
Tag: home

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  1. Hospital Enquiry

    Started by Cliff Rogers, 26th September 2006 02:39 PM
    302, aunt, cohen, connect, continues, couple, enquiry, enthusiasm, family, fantastic, finkel, heart, hold, home, hospital, hours, improvement, monitor, news, nurse, nursing, patients, relief, sarah, send, sister, station, tells, woman, wonderful
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,698
    Last Post: 27th September 2006 10:08 AM
    by fred.n  Go to last post


  2. School holidays - time for................

    Started by journeyman Mick, 26th September 2006 12:08 AM
    4wd, again.;, anatomy, cairns, chest.o, deal, delinquents, fire, grocery, hands, holder, holidays, home, kids, kurandacool, lit.mad, lovely, mick, parents, record, school, shopping, squealing, tear, time, travelling, tyre, ute, whilst, wrong
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,703
    Last Post: 26th September 2006 11:37 PM
    by journeyman Mick  Go to last post
  3. 50th Wedding anniversary

    Started by QbnDusty, 25th September 2006 06:56 PM
    50th, age, ago, anniverary, anniversary, arrived, car, church, couple, decided, drive, electric, fellow, fence, fences, fork, hedge, home, improved, local, love, memories, move, replied, road, savouring, stopped, visit, wandered, wedding
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,678
    Last Post: 25th September 2006 06:56 PM
    by QbnDusty  Go to last post


  4. Poll: Who has this forum as their home page?

    Started by LuckyDuck, 20th September 2006 03:43 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    forum, home, luckyduck, page, poll, wondered
    • Replies: 28
    • Views: 4,240
    Last Post: 22nd September 2006 05:37 PM
    by ozwinner  Go to last post


  5. Spaghetti

    Started by Eddie Jones, 20th September 2006 12:10 PM
    agreed, arrange, begin, card, child, confused, day, explain, fainted, home, honey, husband, italy, mail, meatballs, months, obeyed, payments, post, postcard, read, received, spaghetti, strange, support, watched, white, wife, write, written
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,408
    Last Post: 20th September 2006 12:10 PM
    by Eddie Jones  Go to last post


  6. Home made mulcher

    Started by woodsprite, 13th September 2006 01:21 AM
    atop, barrel, bit, blades, closer, design, designs, feed, googled, guess, hand-push, home, jeff, motor, mower, mulcher, odds, pic, plastic, pure, set, setup, shredded, simple, strictly, stuff, top, tube, upo, woodworking
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 6,779
    Last Post: 19th September 2006 06:37 PM
    by Iain  Go to last post
  7. Nag Nag Nag

    Started by Baz, 18th September 2006 09:18 PM
    answered, bath, client, crying, day, decided, door, execution, finally, granted, hanging, home, husbands, nag, phone, predictable, rang, realizing, rear, remarks, sarcastic, screamed, stay, stop, told, tonight, upstairs, whirled, wife, wright
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,686
    Last Post: 19th September 2006 05:10 PM
    by Wongo  Go to last post


  8. Acer Win XP Pro - free to good home

    Started by thetassiebfg, 9th September 2006 12:18 AM
    acer, arrange, auction, booklet, bought, business, computer, computers, copy, delleek, disks, free, good, held, home, onselling, owned, passed, previously, pro, recently, rights, software, stuck, suited, system, totally, upgrade, win, worthless
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,139
    Last Post: 19th September 2006 12:37 PM
    by longlux  Go to last post
  9. Neighbours...what do you do?

    Started by Bleedin Thumb, 15th September 2006 10:42 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    act.d, admit, bins, calm, calmed, cuppa, declare, down?cool, freaky, home, imbibed, juvenile, life, neighbours, neighbourswhat, nice, people, politely, recycle, retreived, revenge, seek, sensless, stage, street, talking, thinking, war?mad, week, weird
    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 5,223
    Last Post: 17th September 2006 11:06 AM
    by Bleedin Thumb  Go to last post
  10. Meteor (maybe a UFO) yesterday afternoon

    Started by MurrayD99, 13th September 2006 01:37 PM
    80kms, afternoon, aliens, anymore, australian, channels, disintegrated, fighter, guess, hanmer, heard, home, house, local, low-flying, meteor, news, observed, pam, policeman, questioning, reports, road, sheep, springs, told, ufo, worry, worse, yesterday
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 2,101
    Last Post: 17th September 2006 10:50 AM
    by Groggy  Go to last post
  11. Rendering house

