
Tag: father

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  1. 20 cents ?

    Started by Chris Longworth, 3rd August 2000 10:33 PM
    20-cent, balls, bar, boy, catches, cents, coffee, coin, cup, dad, doctor, father, free, gently, hand, hands, heavens, hold, kids, market, newspaper, office, piece, releasing, seat, son, squeezes, starts, violently, walks
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,432
    Last Post: 4th August 2000 07:22 AM
    by Iain  Go to last post


  2. The Farmers Daughters

    Started by John Saxton, 15th July 2000 01:16 AM
    2000.], arrived, daughters, door, edited, farmer, farmers, father, flo.were, girls, go?the, gonna, john, johnno, july, kids, lad, looked, message, names, ready, ready?father, saidmy, saxton, way.the, [this
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,707
    Last Post: 15th July 2000 01:16 AM
    by John Saxton  Go to last post


  3. Forgive me Father

    Started by hook, 5th July 2000 03:58 PM
    amazed, ball, bit, bushes, carried, claws, confessional, eagle, father, fell, filled, flew, forest, forgive, grabbed, green, hole, inches, language, metres, missed, possum, priest, putt, replies, sighed, silence, struck, swore, the%#ing
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,592
    Last Post: 5th July 2000 03:58 PM
    by hook  Go to last post


  4. Why are wedding dresses white

    Started by Bazza, 22nd December 1999 09:18 PM
    appliances, bride, dad, double-check, dresses, eve, father, fresh-faced, household, lad, mom, mother, night, pure, question, replies, son, surprise, town, wedding, white
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,009
    Last Post: 22nd December 1999 09:18 PM
    by Bazza  Go to last post


Results 401 to 404 of 404
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