View Poll Results: hair loss - what have you done/will you do?
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absolutely nothing, if I pretend it's not happening maybe no-one will notice.
22 15.94% -
I'm going to grow my hair and go the comb-over, I'll fool myself and hopefully others as well
1 0.72% -
I'll get a 'rug' (toupe) or wig, no one will notice
0 0% -
I'm going to wear hats & caps, even indoors, so no-one will notice
1 0.72% -
I'll get my hair cut shorter to lessen the contrast between the hairy bits and the baldy bits
24 17.39% -
I'm going to shave my head as soon as hair loss is apparent
12 8.70% -
I'm going to let someone take a plug cutter to my scalp in the hope that they can succesfully transplant the stuff from elsewhere.
0 0% -
I don't give a rat's ring
78 56.52%
Thread: Men only poll!
9th April 2007, 08:01 AM #16
Dads had a comb over since I can remember , never going that route myself tho ,started losing mine about 20ish just kept it short . For last 10 or more years used clippers & no.2 whats left is staying there so it must like it
. But I sure aint going to lose any sleep over it if whats left quits.
9th April 2007, 08:37 AM #17
No dramas. Will always have a lot of hair. But feel bad for you blokes who are losing it. I would shave my head under the circumstances--I think it would look best.
9th April 2007, 08:57 AM #18
Well count me in the hairy group, and will stay there if genetics have any say. My maternal grandfather died at 80+ with a full head of hair, my paternal grandfather was bald, but he lost his in an industrial accident.
My hair is usually short, I get a No3 every couple of months, but only because if I didn't I would look like SKEW with shoes
So I guess count me in the fat blue rats ring optionI may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
My Other Toys
9th April 2007, 09:08 AM #19
I answered 1, because it is closest, but in fact, I decided that I'm just not going to let it bug me. It's like worrying about the colour of your eyes. You got the hair that you got, live with it (or in my case, without it).
But I do wear hats on sunny days because sunburn on the top of the head really hurts.Cheers
If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly
9th April 2007, 09:31 AM #20
I'm almost with JMK89 except that I didn't vote because there was no option of "I don't give a toss."
What does it matter? The purpose of hair is to keep the sun off and I can wear a hat for that. I decided long ago that it was of no importance.
In recent years I've gone the skinhead route - best thing I ever did and I'm kicking myself for not having done so earlier. This way it is always neat and I don't have to carry a comb when travelling. In fact I haven't owned a comb for years. The best part is not having to waste hours waiting in barber shops.
9th April 2007, 09:34 AM #21
I know I have posted this a few times but:
When we are born we are given a certain amount of testosterone. If some of you silly buggers want to waste it growing hair.......
Once I'd lost enough that it looked silly keeping the residual "normal" length, the #2 came out. Sometimes it's a #1, but it really doesn't matter.
9th April 2007, 09:36 AM #22
Absolutely nothing, its not important to me, on a scale of one to 10 the needle does not even move.
Wear a hat of some type if you must, but as for comb overs wigs and hair transplantsJon.
9th April 2007, 09:42 AM #23
Don't worry abouit the hair loss on top of your head.
Your main concern will be the hair growing onyour ears.
For some reason, as you lose you scalp hair your ears must get a kick start. Then you will look like wolfman.
Has anybody had hair removed by electrolisis? Tell of your success as I'm headind down the hairy ears path.
9th April 2007, 09:43 AM #24
Morning Mick,
This is not a problem specific to men, I have a lady working for me who is losing her hair and of course is more than a little concerned about her situation, its not as prevalent in woman as it is among us blokes but when it happens they are understandably devestated.
9th April 2007, 09:49 AM #25
9th April 2007, 10:16 AM #26
Mods, please add poll options
Could one of our hard working underthanked mods please add a couple of extra options to the poll:
7) I'm going to let someone take a plug cutter to my scalp and try to transplant some from elsewhere
8) I don't give a rat's ring
Seriously everyone, I'm not really worried. Much as I like having hair, there's nothing I can do about losing it and I'm certainly not going to let someone loose on my scalp with a plug cutter. Definitely no comb-over either and I won't be trying to hide it with hats etc. I will be wearing hats outdoors (I do anyway) and I'll probably cut it a bit shorter than I do now. Just thought I'd pass the time with something light hearted.
Mick"If you need a machine today and don't buy it,
tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."
- Henry Ford 1938
9th April 2007, 10:25 AM #27
9th April 2007, 10:28 AM #28
9th April 2007, 10:36 AM #29
The tide is slowly going out.
Actually, it is kinda slipping off my head & hanging around my neck like a fluffy dunny seat cover.
DJ, your tongue needs a shave.Cliff.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
9th April 2007, 10:56 AM #30I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
My Other Toys
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