    Started by Milly, 16th September 2006 08:34 PM
    built, cement, colour, enquiries, finish, home, house, paint, render, rendered, rendering, smooth, thankyou, true
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,731
    Last Post: 16th September 2006 10:42 PM
    by myla  Go to last post


  12. Good to be home

    Started by Bluegum, 15th September 2006 08:40 AM
    bleeding, catch, drabs, dribs, driving, dust, free, gauze, good, guess, held, hit, home, left, light, mad, moment, morning, overs, piece, shed, sickies, smell, stil, taste, time, week, weeks, yesty
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,737
    Last Post: 15th September 2006 07:54 PM
    by Bluegum  Go to last post
  13. September 11.

    Started by Flowboy, 11th September 2006 06:03 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    18s, 9/11/01, boston, casualties, cruising, deserves, die, eerie, email, expect, f16s, fom, hear, home, hospital, logan, low, massive, nyc, peace, planes, received, rest, rob, september, taking
    • Replies: 22
    • Views: 3,332
    Last Post: 12th September 2006 04:30 PM
    by rrich  Go to last post
  14. New member frustration

    Started by aniceone2hold, 8th September 2006 06:00 PM
    3.0.3, coming, exchange, feels, frustration, future, hand, holding, home, information, invite, joined, layout, mailee, member, message, moderator, news, restrictions, router, running, site, stop, template,, time, tom, vbulletin, visit, workshop
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,257
    Last Post: 12th September 2006 08:51 AM
    by aniceone2hold  Go to last post
  15. Doncha love ...

    Started by Daddles, 7th September 2006 12:24 PM
    block, bring, crook, doncha, eek, fill, form, generic, gyms, home, indoor, info, lads, letters, love, notes, play, pretty, proud, represented, representing, richard, school, sign, soccer, sport, sun, ten, times, zone
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,157
    Last Post: 8th September 2006 12:37 PM
    by Bob38S  Go to last post
  16. Mobile Home Chasis?

    Started by wands, 4th September 2006 10:56 AM
    15k, 30x15, 60k, appreciated, axles, build, buy, cabbins, cabin, caravan, chasis, cheers, compliance, flat, granny, hey, home, idea, ideas, jayco, leads, meet, mind, mobile, sell, standards, steve, timber, towing, windsor
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,654
    Last Post: 7th September 2006 10:23 AM
    by wands  Go to last post
  17. Genie

    Started by fred.n, 6th September 2006 08:30 PM
    bottle, burglary, complete, country, couple, disasters, door, fire, fortune, genie, glass, gorgeous, healthy, home, homes, honey, house, husband, lady, life, looked, mind, rest, servants, sex, thousand, trapped, wife, window, woman
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,341
    Last Post: 6th September 2006 08:58 PM
    by ss_11000  Go to last post
  18. Water saving toilets - weaker toilet flush?

    Started by togaf, 4th September 2006 10:27 AM
    6/3l, 9/4.5l, builds, current, drain, experienced/trusted, extra, flush, flushing, home, homes, lived, model, pan, perth, plumber, plumbing, properly, recommendations, sam, saver, saving, suspect, toilet, toilets, trap, waste/tissues, water, weak, weaker
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,460
    Last Post: 6th September 2006 09:56 AM
    by silentC  Go to last post
  19. Built-in Advice

    Started by Kiz, 30th August 2006 10:58 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    1950s, absolutely, access, advice, bedroom, bit, builder, built-in, built-ins, builtin, cheers, confused, country, cupboard, door, easy, hallway, handy, home, hoping, impossible, info, job, kiz, mates, sense, sort, stuff, switch, wall
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 2,971
    Last Post: 2nd September 2006 09:59 AM
    by Kiz  Go to last post
  20. Warning!

    Started by OtakiriLad, 26th August 2006 06:15 PM
    bad, beer, drug, entrap, extreme, familiar, female, females, form, home, lifes, male, offered, parties, punishment, savings, scam, servitude, sex, sleep, support, swindled, term, times, unfortunate, unsuspecting, vague, warning, woman, women
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,044
    Last Post: 28th August 2006 10:59 PM
    by Terry B  Go to last post


  21. computer problem, any help please.

