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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie

    Wink moving the house version whatever +1

    So... the intent was... to move this house down behind the shed gut it and use it as a shed extention slash gallery slash boatbuilding shed

    So we figured since the move is all of 100mtrs down the back we reckoned around the $10000 mark would do it... no electricals no services reconnect just move the thing 100mtrs


    Try $30000 for size!! but he did reckon he could probably find a buyer for it at about $5000... so its either cough up $30000 or maybe get $5000 or just say buggar it and rip it down myself... nope knees far to buggared for that caper

    But thinking about it after the bloke left... there would probably be no difference to him other than fuel costs and perhaps accomadation costs for him to move it 100mtrs or 100 miles or 1000 miles all the same really... other than not having to reconnect the services... ah well will try to get another quote over the coming weeks maybe better maybe same maybe worse eh? will see

    Soooo were in a bit of limbo at present still waiting on some word from the Shire as to where EXACTLY the flood plain is at what height its located and what height EXACTLY we must build at... and saying "oh the mud line on the side of the house is about it just go 800mm above that" IS NOT good enough! If theyre gonna DEMAND we build up what will be somewhere around 2.4mtrs out the back to get it 800 above the damned mud level (not flood level mud level) then by god they BETTER jolly well have something in writing to say what that damned level is!!

    I mean if we rip the house down or even move it out the back... the mud line no longer relates does it? no of course not if we rip it down or someone buys it then its gone if we move it down the back its higher than the present location... so then where is the level? WHO KNOWS!!! cause we dont and no one seems to have any idea other than the "mud line" on the existing house... which cause we will be using a builder to build the new house WONT be here when they come to do their stuff!! So what mud line?

    oooh the bloody joys eh?

    Hold yer hats for the next appalling installment... oops i meant to say intriguing installment nah appallings about right so we'll go with that
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oberon, NSW


    Mate, just for peace of mind I'd be putting a reference peg in somewhere nearby.

    Preferably uphill a bit, maybe 30 feet away from the house (so it doesn't get run over by the builders ute, or your ute, or a whellbarrow full of crud, or...) Just a 2" square stake, driven all the way into the ground. I'd also paint the top white and put a couple of garden stakes to each side of the peg, just to make it easier to find later (and less likely for some drongo to drive over it.)

    Then, get a good, long pine stud and yer spirit level. Hold the stud upright on top of the stake, hold the level to one side and eyeball along the top, moving the level up'n'down the stud (keeping it level, of course!) until you get the current mud-line in sight. Mark the height on the stick, then get yer tape rule and measure how far up the stud the mark is.

    Write that measurement down somewhere safe... I'd also write it in permanent marker on each of the garden stakes, just in case your like me and keep losing the bits of paper you've written your measurements on.

    You may need to stand on something to get the height and - if you're not used to it - it might be a good idea to get a helper, so they can make sure the level stays level while you're doing the sighting.

    Bingo! You can now add home-taught surveyor to your list of woodwork accomplishments.

    Now, this ain't as accurate as getting a proper surveyor in... but "at the height of the mud-line" isn't exactly an accurate description either. Also it's a lot cheaper and will at least give you some practical idea of the needed heights once the house (and mud-line) have disappeared...

    I reckon you're right to try to get the council's requirements in writing though... and once you get the levels in writing, then it's for the best if you get a licensed surveyor in! But at least the above will only take a few minutes to give you a permanent reference point for the interim.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    A mate got some estimates recently on buying an old house and relocating it. Between $5,000 and $10,000 to buy the house, and about $50,000 to deliver it. I'd say your $5,000 offer will translate to a bit more than that when he sells it, plus the buyer will pay the $30,000 plus for transport. But then, I've had a quote of $7,000 to restump a place, but only $7,200 to restump it and raise it a foot - same bloke. Labour and risk is what we pay for. Get more quotes, I reckon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Lake Macquarie NSW Australia


    Are you going to put your existing house + new House + shed + container + vehicles, etc. all above an unknown flod mud level. ???
    Are you going to re-name this - Dingo Island??
    Why don't you forget about the little boatie thingy and build a bloody big ARK.
    Then you can have two of everything + the storage capacity too store your timber.
    Then you can float your boat to wherever you wish (depending on flood situation at the time).
    Then Noah Dingo - you can probably arrange for a new set of commandments to suit your floating shed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Toowoomba Qld.


    Hey WD,
    I can sympathise on the costs of moving a house. We are sort of in the starting stages...scored a house that has been moved before, only a couple of kms away, on the farm opposite. Only $1500, with the condition that we pay all removal costs and clear the site afterwards.
    We are planning on attaching it to our place as an extension, with a breeze way between. After council costs which includes a bond; engineering and all that design stuff; energy rating compliance, inc. insulation; level the site and new stumps- 600mm max; connection of services; upgrade septic etc, we won't have much change from $50,000! I suppose its a fairly cheap extension of 84sq.m, plus 48sq.m of covered verandah but certainly a shock after the initial purchase price.
    Compared to you though, our advantage is we don't have a flood level problem. Water? I remember seeing some once...

