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16th November 2006, 08:19 PM #1
For the scripting gurus out there
Gday all
I have a relatively new job at a cabinet shop where they want me to get to know how to write the scripting for a very expensive overhead router. I've work a lot with computers and networking but little with scripting so I need a bit of elp getting going on this one. The program this script is part of is called Analizer if that helps. I've included one of the scripts as an attachment and if anyone could tell me what language it is and or where I can get some reading material that could help me learn how to work with it I would be very appreciative. It is normaly a .uts file not a .txt file if that helps
16th November 2006, 08:40 PM #2
Hi Matt
I worked with welding robots some years ago and they had an interface you pluged in and drove the robot at low speed to where it had to go and what to do etc.
It of course remembered what you had programed.
Does the router have such an option?
16th November 2006, 09:05 PM #3
Looks very much like Visual Basic.
Life isn't always fair
....................but it's better than the alternative.
16th November 2006, 09:27 PM #4
16th November 2006, 09:35 PM #5
Have a look here, has many file extensions and where they come from
16th November 2006, 11:08 PM #6
I'll add a vote for a Visual Basic dialect - just look at the
after "Part 1 End".
the lowercase "vb" doesn't indicate the programmers' favourite beer
16th November 2006, 11:12 PM #7
Ive used Pytha but not Analyser or Hops ,my understanding was that Analyser generated the code after you indicated what parts were joined etc. The code the CNC uses to run the machine is G Code,what brand is the machine?
17th November 2006, 01:01 AM #8
it is vb
it is vb
any thing after a ' the puter wont read , is just text for humans
Watch out for word wrap the code dosnt fit full screen
is it serial , USB , or Parrallel connection between pc and machine ??/
17th November 2006, 07:25 AM #9
it is vb, early but it is vb
the bit where it says
'Add your rules adding a hops macro To this part._
' + Part.Name + " " + vbENDLINE _
' + OtherPart.Name + " " + vbENDLINE _
' + CStr(IntersectType) + " " + vbENDLINE _
' + CStr(OtherIntersectType)+ " " + vbENDLINE _
' + CStr(FootPrint.X1) + " " + vbEndLine _
' + CStr(Distance)
is about the sticker on the job
if you enter any words between the " " it will be on the sticker
part.name +" i hate that builder " + vb end line
will end up on the sticker
"2nd draw left hand side i hate that builder "
the "vbendline" is just the return /next line for the printer
Sub DoorRH_GS(MachineType, Part, Mirror, OtherPart, IntersectType, OtherIntersectType, FootPrint, FaceType, Distance)
'Same as Door
Door_GS MachineType, Part, Mirror, OtherPart, IntersectType, OtherIntersectType, FootPrint, FaceType, Distance
End Sub
looking at this code, the source code is defenty not the hole program
all these words are vairable's and need to be set by the design part of the program
Depth = -2 'Depth of Hole
DrillDiameter = 5 'Drill Diameter
Increment = 10 'Spacing between holes
ToolType = 10 'Tool Type
having depth's in the - range must mean the table is at 0 and -2 is 2mm from face ? tool type , there must be stacks of differnt Drills rougters and crap hanging off this machine , good luck replacing bits and zeroing all the attachments , would take all week end
' MsgBox "General"
' MsgText = CStr(MachineType)
' MsgText = MsgText + " " + Part.Name
' MsgText = MsgText + " " + OtherPart.Name
' MsgText = MsgText + " " + CStr(IntersectType)
' MsgText = MsgText + " " + CStr(OtherIntersectType)
' MsgText = MsgText + " " + CStr(Distance)
a lot of the code has been turned off with the '
a "msgbox" is one of those error message boxes
if you remove the ' from infront it will show them on the screen in a small box or form
remember to save the original before stuffing with the code
and save before every test of the code, i use date and time for file names
quite easy to read this code , im self tought in vb programing over the last 10 years , and stuff around with interfacing alot , turned a 200mhz boat anker in to a bird incubater with egg roller .
have also got old robotic junk up and running again , but that stuffs hard to find in darwin
as for learning VB over night , good luck
if you got A's in math and D's in grammer you could learn it in a month
as a programing language DO NOT DOWN LOAD VISUAL BASIC FROM THE NET it's to easy to reright files and infect your work pc's
you will have to bye a copy , even second hand original with manuals
1 picked up VB4 last month for $60 on Ebay (was broken in to0 , and have to replace all my software)
best help i can give is
bye a copy of VB 4-6 with original disc with manuals ,
bye a copy of VB for dummies
and ask the boss for a hair replacement voucher for xmas "yer yer "
16th February 2007, 08:08 PM #10
Yes this is vb
This for Standard Screw Construction
You can change this script to suit how analyzer will build your cabinets and call the
appropriate NC-hop macro's
'Drilling for Hinge Plates see common script Drilling
'We only do Hinge Plates if the Door does not touch an End see common script Drilling (Drilling SHELF ADJ & Hinge Holes)
If Not OtherPart.IntersectsPart("*GABLE*", ptDummy, itDummy, FACE_ANY, rectDummy) Then
'DoHingePlates Part, Mirror, OtherPart, Footprint, FaceType
Elseif Ucase(Trim(Part.Type)) = "DO HINGE PLATE" Then
'DoHingePlates Part, Mirror, OtherPart, Footprint, FaceType
End If
The names DOOR LH", "DOOR RH","CNR DOOR RH", "CNR DOOR LH are the names that you have assigned in pytha unless your using analyzer by it's self?
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