    Started by jow104, 25th August 2006 05:51 PM
    2nd, advice, appreciated, business, computer, computers, disk, earlier, edition, function, happened, home, packed, previously, problem, reload, restore, software, system, time, windows
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,923
    Last Post: 28th August 2006 06:55 PM
    by jow104  Go to last post
  22. Help to Modernise Doors

    Started by sarrge2001, 24th August 2006 05:59 PM
    60s, appreciated, bear, bought, build, coat, cupboards, dated, doors, fix, frame, handyman, home, house, ideas, kitchen, mid, mind, modern, modernise, paint, question, relates, replaced, skills, special, stuff, tools, typical, usual
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,633
    Last Post: 27th August 2006 09:21 PM
    by workgoose  Go to last post
  23. Fixing Punch Bag Bracket. Help Needed Please

    Started by claraabblue, 24th August 2006 08:51 AM
    65lbs, advice, advise, anchor, bag, bracket, claire, fix, fixing, fixings, hold, home, husband, loose, needed, punch, sleeves, strong, weight
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,282
    Last Post: 26th August 2006 08:15 PM
    by Bushmiller  Go to last post
  24. Vulcan Heaters.

    Started by Vip, 25th August 2006 11:46 PM
    calling, commen, costly, devine, guessing, hard, heater, heaters, home, plumber, plumbers, plumbing, reece, shot, stopped, vulcan
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,229
    Last Post: 26th August 2006 05:57 PM
    by floyd7  Go to last post
  25. How domestic are you?

    Started by Wongo, 21st August 2006 11:03 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    bath, bigger, bit, clean, cleaning, cook, daily, dinner, domestic, floor, girls, home, house, housework, in-laws, ingredients, jobs, kinds, living, mess, morningo, news, ready, report, routine, spending, sweep, time, weekends, windows
    • Replies: 39
    • Views: 4,620
    Last Post: 22nd August 2006 11:47 PM
    by journeyman Mick  Go to last post
  26. 3 phase at home

    Started by Com_VC, 20th August 2006 05:08 PM
    advance, box, breakdown, charge, company, cost, decent, electrician, enable, expensive, friend, hand, home, industrial, installation, installed, labour, materials, meter, mig, months, outlets, phase, pickup, power, price, qualified, questions, require, single
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,742
    Last Post: 22nd August 2006 04:21 PM
    by Rossluck  Go to last post
  27. How to most out of a Small bathroom?

    Started by Ayesha, 29th June 2006 05:17 PM
    advice, attracts, ayesha, bath, bathroom, bedroom, buyer’s, coming, cost, door, ensuite…, families, home, laundry, left, lot, master, note, pay, putting, semi, separate, shower, sink, small, space, thinking, toilet, wondering
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 11,208
    Last Post: 21st August 2006 08:17 PM
    by sco  Go to last post
  28. bob's retirment

    Started by goat, 19th August 2006 10:46 AM
    aging, arrested, beverly, bob, break, club, cold, difficult, dinner, eating, extra, finished, found, golf, half, home, hour, job, lunch, oversensitive, rest, retirment, sit, table, tact, time, wife, women, worse, yell
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,438
    Last Post: 19th August 2006 10:33 PM
    by Sturdee  Go to last post


  29. replacing old cornice

    Started by thomo767, 19th August 2006 03:01 PM
    asbestos, blue, ceiling, constructed, cornice, covers, crappy, fine, gday, gyprock, hallway, home, material, needless, peoples, plasterboard, plasteroard, post, pretty, question, realise, replace, replacing, stamped, straw, style, tested, thomo, valuable, wondering
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,653
    Last Post: 19th August 2006 07:57 PM
    by tameriska  Go to last post
  30. Tung Oil V Polyurethane

    Started by chrise, 19th August 2006 01:56 PM
    advantages, ants, application, coat, correct, days, disadvantages, fine, forum, home, house, information, kitchen, material, moving, oil, pac, past, people, polyurethane, question, renovating, sand, section, single, suspect, synthetic, tung, wattyl, wear
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 15,136
    Last Post: 19th August 2006 06:47 PM
    by chrise  Go to last post
  31. Removing architraves/cornices...