    Andy Mac
    Change is inevitable, growth is optional.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    First - on moving the house.

    OK the bloke has to bring his plant from where ever, and it was probably (subject to the size of the thing) always going to be more than $10k, but not too much more. How much is a low loader hire and four or five blokes for for two days?

    Get another quote.

    Next - on selling the house. $5k is on the bottom end round here these days, but would be OK if all the stumps were gone and the site completely cleaned. We only ever budget to recover enough to clean the site.

    Then - on the flood level.

    I'm not saying you can't, but what you can't do three years from now is argue with the Council officer when he tells you the place isn't built at the correct level. You won't win. You can't win.

    I don't know how far you live from a surveyor, or if one of your spare daughters can fall in love with one for long enough to get the job done, but PAY for a licensed surveyor to establish the RL of the flood, and use something that won't move in future (Like the concrete slab from your existing shed) as a permanent datum mark.

    If you don't do this, don't whinge here about bureaucracy, 'cos I'll pay out on you unmercifully!

    On the new house.
    Forgive me, I haven't read everything you've written on the subject , but if the existing house is good enough to move (and sell), why don't you just re-stump it at the new height, and give her a good going over?

    Alternatively, can you clean her up outside to match the new one (more or less) and build the new one close by, perhaps connected to the old one by a covered or enclosed walkway.

    You can still use it as a shed, or whatever, set it up for machinery and "clean" work and leave the old shed for storage and mess.

    The very last house extension I designed (and I don't do many these days) was a "two bedroom" entire house connected to the existing house by a 20 metre walkway. The old house is now office, pottery, guest bedroom and monster "train" room and metalwork studio, but looks like part of a large complex (which I guess it is). The point is, by treating it like the house from the outside, we managed to add significantly to the value of the property, not just have a crook old house attached to a shed, which won't do your kids any favours when they come to sell it after you've carked it!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bendigo Victoria


    Ding, that seems a hell of a price!

    About ten years ago we built a houseboat in the backyard, when we still lived in Adelaide.

    The backyard was not accessible by truck, so a 50 ton crane lifted it out and on to a low loader. The whole thing weighed 25 ton and measured 17m x 7m. The whole operation was overseen by 2 motorcycle cops who made sure that all measurements were within road rules.
    After it was put on the low loader it was then transported to Mannum, 100km from Adelaide on the Murray, and taken off the low loader on to a rolling platform at the boatyard/marina ready for launching the following weekend (BIG party!)

    Now I know that was 10 years ago, but the cost was only $4000 plus $900 for the police escort.The whole operation started at 7:30am and the boat was on the platform by 3:00pm, so a whole days' wages would have been involved for the cops and the truck and escort driver, riggers etc.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    aaah yes it does sound a hell of a price doesnt it? but then I am in the wild wild west where just saying the word let alone breathing the air over here means that anyone doing anything for anyone else will whack on an extra amount I now term the "West Factor" this can be anything from 50 through to 50000... whatever the person decides or determines he can get out of the other person.

    Mind you there is a shortage of workers over here... which no doubt someone will put down to the mining game but really theres a shortage of house relocators here and there pretty much has always been such... theres one more bloke within the region I am trying to get hold of but I think they have the market by the short and curleys and that includes me

    So... after we try him we will probably get the buggar to take it away and be done put the 5000 toward another larger shed and move on

    I put it to her highness this arvo after reading the responses... why not buy another house and have it relocated here say we spend 40000 on that would leave us with a fair whack of money to do her up and we'd end up with a monster house... her response? "NO WAY! I hate this place so it goes" and that was that.

    Interestingly at the same time were having dramas with the dipstick sales bloke from the builder as well... redrawing plans leaving out things that weve drawn in not including things weve drawn in etc etc... making decisions about our choices without consulting us!! oooh Friday is not gonna be a good day for that little young twerp I can tell you!

    Bloody builders eh? added an extra 10000 to take the house up from 27 courses to 31 courses!! 4 courses of bricks costs 10000??? geeeeeezusHLouie! and she wants it to go up to 36 courses!! man oooh man... then theres the half walls hes left of "they dont work" you what? Id spent near on 5 hours just on the internals in Cheif Archetect making sure they did bloody work and he says they dont?... aaaaaaahhhh then he leaves out the french doors to the living room/sewing room AND the remote controlled instant hot water system (which has to be done now cause it apparently has heavier duty piping)

    Best freak out for me though was the 30000 for the verandahs!! 30000??? HOLEYMACKANERNEY!!! for what? some 2.7mtr tin all round?? geezus someones out to break our bank account!! freaked out almost going for his throat with that one... then he backs up and mutters "but... but... but it includes the paving!!" bloody hell so it friggin should!!

    Amazing... and were at the early stages!! Imagine what Im gonna be like in a month or so's time??? better let the missus handle this methinks

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild Dingo View Post
    Amazing... and were at the early stages!! Imagine what Im gonna be like in a month or so's time??? better let the missus handle this methinks

    Sounds like a good idea (before yo crack and ... no, better not give you any ideas !!!!)

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