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Thread: Huon Pine Table Top
3rd May 2011, 08:49 PM #1
Huon Pine Table Top
Hi everyone,
I am half way through my major work for doing my HSC.
Im making a circular Huon Pine dinning room table and am sending the top away to be drum sanded.
was wondering what people thought the best finish would be for Huon Pine.
I have read else where that it is good to use a wax to allow for the huon aroma to pertrude, but was looking specifics.
I have a thread on the whole project in "Big Stuff" feel free to check it out.
3rd May 2011, 08:57 PM #2
The huon is quite soft and if you go for a wax finish it will not provide much protection for scratches and dents ..... especially as a dining table.
You should be looking at a more durable and hard setting finish for the top ..... Check out the "wood whisperer" vodcasts on I-Tunes as he has covered durable finishes a couple of times. You may be able to get away with a wax on the underside so the perfume is still released.Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.
3rd May 2011, 09:52 PM #3
Check out this link - there is heaps of threads on finishing huon pine.
It seems white shellac is a favourite.
3rd May 2011, 10:32 PM #4
Thanks for that Andy will look into the White Shellac. But that link didn't actually work. think you could try again, or what i should search for?
Thanks Sir,
i'll have a look at them.
that probably a good compromise having the wax on the under side.
4th May 2011, 09:44 AM #5
Go to search and choose the advanced search.
-in keywords type in "huon pine" and just below it change it to titles only
-then on the right hand side choose the section you want to search (finishing)
Then click search and you'll find heaps of threads on finishing huon pine.
Good luck.
5th May 2011, 10:34 AM #6
Ahh thanks Andy. Good to know.
I think your right, i probably will go with the white Shellac
10th January 2013, 06:47 PM #7
[QUOTE=JMDonald;1312044]Hi everyone,
I am half way through my major work for doing my HSC.
Im making a circular Huon Pine dinning room table and am sending the top away to be drum sanded.
was wondering what people thought the best finish would be for Huon Pine.
I have read else where that it is good to use a wax to allow for the huon aroma to pertrude, but was looking specifics.
Hi Jim
How did you go with the finish on your huon pine coffee table. Im about to finish a huon pine table top and klooking for ideas on a durable but good finish
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