While speeding down the freeway, the motorist looked into the rear view mirror to see a policeman comming up behind him. Not wanting to get caught he deceided to see if he could out run him.

A few miles down the road he realized the futility of trying to out run a cop.

So he pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the policeman to come up to the window.

The policman having just knocked off for the day really didn't want to do all the paper work.

So he said to the driver, "listen mate I'm sick and tired of guys like you thinking you can go like a bat out of hell on this freeway, but it's my knock off time, so if you can come up with an excuse for speeding that I have never heard before I will let you off with a warning".

The driver thought about this for a minute, and replied. "its like this officer 2 weeks ago my wife ran off with a cop, when I saw you racing up behind me in that police car, I thought you were trying to bring her back!"

"on your way driver"