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10th October 2007, 10:20 AM #1
I need some URGENT Plumbing Advice
Being an Owner/Builder I purchased my roof mounted solar hot water system and had the manufacturer/supplier place/install it on the roof. My Plumber done the water connections.
A week or so ago hot water cylinder tank burst/leaking water. The manufacturer/supplier is saying its because the Cold Water Pressure Relief Valve (210kpa) on the inlet side was not installed, which is true, but the Plumber made provision to install the valve.
The system also has a temperature relief valve (500kpa) on the hot water out side.
Now could someone please explain to me why the tank would burst (which at this time I haven't seen) because the cold water pressure relief valve was not in place. If the pressure build-up in the tank was so great as to burst the tank then why, and I would have thought that the relief valve on the hot water side out would/should have activated thus saving the tank? Yes / No ?
10th October 2007, 01:58 PM #2
It burst because the water pressure was too high and there was no pressure limiting valve fitted...seems pretty obvious.
If the manufacturer specified an inlet valve with a pressure limit of 210kpa and you didn't fit it, there's not much you can do aside from buy a new tank.
The valve on the hot side of the tank isn't there to protect the tank, it's there to protect people from flying tank bits and boiling water in a worst case scenario. The inlet valve is there to protect the tank.
10th October 2007, 03:53 PM #3
Have you actually checked what your pressure is? Maybe just maybe the tank was faulty. It is worth checking if any claim could be considered. Then ask the bloddy plumber why he didn't fit one and how good his insurance is.
10th October 2007, 05:08 PM #4
Yes what greg says...check first, shoot later.
Rod when you say 500 kpa do you mean psi ?
I've just gone through my third inlet valve to the dunny. Checked my pressure.. peaks at 1500 psi !!!!!! Ahh so thats the problem........... explains that damn hammer also.
I'm glade dunny inlet valves are only $20 .. commiserations on the HW tank Rod.
BTW if you have excesive pressure you can fit a pressure limiting valve at the meter for about $120 - protects the whole house...around 500 psi I think so you would still need the reduction valve befor the tank to get it down to 210 psi
10th October 2007, 05:23 PM #5
10th October 2007, 05:25 PM #6
10th October 2007, 05:49 PM #7
10th October 2007, 06:25 PM #8
11th October 2007, 06:28 AM #9
[quote=Bleedin Thumb;602834] Checked my pressure.. peaks at 1500 psi !!!!!!
psi eh? You must have the best water pressure in Australia!Plumbers were around long before Jesus was a carpenter
11th October 2007, 09:32 AM #10
Ok kpa then, jeez you blokes are Nazi's sometimes.
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