View Poll Results: Whats your favourate Hand Plane Aussie Forum Decides!
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HNT Gordon
16 30.77% -
Japanese Hanna
1 1.92% -
Stanley England
8 15.38% -
Stanley USA
3 5.77% -
10 19.23% -
Lie Neilsen
11 21.15% -
Clifton England
4 7.69% -
Irwin Record
0 0% -
0 0% -
7 13.46%
27th October 2004, 11:27 PM #16
Thank you Sir Cliff, beautifully ESP'ed.......
29th October 2004, 10:33 PM #17
Can't vote, no Pope!!!
My little tuned to its eyeballs (frogs eyes that is) #4 1940's Aussie Pope Falcon, with the original blade it's a pearler.
Bruce C.
catchy catchphrase needed here, apply in writing to the above .
30th October 2004, 03:20 PM #18
Don't really have an all-time favourite. I've voted Lie-Nielsen because my most recent plane is a LN Low-Angle Jack plane and it's very impressive indeed.
Depending on the job, different planes come into favour. I have a slight preference towards my Stanley #4 (UK model). I bought it new a few years ago and I've spent a helluva lot of time converting it from a real dog to a very good tool.
ColDriver of the Forums
Lord of the Manor of Upper Legover
30th October 2004, 03:52 PM #19
Which is the one with the hole in the base so you can hang it up on a nail???
31st October 2004, 09:53 AM #20
Supa Tool, actually the nail is better quality than the plane.
What happened to Mr Mujinfang which got rated 2nd to LN in a US comparison some time ago.Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
1st November 2004, 02:36 AM #21
I have four favourites (don't make me decide beyond this!):
HNT Gordon Smoother
HNT Gordon Try Plane
LV LA Jack
LV LA Smoother (with 64 degree cutting angle!)
Regards from Perth
9th March 2005, 04:50 PM #22
9th March 2005, 08:42 PM #23
Ive only used one family of plane in my short life as a wannabe. All have been Veratas species. The standard Block, #4 Smoother and the Scraper. Cant give much of an opinion, other than some brands look much much much nicer than others.
The only other plane I have seen in the flesh is some of the new stanleys. Everything else is the online type.
My opinion is neither copyrighted nor trademarked, and its price is competitive. If you like, I'll trade for one of yours.
9th March 2005, 08:44 PM #24
hey look, if you exclude the top and bottom choices, the poll is normalised around the Veritas / LV...
My opinion is neither copyrighted nor trademarked, and its price is competitive. If you like, I'll trade for one of yours.
9th March 2005, 08:45 PM #25
Originally Posted by Wood Borer
This week, ever so quietly a brown paper parcel arrived with the LV LA Jack inside.... oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! It's my very favourite already, although it digs in to my ribs when I roll over in the middle of the night.
9th March 2005, 08:54 PM #26
I voted for Stanley on account that my 50 year old No4 is all that I have and I find it will plane anything.
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9th March 2005, 09:29 PM #27
9th March 2005, 09:54 PM #28
Well Biting I guess I am a knob by default because when I bought the Stanley planes as an apprentice 50 years ago there wasn't much choice in planes as that was what every one had.
I am only sorry that my No. 7 Stanley, my Stanley spokeshaves and my Stanley hand router disappeared mysteriously other wise I would be probably be called a collector.
I think they were borrowed by someone and never returned.
9th March 2005, 10:02 PM #29
9th March 2005, 10:14 PM #30
Well I only wish that Mr White would share some of his pattern making knowledge with us.
Perhaps a few photos on the basics Barry?