. The more documented evidence you have, the easier it will be to have something done about the situation.

    Why do you stay and take this s&^%$? Have you become so used to it, that it's easier to stay as you know what it's like? Are you so comfortable being in this job that you are prepared to be mistreated every single day? How deep in a rut can you be?

    You've taken the first few steps - acknowledging that you don't want to put up with it anymore, you've talked to the bosses but they have been &*^*%^% and need their own *(&^& kicked, so what are you going to do next and when??? when you get so badly hurt by one of their bullying sessions that you end up in hospital??

    What advice would you give to someone in your situation? Are you prepared to take your own advice?

    Here's one link I've found. Maybe other forumites might have some helpful links to organisations or information.

    Hope you don't mind me playing angel's advocate , but I can't stand situations like this.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Near Bodgy, AlexS, Wongo & CraigB


    i agree with boban, your boss is an a hole. U must be a ultra-dope to put up with that sort of stuff for 3 yrs. U must have a "hit me" stapled to your forehead.

    seek legal advice, document everything, sue the bastards. get a new job, if u dont your a boofhead...

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Hi rgum

    spent today thinking about your problem while digging holes for fence posts.

    This is my advice for what its worth.

    1. Type up exactly what has happened and how it effects you. Name each person who has done what. Be specific, dont exaggerate, name witnesses, time and dates as close as you can remember.

    2. Type up a covering letter to each of the offenders, the boss, the bosses boss, workcover (in your state) and the minister (it is a govt job isnt it ). In this letter explain that thier actions are making you sick (depressed/angry whatever is occuring) and will not be tolerated. Any further actions will result in the matter being referred as a formal complaint to workcover or HREOC and also to your solicitor (grab one from the phonebook ) and the police in the case of an assault. Note on each letter that they have been carbon copied (cc'd) to the others.

    3. Without warning walk up to the offenders and tell them they are wanted in the boss office and walk over to the boss. Hand each of them thier letter and walk out. They will open them, go what the &*^&^, read them, &^^& themselves and in a short while the boss will call you back in to his office to discuss it. Make sure you have already posted the others and tell them that.

    4. See what happens. Cant be any worse really.

    The beauty in this is that you negate the "we were just having fun and thought he liked it" arguement that is used often if you report it later.

    And forget the compo line as there is nothing to compensate unless you are injured and thats the worst thing that can happen as it can destroy your life.

    good luck

  9. #39


    There has been a lot of well meaning advice here and as i have said previously i wouldnt go legal because the furniture industry is small and gossip travels "very" fast and even though you are in the right, having been involved in a dispute dosnt go down well with prospective new employers. Plus how do you explain how you left your last place of employment? You will get the 'Thanks, we will be in touch" routine

    Having said that, if you do take it further, contact this mob. You will get all the advice that is needed

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by dazzler View Post
    ......................And forget the compo line as there is nothing to compensate unless you are injured and thats the worst thing that can happen as it can destroy your life.............
    I'm no lawyer, but I'd have to disagree with that, I'm sure you could (if you had the inclination) sue for mental anguish or whatever the term is.

    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by journeyman Mick View Post
    I'm no lawyer, but I'd have to disagree with that, I'm sure you could (if you had the inclination) sue for mental anguish or whatever the term is.

    Mick,don't know about mental anguish but about 5 years workers comp on stress leave if you are inclined for a bludge TIC. Then of course a permanent disability payout, would guarantee you never work again at least for a boss.

    Sorry no laughing matter
    "Working to a rigidly defined method of doubt and uncertainty"

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    West Gippsland, Vic


    OK. I've read all the posts in this thread. In a previous life I was a union official and industrial advocate in both the state and federal industrial courts. As a Ministerial Adviser in 2001 I was closely involved with developing Tassies new (and much maligned I should add) Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003

    The law states clearly that if you receive attention in your workplace which you don't invite and it's unwanted then its harassment. Doesn't matter if you're man, woman, bi, gay, old, young, black,white or brindle, Moslem, Jew or Christian.

    Harassment and discrimination, particularly in the workplace, is illegal and carries huge penalties in the most serious cases.

    You have a case for Workers Compensation. If you're in Victoria I'm fairly certain that the definition of injury has been changed (as it was in Tasmania in 2003) to include mental illness as a compensable injury.

    You sound as though you are going through a period of severe anguish (mental strain or stress) due to your harassment at work.

    If you're in a Union (and everyone should be) call a rep and ask them to earn the dues you pay and sort the problem for you with the ahole managers. Then go see your GP. Tell him/her you are stressed out due to workplace harassment and want to lodge a Workers Comp claim. The doctor will give you a certificate which you then take to your gutless boss who should then (by law) give you a Workers Comp form to fill out. Fill it out, attach your copy of the doctors medical certificate then go home and recover. While you're recovering get a notebook and as best you can document every instance of harassment you can recall include the fact that you told someone about and that nothing was done (implies the employer condoned the behaviour).

    Under industrial law you CAN be sacked whilst on Workers Comp but you continue to receive a percentage of your wages (not sure what it is in Victoria). In any case why anyone would want to continue working in a place that treats its workers as they treat you. The fact you've put up with it for 3 years indicates to me a strength of character which will put the lie to any counter-claim that you're a malingerer

    You won't get any brownie points from anyone for feeling as you do for the so-called "nice fella' you mention.

    Loyalty means nothing these days. As an aside, it occurs to me that they want you out of the place but don't wan to risk an unfair dismissal case or a payout.

    Anyway i hope this is useful. I wouldn't bother with lawyers at this stage as the union or the Vic Department of Industrial Relations or Work Cover can give you plenty of guidance.

    Good luck and don't put up with it any longer.

    If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by journeyman Mick View Post
    I'm no lawyer, but I'd have to disagree with that, I'm sure you could (if you had the inclination) sue for mental anguish or whatever the term is.

    Hi Mick

    Technically I think you are right. Becoming a victim through the process is the problem IMO



  14. #44


    Onyu Sheddie

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Barboursville, Virginia USA


    I agree. Mike, that was outstanding.

    Rgum old mate, I feel your pain. I feel it rippling through each of your posts. You are a good bloke caught in a bad situation. But you are fearful for the future--what if I lose this job? What will I do? Mate, you will do very well indeed. With an apparently relentless work ethic, you'll have no dramas getting a better position.

    Don't give in to the the paralysis of fear. That's what these bast*rds are counting on. They believe you won't do anything because you are weak, but you are strong! After all, they can't kill you and they can't eat you. Everything after that is gravy. Listen to Mike and tell 'em to, well, you know . . .


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