    Started by JIT, 19th August 2006 06:00 AM
    100m2, appreciated, approximately, architraves, architraves or cornices, architraves/cornices, bedrooms, c1900, comments, cornices, cost, establish, expensive, floor, gsj, home, idea, involved, job, magnitude, money, period, plasterboard, remove, removing, replace, skirting, sort, victorian-era, walls
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,292
    Last Post: 19th August 2006 08:22 AM
    by Shaun04  Go to last post
  32. From the daughter of a Soldier.

    Started by bennylaird, 15th August 2006 02:33 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    australian, australians, cheek, country, courtney, daddy, daughter, feet, friday, friends, girl, god, home, loves, majority, media, message, mom, people, red, silent, soldier, soldiers, support, supports, told, troops, wear, women, word
    • Replies: 62
    • Views: 6,736
    Last Post: 18th August 2006 10:15 AM
    by bennylaird  Go to last post
  33. The Appreciated Gift

    Started by Jack Plane, 17th August 2006 11:35 AM
    appreciated, bible, brothers, built, clean, college, delivered, gift, groceries, holidays, home, house, huge, left, live, mama, marvin, mercedes, michael, milton, mom, notes, parrot, recite, stay, successful, theatre, travel, twenty, wrote
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,544
    Last Post: 17th August 2006 11:35 AM
    by Jack Plane  Go to last post


  34. Mischievous Grandma's

    Started by Baz, 16th August 2006 08:34 PM
    bench, bet, birthday, couple, ear, embarrassed, grandma, grandmas, grandpa, grinning, guess, happily, home, jump, knees, laughed, mischievous, nursing, ornery, party, piped, sitting, slapping, snickered, times, unison, walked, world, yelled, yesterday
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,101
    Last Post: 16th August 2006 08:34 PM
    by Baz  Go to last post


  35. Marathon Runners

    Started by Eddie Jones, 14th August 2006 06:12 PM
    arm, bed, blend, boyfriend, car, carrying, cast, closer, clothes, condom, curiosity, friend, home, husband, husbands, jogged, jump, lower, marathon, nope, queried, rain, raining, replied, run, runner, runners, watching, wear, window
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,285
    Last Post: 15th August 2006 09:00 AM
    by Iain  Go to last post


  36. Garage Door Manufacturer Reccomendations

    Started by Damon_11, 15th August 2006 01:05 AM
    $2200, 2200, 2700, 5400, appreciated, companies, door, feedback, garage, home, jambs, list, manufacturer, mark, northern, panel, pelmet, perth, posing, purchasing, questions, quotes, ranging, reccomendations, reputable, salespeople, sectional, standard, suburbs, suppliers
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,487
    Last Post: 15th August 2006 01:05 AM
    by Damon_11  Go to last post
  37. Thanks for all your computer advice

    Started by macca2, 13th August 2006 04:42 PM
    12cm, 16x8x8, 2.66ghz, 400w, 48x24x48, 533, advice, clunker, cooling, core, cpu, d-805, difference, dual, dvd, edition, fan, home, intel, macca, macron, main, pentium, price=$730, psu, rewrite, system, total, w98, widows
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,166
    Last Post: 13th August 2006 04:57 PM
    by Gumby  Go to last post
  38. Being Screwed by local Business'

    Started by Riverland, 7th August 2006 08:08 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    ####.mad, 2kva, 5kg, acouple, adds, alittle, brought, bursts, business, buy, gas, gassless, generator, home, local, mig, people, power, screwed, set, shop, short, store, swap, talking, time, told, toy, weld, wire
    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 5,137
    Last Post: 11th August 2006 04:10 PM
    by sea dragon  Go to last post
  39. Mechanical subfloor ventilation

    Started by JIT, 7th August 2006 10:20 AM
    adding, alley, c1900, difference, era, front, gsj, home, house, installed, invesment, mechanical, period, property, recently, semi-detached, single-fronted, subfloor, ventilation, vents, victorian
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,774
    Last Post: 11th August 2006 02:33 AM
    by JIT  Go to last post
  40. Kitchen Help

    Started by Rodgera, 9th August 2006 10:08 PM
    bottles, bowl, coke, cordial, day, decided, dinner, earth, empty, found, fridge, funnel, half, home, house, husband, jelly, kitchen, lime, putting, refrigerator, rest, returned, salad, searched, sister, started, store, suddenly, transferred
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,507
    Last Post: 9th August 2006 10:08 PM
    by Rodgera  Go to last post


  41. Most disturbing song?

    Started by craigb, 5th August 2006 11:20 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    .38, 32-20, baby, boy, burning, disturbing, doctors, gatling, gonna, gun, home, hot, light, night, pistol, rest, robert, send, shoot, song, special, springs, stay, sun, till, unruly, wanna, west, whered, worst
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 2,713
    Last Post: 7th August 2006 11:59 PM
    by Cliff Rogers  Go to last post
  42. WHat components do I need in a home theatre?

