Hey Guys,

I'm new and would like your opinions on this job.
I had an air con installed and I wanted the pipes hidden in the wall which was fine.
Now I need to repair the wall.
I am tempted to do it myself, partly because it should be cheaper, but mostly cuz I enjoy doing stuff like that. I have attached some pictures of the damage.

Now, the questions I have are:
1. Is the job to big for a first time plasterer?
2. What are the ramifications if I stuff it up?
3. How would you go about fixing it?
4. Should it work out cheaper?
5. Will the plaster stuff my vaccuum? I assume it will be about $80 to hire a proper vaccuum for the plaster dust....To get a plasterer might only be maybe $300-$400?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I'd love to have a crack at it but if I'm getting in over my head maybe it's best left to the proffesionals.
As for if I can do it, well I'm a structural engineer, I can follow instructions and I'm not a complete spastic.... I just havent done plastering before.
Thanks everyone!

Attached Thumbnails

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