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Thread: Can't post pictures
2nd April 2019, 09:04 AM #1
Can't post pictures
I posted this in the thread about the upgrade that took place yesterday but it is probably not related to the upgrade so I will start a separate thread. I have been trying to post a picture on the forum for nearly 24 hours and the "manage attachments" button does nothing. Also I cannot add emoticons to a post and the like button is working intermittently.I can perform all these functions on other forums and webpages - just not on the woodwork forums.Is there some setting that may have been somehow modified on my computer in the forum settings?I have closed down the forum, my browser and the whole computer and restarted but it makes no difference.anyone got any ideas?And when I post a new post to the board it removes all my paragraphs and just posts a wall of text.
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
2nd April 2019, 09:22 AM #2
No problem with a photo here Doug but smileys don't seem to be working.
2nd April 2019, 09:25 AM #3
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2nd April 2019, 09:28 AM #4
Doug, I have found posts slow sometimes and some emoticons did not always work.
So will try again this morning
Booma Dwd.jpg
Seems to be OK this am
2nd April 2019, 10:25 AM #5
I just managed to post the picture I have been trying to post for 24 hours But I still can't post smilies. (mentally insert "rolleyes" smilie here)and I seem to have the ability to paragraph again (I hope it doesn't make a liar out of me when I post) edit: I still can't format paragraphs and I can't post pictures any more either. (insert angry smilie here)
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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