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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    Question Remove Varnish from Clothing

    Hey there, first post, I think this is the right area.

    So basically I was doing workshop at school, stupid me flicked the varnish off the brush while painting and well, there goes my school jumper! It isn't completely covered, but some fairly large (about a 1cm circle) on the arms and in the middle. Is there anyway we can get rid of it? I do believe that it has been washed, but not 100% sure. Once again, I'll try anything.

    Warmach1ne (no not the gamer)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
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    Lots of luck.

    Ask the teacher exactly what sort of varnish it is/was. If it is a 'polyurethane' then that patch of jumper will be preserved (nearly) forever. Polyurethane and a lot of other finishes change their molecular structure as they dry, with various chain molecules linking together and NOT wanting to come apart - short of fire, strong acids or bases.

    If it was a 'natural' finish you may be able to soften it with the same solvent/thinner as was used in the original varnish - but that will quite likely leave a faded or otherwise damaged spot on the jumper, but that may be probably better than hard crusty bits. For instance shellac (sometimes called varnish incorrectly) is a mix of squashed insects ( Lac beetle carapaces/shells) and alcohol, and can be fairly easily softened or largely removed with common methylated spirits.

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