    Started by Shannon Nash, 4th August 2006 12:22 AM
    $1350, 1993, beautifully, borrowed, box, components, data, displays, eastern, gudday, home, idiot, lounge, melb, model, nec, projector, quality, spend, theatre, updating, yesterday
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 3,111
    Last Post: 7th August 2006 01:10 PM
    by GraemeCook  Go to last post
  43. Chimney flashings and weathered mortar joints

    Started by JIT, 7th August 2006 10:09 AM
    added, building, c1900, chimney, chimneys, cowls, damp, era, falling, flashings, gsj, home, inspection, investment, job, joints, leaks, maintenance, mortar, obvious, period, preventing, property, recent, repair/replacement, suggested, victorian, water, weathered, weatherproof
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,810
    Last Post: 7th August 2006 10:09 AM
    by JIT  Go to last post
  44. remote control "repeater"

    Started by mic-d, 6th August 2006 10:01 AM
    activation, call, called, cheers, closed, control, couple, doors, dvd, entertainment, finish, heard, home, line, michael, months, player, remote, repeater, sight, solve, stereo, timber, time, unit
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,914
    Last Post: 6th August 2006 07:06 PM
    by Guy  Go to last post
  45. Windows home network - Instant messaging question

    Started by felixe, 3rd August 2006 10:24 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    computers, dreaming, felixe, file, files, handy, home, instant, messages, messaging, messenger, microsoft, modem, net, network, printer, program, question, questions, router, running, sending, set, share, sharing, shuttle, study, switched, windows
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 4,024
    Last Post: 6th August 2006 06:36 PM
    by sbranden  Go to last post
  46. Flight Home

    Started by Rodgera, 6th August 2006 01:04 PM
    business, competition, empty, extra, flight, folks, home, jetsar, melbourne, mind, passengers, pilot, plane, pretty, recent, request, seat, simple, system, tonight, trip, window
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,480
    Last Post: 6th August 2006 01:04 PM
    by Rodgera  Go to last post


  47. Pooling water in alley way???

    Started by JIT, 6th August 2006 07:41 AM
    alley, amount, coloured, coming, fence, front, gsj, home, house, leaking, main, morning, neighbours, night, occur, opposite, past, period, photo, pool, pooling, rainy, resolved, semi-detached, single-fronted, stormwater, wall, water, white, window
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,482
    Last Post: 6th August 2006 12:22 PM
    by Pulse  Go to last post
  48. Help with new computer

    Started by macca2, 3rd August 2006 05:24 PM
    1.44, 16x8x8, 48x24x48, 4at, 512mb, 7200rpm, advice, atx550w, cache, computer, digital, dual, dvd, edition, floppy, front, home, informed, inside, intel, liteon, macca, oem, panasonic, reasonable, rewriter, system, types, usb, windows
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 2,064
    Last Post: 4th August 2006 08:19 PM
    by macca2  Go to last post
  49. No Retirement Home for Me

    Started by Barry_White, 3rd August 2006 06:39 PM
    ago, cruise, home, mediterranean, retirement, western, wife
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,775
    Last Post: 4th August 2006 01:26 AM
    by jow104  Go to last post


  50. A loving husband

    Started by Geoffsa, 2nd August 2006 04:28 PM
    $150, ago, buried, bury, chance, days, dead, died, ever-nagging, holy, home, husband, jerusalem, land, loving, passed, replied, rose, ship, shipped, spend, taker, told, undertaker, vacation, wife, wonderful
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,238
    Last Post: 2nd August 2006 04:28 PM
    by Geoffsa  Go to last post


Results 1901 to 1950 of 2492
Page 39 of 50 FirstFirst 36 37 38 39 40 41 42